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May 14 / BARD CEP

Program Assistant, Environmental Law Program–Washington, DC

Organization: Sierra Club

Job Title: Program Assistant, Environmental Law Program

Location: Washington, DC



The Law Program Assistant handles a range of administrative duties that advance the program mission, including assistance with evaluating proposed Sierra Club environmental litigation, serving as a legal resource for the grassroots membership, assisting in the development and coordination of legal campaigns, and assisting with the litigation of key cases. The Assistant provides support for seven major program categories: 1) the litigation coordination program, “new matter form” process, and related database maintenance; 2) support functions such as billing, reimbursements, travel logistics and vendor contracting; 3) legal research library, web site and database maintenance; 4) document preparation, filing and basic fact research in support of courtroom litigation; 5) administration of the law student internship program; 6) preparation and dissemination of educational materials and reports on law program activities for the media, grassroots and other audiences; and 7) administration of program fundraising.


Job Activities:

1.  Provides administrative support for the litigation coordination program, “new matter form” process, including document preparation, copying, filing, faxing, and mailing. Maintains precise recordkeeping, law program computer database, and handles billings, budget, and recordkeeping. Prepares written educational materials about the program and written summaries and articles of legal victories for the Planet, Daily Action, etc. Edits press releases and communicates with grassroots membership and public.

2.  Provides administrative support for the critical, precise tasks of courtroom litigation, including formatting and printing legal documents, communicating with court clerks, and filing and serving court papers properly. Performs limited factual and legal research tasks on computer legal databases (Lexis, Westlaw, or internet).

3.  Provide administrative support for program fundraising, including maintaining donor records, and assisting with the preparation of fundraising materials and with the organizing of fundraising events.

4.  Performs continuous maintenance and updating of legal action database, law program web pages, and legal research library.

5.  Provides administrative support for the creation and dissemination of educational and promotional materials for the public media, grassroots and other audiences.

6.  Provides administrative support for the law student internship program, including communications with law schools, maintaining internship postings and coordinating intern application process and training.

7. Performs a variety of administrative and clerical duties which include billing, reimbursements, travel logistics, copying, collating, faxing, filing, and mailing for all of the above. Performs ad hoc miscellaneous duties as assigned.

Seasonal Activities:

Heavier seasonal workloads may occur as a result of project deadlines, staff absences and vacancies, and during peak activity periods.  Weekend and/or evening work may be required.


—  Excellent organizational skills and the ability to perform multiple tasks and adhere to deadlines.

—  Computer skills: 2-4 years experience with word processing (Wordperfect and Word) and preferably data management skills (Excel) also. General computer literacy and solid internet research skills.

—  Solid writing, editing, and analytic skills.

—  Strong interpersonal skills; ability to work well with volunteer membership, staff and the general public.

—  Ability to do precise, careful work needed for courtroom filings, attorney admissions and correspondence with courts, etc.

—  Ability to work well with a large number of diverse people, be flexible, take the initiative and make decisions.

How to Apply:

Apply here:


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