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Mar 20 / BARD CEP

Global Climate Change Specialist- Washington, DC

Organization: US Dept of Agriculture

Job Title: Global Climate Change Specialist

Location: Washington, DC

Application Deadline: April 9

Posted on:March 9


Organization Overview

USAID’s Global Climate Change (GCC) Team is responsible for USAID’s participation in forums that deal with the multisectoral issues of climate change, coordinating with the international organizations that have taken the lead on climate change mitigation, and for analytical work to deepen understanding of climate change and its impact on forests, agriculture and the environment in developing and transition countries. The GCC Team is the lead coordinator on climate change activities undertaken by other Bureaus and Offices at USAID.  The Team also ensures oversight and reporting on USAID’s activities in support of the Agency’s Global Climate Change Initiative.


The individual selected for this position will be administratively assigned to the Rural Development and Natural Resources Branch (RDNR) of the Development Resources and Disaster Assistance Division (DRDA), Office of Capacity Building and Development (OCBD), Foreign Agricultural Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture (FAS/OCBD/DRDA/RDNR).  The incumbent will be located in and work directly with the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), at their headquarters offices located in Washington, D.C.  Job posting can also be found here:


The individual selected for this position will be administratively assigned to the Rural Development and Natural Resources Branch (RDNR) of the Development Resources and Disaster Assistance Division (DRDA), Office of Capacity Building and Development (OCBD), Foreign Agricultural Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture (FAS/OCBD/DRDA/RDNR) but will be located in and work directly with the U.S. Agency for International Development/Economic Growth, Agriculture and Trade Bureau (EGAT), Office of Environment and Science Policy, Global Climate Change Team.


The successful candidate will be responsible for forging strong professional partnerships with other federal agencies in developing and implementing inter-agency efforts to address climate change in cooperation with developing nations.  S/he will provide technical support and advice to USAID field missions and bureaus in the development and implementation of USAID-sponsored climate change program activities, particularly those related to sustainable land use and forestry issues.  S/he will also develop and maintain strong programmatic links between USAID Missions and inter-agency programs by providing regular updates on issues and activities to the field, and involving Missions in the broader development efforts and implementation of USG climate programs.


  • Must have 1 year of specialized experience equivalent to the GS-13 level in the Federal Service that has equipped you with the particular knowledge, skills and abilities to perform successfully the duties of this position, and that is typically in or related to the work of the position to be filled.


Required Skills:

  • Comprehensive knowledge and work/academic experience in technical, scientific, socioeconomic, and cultural aspects of climate change policy, especially as it relates to developing countries.


  • Extensive experience in program development, management and implementation; and an equal level of experience explaining and negotiating climate change issues to senior government and private sector representatives.


  • Proven ability to deal effectively with a wide diversity of people at technical, senior management, political and ministerial levels of government on a broad range of complex, often conflictive, multidisciplinary issues associated with climate change. Ability to interact and speak authoritatively at policy, agency, and technical levels, with a wide range of senior decision-makers in public and private meetings


  • A demonstrated ability to work effectively, both independently and as a member of a team, with a wide range of individuals, groups, institutions and technical organizations.  Must be able to work effectively under pressure to carry our specific results oriented tasks in developing countries in cross cultural situation given constraints in time, information and logistical support.


  • Excellent organizational skills & ability to track details including use of a wide range of qualitative and/or quantitative methods for the assessment and improvement program effectiveness or the improvement of complex management processes and systems.


  • Skill to plan, organize, and direct team study work and to negotiate effectively with management to accept and implement recommendations where the proposals involve substantial agency resources, require extensive changes in established procedures, or may be in conflict with the desires of the activity studied .


  • Strong interpersonal and communication skills, including oral, written, and presentation skills.


The position is located in Washington, DC, but will require the ability to travel, including to developing countries, sometimes under strenuous conditions in remote locations.


How to Apply:

To apply, please send a) a current resume and b) a supplemental statement that addresses individually your experience and qualifications in each of the Required Skill Areas listed below to: [email protected] with the Subject: (OCBD-12-139)


Attachments should be limited to a total of 5 MB or less, as e-mails with large attachments may be blocked by the USDA e-mail firewall.

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