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Apr 12 / BARD CEP

Policy & Research Internship – Washington, D.C.

Organization: The Alliance to Save Energy
Job Title: 
Policy & Research Intern
Washington, D.C.
Hours and Compensation:
$11/hour; 37.5 hours/week
Position Dates (if applicable):
April 30-August 24, 2012
Application Deadline:  
April 11, 2012?
Posted On:
April 12, 2012

Organization Overview

The Alliance to Save Energy is a nonprofit organization that promotes energy efficiency worldwide through research, education and advocacy. We encourage business, government, environmental and consumer leaders to use energy efficiency as a means to achieve a healthier economy, a cleaner environment and greater energy security. We work with a variety of people and groups to:

  • Prove that business can be efficient and make money at the same time
  • Educate consumers about the impact of energy choices – especially on their wallets
  • Ensure that lawmakers build smart and fiscally sound energy policy
  • Carry the message of efficiency to established and developing economies around the globe


Projects the intern will work on:
Legislative summaries and analysis,
State energy efficiency policy tracking,

Federal energy efficiency policy areas: building codes, appliance standards, retrofit incentives, building labeling, utilities, industry, federal energy use, transportation, and tax incentives.


Intern’s primary duties:

  • Conducting research and data collection on a wide range of topics, which could include:
  • Climate change policy
  • Energy efficiency investments in the federal recovery package
  • Federal energy management
  • Building energy codes
  • Smart growth
  • Vehicle fuel economy
  • Tax incentives
  • Energy efficiency in the electricity sector
  • Supporting the team’s work in summarizing and analyzing legislation
  • Attending/covering Congressional hearings
  • Tracking state and federal legislation
  • Helping to maintain contact information databases
  • Helping to put together advocacy information packets
  • Helping to draft letters, fact sheets and other documents
  • Delivering documents to the Hill
  • Calling Hill staffers


  • Interpersonal skills
  • Intellectual curiosity
  • Ability to work independently and multitask
  • The initiative and interest to use “down time” to enhance understanding of energy efficiency policy
  • Excellent writing and editing skills
  • Comfortable making cold calls to Hill staffers

How to Apply
Please send a resume, relevant writing sample and cover letter to [email protected] by April 11, 2011. Please specify “Policy & Research Internship” in the subject line of the email. Cover letters can be addressed to “Internship Coordinators.” Incomplete applications will not be reviewed.

This is a full-time position and we are unable to consider applicants who will be enrolled in a full-time course load which interferes with the work week schedule during the internship term. No phone calls, please.

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