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Feb 28 / BARD CEP

United Nations Development Programme (Bratislava, Slovak Republic)

United Nations Development Programme

Bratislava, Slovak Republic


Mission Statement

UNDP is the UN’s global development network, an organization advocating for change and connecting countries to knowledge, experience and resources to help people build a better life. UNDP’s mission is to make a significant contribution in poverty reduction through initiatives for social inclusion and local economic development, increased quality of life and good governance for equitable local and regional development. To do this UNDP works on projects building the national institutional, operational and administrative capacities and which reach to the most disadvantaged segments of the population and the least developed regions.

Issue Areas – Action Issues

The Bratislava Regional Centre supports 25 countries and territories in Europe and the Commonwealth of Independent States with a team of in-house policy specialists that provides advisory services and technical support to country offices and programmes in the region. The Centre is able to quickly mobilize support by connecting UNDP country offices and national partners to UNDP’s global network of development experts – both inside and outside the organization, and to United Nations specialized agencies.

The Centre manages regional projects and also documents and shares development successes and best practices throughout the region and beyond.

The Centre also works closely with country offices to strengthen UNDP capacities for results based management – to enhance productivity, efficiency and accountability and to improve the delivery of results at the country level.

UNDP works closely with national partners – including governments, civil society and the private sector – supporting country needs and priorities related to:

Student Name and Class Year: Jesse Mee, MS ’09

If you are interested in getting in touch with this student/alum, please contact Caroline Ramaley, [email protected]

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