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Feb 15 / BARD CEP

Interim Russia Program Associate-Francisco, CA

Organization: Pacific Environment

Position Title: Interim Russia Program Associate

Location: Francisco, CA

Hours & Compensation: Full time. Temporary

Application Deadline: Not listed


 Job Description:

Pacific Environment seeks to protect the living environment of the Pacific Rim by strengthening local community leadership and championing social justice in Russia, China, the Arctic, Alaska, and California. Together with local partners, we’ve shielded tens of thousands of acres of old growth forest; won protections for endangered species; forced oil, gas, and mining companies to heed local concerns; closed polluting factories along rivers; and changed the way some of the world’s most powerful financial institutions work. We believe in a communities-first approach that gives local people and grassroots organizations the tools they need to solve environmental problems and protect the Pacific Rim’s wild places and wildlife. We prioritize community decision-making, development of local leadership, and the value of strong networks among our local partners.
The Position

Pacific Environment is seeking an energetic and independent full-time Interim Russia Program Associate starting immediately. You will work for Pacific Environment for at least three months.


San Francisco, CA

Duties and Responsibilities

1. Take the lead in implementing salmon conservation initiatives on Russia’s Kamchatka Peninsula by:
o Working with local staff and NGO partners to design and implement anti-poaching projects
o Building coalitions on Kamchatka to support anti-poaching initiatives
o Designing and implementing a public relations strategy to build widespread support for salmon conservation on Kamchatka

2. Help organize conferences, events, and travel in Russia and the US

3. Manage our sub-granting program to Russian organizations

4. Complete occasional research, writing, and translation projects, including gathering first-hand information from Russian sources

Key Qualifications

• You have high-level professional Russian and English (speaking, reading, and writing) and function well in cross-cultural settings

• You love to work independently and make a project your own

• You are productive, meet deadlines, and work well within a team

• You have a passion for the environment and Russia

• You are ready to start work in downtown San Francisco

Preferred Qualifications
• 1-3 years of project management or administrative experience
• Volunteer or professional experience in environmental conservation or social justice


1. Salary commensurate with experience
2. Flexible working environment with dedicated, diverse group of colleagues
3. Interesting work in interesting places: we advance environmental objectives of local communities via international and national policy work and support of grassroots activities

To Apply

Interested candidates should send a resume, writing sample, three professional references, and available start date, to Evan Sparling, Russia Program Director at Pacific Environment, at[email protected]. .

Pacific Environment is an equal opportunity employer and encourages applications from all qualified candidates regardless of age, class, disability status, ethnicity, gender, race and sexual orientation.

Interested candidates should send a resume, writing sample, three professional references, and available start date, to Evan Sparling, Russia Program Director at Pacific Environment, at[email protected]



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