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Jan 9 / BARD CEP

Water Campaign Manager – Sacramento, California

Organization: Planning and Conservation League (PCL)

Job Title: Water Campaign Manager

Location: Sacramento, California

Hours and Compensation: full time; $35-40,000

Application Deadline: January 21, 2013

Position Dates: Start Feb 1, 2013

Posted On: Jan. 9, 2013

Organization Overview

The Planning and Conservation League (PCL), a Sacramento-based nonprofit organization that connects grassroots organizations to advocate for policies to protect California’s lands, air, waters and communities, seeks an energetic, self-motivated individual to direct the Planning and Conservation League’s Water for Life campaign.


The Water Campaign Manager will oversee PCL’s efforts to promote sustainable water supply policies for California that focus on regional self-sufficiency and prioritize water conservation, harvesting, reclamation and ecosystem restoration.


The Water Campaign Manager’s duties include but are not limited to:

  • Working with Executive Director to manage PCL’s Water for Life campaign plan, including developing/overseeing work plan budget, invoicing, providing campaign deliverables, and recruiting/managing campaign interns.
  • Leading PCL’s efforts to impact the California State Water Plan Update to ensure it promotes sustainable water policies, including representing the organization on various working groups, providing written and oral comments, and coordinating testimony of other environmental groups.
  • Working with PCL’s Senior Water Policy Advisor to support the organization’s efforts to influence planning around the San Joaquin-San Francisco Bay-Delta, including promotion of a Near-Term Action Plan, coordinating technical comments on the Bay-Delta Conservation Plan (BDCP), and coordinating testimony on all proposed plans.
  • Working with PCL’s Central Coast Water Project Manager to support the organization’s campaign to ensure the removal of the San Clemente Dam along the central coast starting in 2013, including serving as the grant manager for a Coastal Conservancy grant.
  • Reviewing, analyzing, and developing positions and strategies on other statewide water policies as needed.
  • Leading PCL’s efforts to promote water-related legislation, including tracking legislative proposals, preparing bill analyses and written/oral testimony in the California Legislature, and developing/overseeing PCL-sponsored water legislation (note, position will require registering as a legislative advocate).
  • Serving as PCL’s primary spokesperson on water policy and legislation, including speaking to the media, at regulatory and agency hearings, and at various conferences throughout the state.
  • Coordinating with other environmental and non-traditional advocacy groups to advance PCL’s water policy positions.
  • Preparing materials that further PCL’s water campaign, including factsheets, articles for PCL’s website and social media sites, and California Today newsletter.
  • Coordinating water-related program at PCL’s annual Environmental Legislative Symposium and other water-related events.
  • Supporting fundraising efforts related to PCL’s Water for Life campaign, including grant writing and tracking, outreach to donors, drafting appeals and supporting related fundraising events.
  • Supporting other PCL activities as needed.


Applicants must have a college degree and at least two years of experience with California water policy, preferably in the nonprofit arena. He/she must be hard working, extremely organized, self-motivated, enjoy working in a team setting, and demonstrate a deep commitment and passion for conservation and environmental protection. Strong written and verbal communications skills a must.

How to Apply

Resumes and cover letters should be sent to: [email protected]