Opportunites in Environmental Informatics
Organization German Informatics Society and the Institute for Environmental Informatics
Title Environmental Informatics Student Prize
Location: Zurich and Dessau Germany
EnviroInfo 2012:
Dessau, August 29-31, 2012
(hosted by the German Federal Environmental Agency)
CT4S 2013, ICT for Sustainability:
Zurich, February 14-16, 2013
abstracts due: June 1
(hosted by ETH)
For the 10th time the “Environmental Informatics Student Prize” will be awarded by the German Informatics Society and the Institute for Environmental Informatics Hamburg (http://www.ifu.com/en). Students can submit descriptions of successful projects (5 pages) by end of June, 2012.
For details see http://www.ifi.uzh.ch/isr/news/ei-students-prize-2012.html
Registration Information
Please submit descriptions of your completed project not exceeding five pages, and including an abstract of a half page. A link to supporting information (such as a Master’s Thesis) can be provided. The jury may request further information on projects that get short-listed.
Contributions must be submitted to the chair of the jury, Prof. Dr. Lorenz Hilty, Empa and University of Zurich, only via e-mail to the following address: [email protected].
Deadline: June 30, 2012