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Nov 18 / BARD CEP

Andrew Cole International Prize Essay Competition 2014

The Andrew Cole International Prize Essay Competition 2014


This year’s international prize essay competition takes its theme from the 2011 book:


Four Views of Global Warming: Severe Danger, Mild Danger, Denial, Positive Event


by Christophe Dupont


In this book Dupont elucidates all of the various positions that one could take on global warming. He divides this range of positions up into four different views – ‘Serious Danger’, ‘Mild Danger’, ‘Denial’ and ‘Positive Event’. Dupont gives a sympathetic interpretation of all of these views. His underlying assumption is that when other people have a different view, then one should seek to fully empathise and critically engage with their view, rather than hastily reject it due to one’s own ingrained (but limited) assumptions. Such an approach can surely help us to advance our understanding as to the appropriate human response to global warming.

The purpose of this competition is to pick up where Dupont left off in 2011. By sympathetically contrasting and comparing the merits of the four different views of global warming it is to be hoped that further advances can be made in our understanding of the appropriate human response to global warming. Entries are sought which attempt to achieve this goal.


The winning essay will receive a prize of £200 and will be published in late 2014 as part of a book on environmental issues. Essays which are not successful, but that are of a high standard, may also be included in the book.


Competition Details:

There is no lower word limit; however, there is an upper word limit of 10,000 words (including footnotes, excluding references).

Multiple entries are accepted.

Entries should be in English.

Submissions should not have previously been published.

There are no restrictions on who can enter the competition.

Entries from two or more authors are acceptable.

Entries should be sent via email attachment to [email protected] on or before the closing date of 30 June 2014 (midnight GMT); entries should have the following in the subject line “2014 Prize Essay Entry”.

The name of the entrant should be included in the body of the email and should not appear in the attachment.

Any queries regarding the competition should be sent to [email protected]

The adjudicators reserve the right not to award the prize if no entry of sufficient standard is received. Their decision will be final, and no correspondence about it will be entered into.


Full details of the competition and of Four Views of Global Warming can be found here:


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