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May 11 / BARD CEP

Smart Growth America Fellowships (3-4 positions available)–Washington, DC

Organization: Smart Growth America

Job Title: Fellow

Location: Washington, DC

Hours and Compensation: Full-time; $1,500/month stipend

Application Deadline: July 2

Posted on: May 10



Are you interested in economic development, transportation, planning, housing, real estate finance, or environmental policy? Are you an organizer, a blogger, a policy person or just love making a difference? Are you looking to get experience working on federal and state policy to help make great neighborhoods?

Well this is the place for you.

Smart Growth America (SGA) is seeking 3-4 Fellows for its core programs to engage with Congress, the Administration, state leaders and allies on the benefits of smart growth policies. This is an opportunity that features a great deal of responsibility, direct collaboration with organizations, and valuable hands-on experience. For more information about SGA, find us at

Fellowships available:

Communications and Web Fellow:

The Communications Fellow will contribute to all aspects of Smart Growth America’s Communications team, including drafting press releases and media advisories, writing content for SGA’s website and blog, conducting outreach to reporters and bloggers, compiling news clips, maintaining SGA’s social media presence. Core web responsibilities include: posting and maintaining content online, document formatting and review, contributing to communications strategy discussions, supporter outreach and list management. HTML skills a plus.

Government Affairs and Outreach Fellow:

The Government Affairs and Outreach Fellow will assist with engaging Congress and the Administration on the benefits of smart growth policies and with maintaining relationships with various SGA constituencies. Core responsibilities include: researching and analyzing administrative and legislative proposals to incorporate smart growth principles, helping manage relationships with Congressional and Administration officials, and writing fact sheets on how smart growth relates to other issues such as health, the environment, and safety. The fellow will also be responsible for providing support to SGA’s coalition members, developers’ coalition and the Sustainable Communities Learning Network by updating and maintaining website content; drafting documents, letters, email alerts, blog posts, etc.; compiling resources and research for partners; and participating in conference calls, webinars and meetings with national, state and local partners.

Leadership Institute Fellow:

Smart Growth America’s Leadership Institute Fellow will support our burgeoning technical assistance program for state and local governments. Core responsibilities include: providing research, development, logistical, and administrative support for policy workshops for governors, multistate and local summits, authoring blogs, and promoting SGA’s technical assistance through social networking. Experience and skills required: Exceptional writing abilities, research experience, and ability to coordinate logistics associated with event planning.


These fellowship positions each require a self-motivated, detail-oriented person with excellent writing, oral communication, research, and organizational skills and the ability to work independently with minimal supervision. Candidates should have a strong interest in smart growth, economic development, transportation, community growth or related areas. Candidates should have at least a bachelor’s degree and either an educational background or work experience in transportation policy, urban planning, environmental studies, real estate, finance, public policy, business, or a related field. Hill, federal agency or federal advocacy experience is highly desirable for the government affairs position.

The candidate should be highly computer literate with specific experience in web research, database management, and using the Microsoft Office suite of programs (Word, Excel, PowerPoint). Knowledge of InDesign or graphics software, SalesForce, HTML/CSS, Word Press and/or other open source web interfaces are a definite plus.

How to Apply

The position is full-time, 40 hours a week. Minimum commitment of six months required. Potential to extend fellowship to 12 months is available.

Interested applicants should send their cover letter, resume, 3 references and two short writing samples (no more than five pages) to [email protected]The email subject line must include the fellowship name: 1) Communications and Web Fellow, 2) Government Affairs & Outreach Fellow, or 3) Leadership Institute Fellow. Candidates may apply for more than one position, but this must be noted in the email subject line.

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