Nov. 29 – ClimAID Webinar Series – Responding to Climate Change in New York State
Responding to Climate Change in New York State:
An overview of climate change, its impacts, and proactive actions that cities and towns can take to adapt to a changing climate
Please join us on Thursday, November 29, 2012, at Noon Eastern for a webinar on climate change, its impacts to New York State, and proactive actions that cities and towns can take to adapt to a changing climate. For more information or to register for the webinar, please click here.
This webinar will be the first of the ClimAID webinar series. The series will provide vital information and resources to help communities take action to reduce local impacts of and adapt to climate change. NYSERDA is pleased to offer these webinars at no cost.
Arthur DeGaetano, Northeast Regional Climate Center, Cornell University
Daniel Bader, Columbia University
Radley Horton, Columbia University
Amanda Stevens, NYSERDA
Stay tuned for information about future events in the ClimAID Webinar Series.
The webinars will draw heavily from findings in the comprehensive report ClimAID: the Integrated Assessment for Effective Climate Change Adaptation Strategies in New York State. Read the whole report or its components at: