Resilience and Renewal: Collaboration for a Sustainable Region – Hyde Park, May 20, 2013
Organization: Sustainable Hudson Valley
Title: Resilience and Renewal: Collaboration for a Sustainable Region
Location: H. A. Wallace Center at the FDR Library & Home, Hyde Park
Date/Time: May 20, 2013, 8:30 am – 3:30 pm
The Hudson Valley region is rich with preserved land, fresh water, agriculture and local creative economies – rich and attractive to diverse interests including new population and industry. As the region completes its “Cleaner, Greener Communities” plan for sustainable development, it is timely for all interested parties to gather for a fresh look at ways to work together. Facing climate change and other “black swan” stresses, we must access new creativity to meet our challenges and bounce back better together.
Two inspired keynote speakers will showcase local success models and share lessons learned:
- Anders Ferguson, The Oberlin Project
- Randall Solomon, Sustainable Jersey
Two themes – resilience and renewal – will underlie our exploration of options for regional collaboration to create a low-carbon future with high quality of life for all.
8:30 a.m. Registration and Networking
9:00 a.m. Opening Remarks
9:15 a.m. Morning Keynote, “America’s First Carbon Neutral City” – Anders Ferguson, Veris Wealth Partners, Chair, Friends of the Oberlin Project
10:15 a.m. Round table, “Diverse and Resilient: Capitalizing on Regional Assets”
With David Church, Orange County Planning Commissioner, Thomas Madden, Commissioner of Community Development, Town of Greenburgh, Paul Beyer, NYS Smart Growth Director, Pat Pomeroy, Executive Director, Hudson Valley Regional Council.
11:30 a.m. Breakout group discussions (sparked by short presentations)
Local innovation Featuring the Mid-Hudson Sustainable Communities Consortium and its newly published Sustainable Communities Cookbook
Regional self-reliance Speakers including Ajax Greene, Executive Director, Re-Think Local
Advancing Policy with a Unified Voice Speakers including Nadine Lemmon, Tri-State Transportation Campaign and policy working group
12:30 Lunch buffet
Randall Solomon, Co-Director
2:00 pm “World Café” interactive table discussions: projects and pathways
The World Café is a brilliant, stimulating format for large-group conversation that encourages deepening of discussion and breaking out of limiting assumptions.
Finale full-group discussion
3:00 – 3:30 pm Networking reception