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May 13 / BARD CEP

Research Associate – Washington, DC

Organization: Economic Opportunity Studies, Inc.

Position Title: Research Associate, Energy Consumer Data and Policy

Location: Washington, DC

Hours & Compensation: Full-time. $20/hour or more depending on experience and qualifications.

Position Dates: May – August or September. Possibility of part-time work after the full-time job ends.

Application Deadline: May 17, 2013.

Posted On: May 9, 2013.

Organization Overview:

Economic Opportunity Studies is a small nonprofit located in Washington, DC that works with anti-poverty Community Action Agencies nationwide as well as with federal, state, and private providers of weatherization assistance. In addition to policy and operations research, EOS offers those organizations technical assistance to help them expand their funding sources and their capacity to serve low and moderate-income households.


We are seeking a full-time summer employee with skills in analyzing large demographic, economic, and government data sets and an interest in public policies concerning low- and moderate income family housing and living conditions. The research associate will work on our federal Department of Energy project, in close collaboration with our Project Coordinator, and create reports on various aspects of the potential for energy efficiency imporvements to low and moderate income homes, the market for ‘green’ building or building upgrades and the impact of current or proposed policies.


  • Conduct research using government agency microdata files, reports and evaluations of programs and policies;
  • Analyze publicly-available data about assisted housing;
  • Analyze publicly-available data about the energy expenditures and usage of indiivudals
  • Attend subject-related workshops and meetings;
  • Contribute in a meaningful way to the project’s reports, articles, and other presntations of the research results, including creating websites and multimedia materials; and
  • Assist in the development of the project research agenda and materials.


  • Deep interest in analysis that supports public policy development;
  • Curiosity about the human impact of economic and social conditions and trends
  • Commitment to inclusive environmental and redevelopment policies;
  • Creative energy and a high level of attentiveness to details
  • Demonstrated ability to work independently
  • Flexibility/adaptability with respect to multitasking, agenda changes, and identifying unexpected opportunities.
  • Demonstrated research and analytical skills, including proficiency in using sizable datasets and statistical analysis techniques
  • Demonstrated ability to draw independent conclusions from research results
  • Ability to present research results clearly in both written and visual formats
  • Experience in selecting and formatting Census or similar datasets for use in projects
  • Academic study of relevant methodology
  • Academic study of relevant policy arenas like sustainable development, clean energy markets, and policies, community development or policies to improve the economic security of low and moderate income individuals and families
  • Proficiency with programs to assist in visualizing complex data (mapping, design, charting)

How to Apply:

Send a package of the following to [email protected] by COB on May 17:

  • Your resume;
  • An essay explaining how your experience and training and your personal qualities are consistent with doing this job and contributing to our projects. It should mention you are applying for the analyst position. A function of this essay (which can be a letter) is to interpret your resume for us and give a sense of who you are professionally and personally (This is also a writing sample.);
  • Examples of or links to past work you have done, if available; and
  • A transcript if you have been a student within the last 5 years.

Contact Information:

Economic Opportunity Studies, Inc.,

400 North Capitol Street NW, Washington, DC 20001

Job URL: