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Aug 13 / BARD CEP

Policy Analyst – Raleigh, NC

Organization: North Carolina Conservation Network

Job Title: Policy Analyst

Location: Raleigh, NC

Hours and Compensation: Full time; Salary commensurate with experience and includes a full benefits package.

Position Dates: Permanent position

Application Deadline: August 31, 2012

Posted On: August 13, 2012

Organization Overview

The NC Conservation Network is looking for a perceptive, organized, and team-oriented individual to be our new Policy Analyst.

The North Carolina Conservation Network links together environmental, community and environmental justice organizations – ‘affiliates’ – who are focused on protecting North Carolina’s environment and public health. As a network, we support and train these affiliates, participate in and often coordinate coalition campaigns, and directly advocate for a sustainable future. We rely on the Policy Analyst to keep timely information flowing to affiliates and to advance coalition campaigns in the state legislature and before state administrative bodies.


The Policy Analyst works closely with the Policy Director and organizing staff to support advocacy campaigns through policy research, strategic advice, legislative monitoring, and some direct lobbying of decision makers. The job evolves over time to take advantage of changing opportunities for environmental progress. Most work takes place at the state level, including tracking legislation, creating advocacy materials, keeping affiliates informed of opportunities and threats, and preparing public comments on key rule proposals and bills. Occasionally the work addresses federal or local issues. At all times, the Policy Analyst helps position the NC Conservation Network as an advocacy group that emphasizes teamwork with affiliates and a strategic approach to North Carolina’s environmental challenges. The Policy Analyst works under the direct supervision of the NC Conservation Network’s Policy Director.


  • Participate in Coalition Campaigns
    The Policy Analyst provides support for coalition campaigns across a portfolio of issues; traditionally, these have included air quality and energy issues. In this role, the Policy Analyst may engage in legal research, bill drafting, coalition leadership, strategy development, drafting of factsheets and talking points, cultivation of relationships with decision makers, and direct lobbying.
  • Write Legislative Updates
    During the legislative session, the Policy Analyst writes and sends weekly email updates on legislative activities. The Legislative Updates have traditionally included summaries of key committee meetings and floor debates, summaries of newly-introduced legislation, changes in bill status, and occasional overviews of state environmental politics. The Policy Analyst is responsible for writing and editing most of these materials.
  • Facilitate coordination between affiliates
    Year round, the Policy Analyst hosts meetings of the Advocacy Team, at which affiliates with an active presence in the state legislature compare notes and coordinate plans. These meetings happen roughly once a week during the legislative session, and every other week when the legislature is not in session.
  • Contribute to Weekly Alerts
    Year round, the NC Conservation Network sends a weekly email to affiliates with announcements of events and trainings, news of campaign successes, and summaries of non-legislative meetings. The Weekly Alerts are compiled and distributed by the Affiliate Organizer, but the Policy Analyst is responsible for summarizing key environmental commission meetings and public notices posted in the NC Register or sent out by state environmental agencies.
  • Safeguard affiliate interests
    The Policy Analyst calls and emails NC Conservation Network affiliates on an individual basis to alert them to developments of particular interest or advise them on contacts within state agencies or other advocacy groups that can help them. An essential part of serving affiliates is deciding each session which bills to track closely. The Policy Analyst serves as an early warning system and a respected source of strategic advice for grassroots activists, policy advocates and lobbyists.


  • JD, or MS/MA in environmental or public policy
  • Substantive knowledge of environmental issues
  • 2 years governmental / legislative experience
  • Strong interpersonal skills
  • Strong writing skills

Preferred Qualifications

  • Experience or close knowledge of North Carolina politics
  • Experience working with grassroots and state level organizations
  • Experience with drafting of bills or amendments

How to Apply

To apply, please email your resume, cover letter, and a brief writing sample by August 31, 2012. The cover letter can be addressed to Grady McCallie, Policy Director, NC Conservation Network. Please send the email to grady[at] with the subject Attn: Policy Analyst Position.

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