Torrey Botanical Society Andrew M. Greller Graduate Student Research Award for Conservation of Local Flora and Ecosystems
Andrew M. Greller is a past president of the Torrey Botanical Society, and a longtime expert on the flora of the New York metropolitan region. Through generous donations to the Society since 2009, Dr. Greller has created an award for graduate student research. In order to honor Dr. Greller, the Society established the Andrew M. Greller Graduate Student Research Award for Conservation of Local Flora and Ecosystems ($1,000 annually).
Graduate students who are members of the Society and are conducting research on plants, habitats, and/or subjects related to plant conservation in or around (within 100 miles of) New York City are eligible to apply for this award. The award may be applied to the costs of field work and/or laboratory work. Applications will be judged by a committee of the Council of the Society, and recipients will be announced before 1 April of each year.
Proposals must include 1) title page with proposal title, applicant’s name, address, and e-mail address; 2) body of the proposal of no more than two pages; 3) literature cited page; 4) budget, including brief justification for each item; 5) a current C.V.; and 6) a letter from the major professor detailing the current status of the applicant and his/her qualifications. The proposals should be written using Times New Roman font, 12-point, with pages having 1-inch top and bottom margins, and 1.25-inch side margins. All applications must be sent electronically by the applicant to the Chair of the Grants and Awards Committee. Submit applications as pdf files only, with the applicant’s surname first in file name (e.g. Name_proposalGrellerAward.pdf, Name_letterGrellerAward.pdf). Deadline for applications is 15 January each year.
At the end of the calendar year of support, a non-solicited report of one paragraph should be sent by the award recipient to the Chair of the Grants and Awards Committee. Recipients of awards should consider publishing results of the research in the Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society.
Previous awardees:
2013. Ms. Angelica Patterson of Columbia University for her project Temperature tolerance of the physiological processes controlling carbon gain in northeastern forests ($1000), and Ms. Sarah Whorley of Fordham University for her project Algal biodiversity and function used to assess stream restoration in Delaware County, New York ($1000).
2011. Mr. David Waring of Fordham University for his project Population Dynamics of Alliaria petiolata (Garlic Mustard) along an Urban-to-rural Gradient ($1000).
2010. Elena Tartaglia of Rutgers University for her project Mutualistic interactions in the urban landscape: can we restore specialized plant-pollinator interactions? ($1000).