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Apr 26 / BARD CEP

Climate Reality Presenters


Climate Presenters are volunteers who work to reveal the complete truth about the climate crisis on behalf of The Climate Reality Project. These leaders are typically engaged in a number of activities aimed at this goal, but the primary tool in their arsenal is a climate science slide show developed by our Chairman, former Vice President Al Gore. We receive thousands of requests for presentations every year. Climate Presenters deliver this slide show to communities around the world, sharing the truth about climate change and what we can do to solve it. Presenters become leaders in their communities who inform people about the reality we face and encourage them to take action.

New volunteers join the Climate Presenter ranks of more than 3,000 people around the globe by participating in a three-day training with Vice President Gore. The training covers presentation skills, social media engagement, and more.

After the training, these volunteers commit to giving at least 10 presentations in their communities within the following year. Many will do far more than that.

There is no exact formula for what makes up a successful Climate Presenter, but here are a few items that might help you figure out if taking on this role is right for you.



A Climate Presenter:

  • Is passionate and excited about educating the public about climate change and its solutions.
  • Brings a unique perspective and expertise to a presentation.
  • Is comfortable speaking in public and willing to engage, inform and inspire an audience to become active in the climate movement.
  • Facilitates constructive and intelligent discussions during presentations that impact the conversation on climate change locally and across the globe.
  • Looks forward to crafting and sharing a story about how climate change has personally impacted him or her, and the reasons for becoming passionate about climate change and becoming a champion for the cause.
  • Is creative in tailoring the slideshow presentation to fit the audience.
  • Is interested in exploring the world of technology and social media to better connect with and educate an audience.
  • Is excited to join a global community and to be an active part of that community by accepting requests for presentations and reporting back on those presentations.

To apply:

learn more and aplly online here

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