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May 14 / BARD CEP

Policy & Legislative Associate –Washington, DC

Organization: Voices for Progress

Job Title: Policy & Legislative Associate

Location: Washington, DC

Hours and Compensation: DOE

Application Deadline: None listed

Posted on: May 11


Organization Overview

Voices for Progress is a national, progressive grasstops advocacy organization that mobilizes opinion leaders, political major donors, and business and community leaders to advocate progressive policy priorities with policymakers. Over the last 2.5 years, its members have fought for health care reform, to reduce air pollution and prevent climate change, to fairly tax wealthy people, and to invest in creating jobs and opportunity. It seeks to counterbalance the immense power of self-interested political donors by speaking directly with policymakers about issues such as health care reform, climate change prevention, and federal budget and tax policy, to serve the public interest. Founded in 2009, its headquarters and this position are based in Washington, DC.


Voices for Progress is seeking a dynamic, self-directed policy and legislative associate. This person will work directly with the Policy & Legislative Director on policy issues, including the Clean Air Act/EPA authority, judicial nominations, the federal budget, and other issues as they arise. In addition, this person may assist with operations of a legally non-connected PAC that currently contracts with Voices for Progress.


Duties include, but are not limited to:

• Perform research, policy, and advocacy program work at Voices for Progress on a portfolio of progressive issues.
• Monitor and analyze federal legislation, regulations, and any relevant polling, research key issues, and strategize on the most effective way for Voices for Progress to maximize its impact on key policy and political issues.
• Research policy issues to determine advocacy strategies and legislative best practices.
• Craft legislative strategy in consultation with the Policy Director and President.
• Write, edit, and interpret policy materials and talking points for grasstops members to use when they meet with or talk to elected officials.
• Write policy email updates and policy materials for website.
• Schedule meetings and calls between Voices for Progress grasstops members and policymakers.
• Attend advocacy meetings alongside Voices for Progress members and other staff.
• Follow up with Congressional staff to establish relationships to facilitate further advocacy.
• Represent the organization at advocacy coalition meetings, and work with coalition partners on advocacy work.
• Assist with advising Voices for Progress members on their political support, including drafting voting records and candidate questionnaires.
• Maintain website on WordPress.
• Manage the implementation and updates of the Voices for Progress member database (Salesforce).
• General office and administrative support that comes as part of being a member of a small, start-up operation.
• Provide contracted services to a legally non-connected PAC, including staying updated on races and campaigns, and keeping the PAC website up to date.


• One to two years of experience on Capitol Hill, on a campaign, for a PAC, or in nonprofit advocacy (including internships and unpaid activism).
• An excellent writer, a strong researcher, and a strategic thinker.
• Can thrive in a small, start-up office that must stay in tune with a constantly-shifting political environment.
• Preferably has some experience with WordPress and a CRM like Salesforce or Constant Contact.
• Desire to make a difference for progressive values.

How to Apply:

To apply, please visit: 

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