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Mar 25 / BARD CEP

Program Manager, Energy and Environment-Washington, DC.

Organization: Jewish Council for Public Affairs

Position Title: Program Manager, Energy and Environment

Location: Washington, DC

Hours and Compensation: Full time.

Application Deadline: Not listed.


Job Description:

The Jewish Council for Public Affairs (JCPA) is the umbrella body for public policy and community relations in the Jewish community representing 14 national agencies and 125 local community relations councils throughout the United States. Our mission is to safeguard the rights of Jews here, in Israel, and around the world; and to protect, preserve, and promote a just American society, one that is democratic and pluralistic.

The JCPA’s Washington office leads JCPA’s federal advocacy efforts across all issue sets, national communications strategy, and our Coalition on the Environment and Jewish Life and Confronting Povertyinitiatives.

One of the JCPA’s key initiatives is the Coalition on the Environment and Jewish Life (COEJL). COEJL’s mission is to deepen and broaden the Jewish community’s commitment to stewardship and the protection of the earth through outreach, activism and Jewish learning. COEJL is also the Jewish member of the National Religious Partnership for the Environment (NRPE), where it joins the National Council of Churches of Christ in the USA, US Conference of Catholic Bishops, and Evangelical Environmental Network in the sharing of best practices and on program and policy initiatives as appropriate. Through its networks, COEJL is building Jewish communal awareness of climate change as a national security issue and a matter of justice. COEJL promotes support for the EPA’s carbon pollution regulations and policies that support clean, renewable sources of energy.

Position: The Program Manager is responsible developing, coordinating, and implementing Washington based advocacy campaigns and managing COEJL. The position is located in the Washington DC office of the JCPA and reports to JCPA Vice President and Washington Director. Program Manager will coordinate national resources – in direct cooperation with issue area specialists — to shape public policy initiatives which seamlessly weave together direct federal advocacy, grassroots mobilization, and communications. Specific responsibilities include:

Grassroots Mobilization and Program Management:

  • Manage JCPA Washington’s relationships with local affiliate agencies
  • Lead JCPA’s Coalition on the Environment and Jewish Lifeinitiative
  • Plan and coordinate local events on COEJL issues alongside local member agencies
  • Coordinate and manage COEJL, including events, communications, lay leadership, and grassroots engagement
  • Online organizing, managing the JCPA’s ENGAGEprogram which provides e-organizing services and guidance to member agencies Engage local communities in direct advocacy including drafting online action alerts, coordinating meetings with Members of Congress, and identifying coalition partners Ensure JCPA advocacy campaigns seamlessly weave together public policy analysis, grassroots engagement, and communications across issue sets and advise JCPA national staff accordingly

Strategic Initiative and Campaign Development:

  • Ensure JCPA member agencies and local affiliates are fully integrated into the program planning process
  • Build impactful program models and develop resources that empower JCPA affiliates to engage in national issues
  • Supervise and coordinate lay leadership committees
  • Ensure JCPA advocacy campaigns seamlessly weave together public policy analysis, grassroots engagement, and communications across issue sets and advise JCPA national staff accordingly
  • Evaluate programmatic efforts to determine effectiveness, cost, and marginal impact
  • Draft, coordinate, monitor, and assess program plan documents
  • Advise JCPA national staff on program development with an emphasis on engagement of JCPA local affiliates
  • Report on program accomplishments and conduct additional related tasks as needed
  • Develop innovative programmatic models
  • Research and integrate newest campaign and organizing models into JCPA efforts

Resource Development and Fundraising:

  • Identify grant funding opportunities that would further JCPA Washington programs
  • Draft letters of inquiry, grant applications, program updates, and progress reports
  • Collaborate directly with JCPA Vice President and Washington Director and development staff and consultants on development strategy, resources, and effectiveness
  • Develop relationships with program officers and key funders

Communications and Media:

  • Provide communications on key issues by drafting newsletters focused on engagement with local affiliates within portfolio
  • Collaborate with JCPA communications staff and consultants to best market programs to expand supporter base and increase fundraising
  • Draft blog posts, newsletter articles, press releases, etc. about programs within porfolio
  • Create marketing materials describing programmatic efforts within portfolio
  • Ensure communications and is fully integrated into all programmatic efforts
  • Develop talking points on programmatic efforts for JCPA senior staff

National Coalitions and Washington Programming:

  • Support Washington based programming including advocacy days, leadership visits, press events, Congressional briefings, etc.
  • Serve as point person to key environmental, interfaith, and grassroots coalitions and others as assigned

Administration and Miscellaneous:

  • Mentor, advise and supervise program interns
  • Support JCPA principals as appropriate
  • Ensure JCPA leadership is well versed in program efforts
  • Other duties as assigned

Required Skills and Abilities: Applicants will need to demonstrate excellent oral and written communication skills, proven research ability, knowledge of government, national politics, and the federal policy making process. Applicants with demonstrated interest and experience in energy and environmental policy are preferred.

We are looking for an ambitious, motivated, strategic, deadline-driven candidate who is flexible, creative, and has a good sense of humor. Hunger for knowledge and desire to advance personally and professionally is a must. Five to seven years prior experience with related community organizing or campaign experience required.

The Jewish Council for Public Affairs is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer. Qualified persons are encouraged to apply regardless of their religious affiliation, national origin, marital status, race, age, sex, sexual orientation or nature of disability.

How to apply:

BA/BS degree required. Interested candidates should send a cover letter and resume to [email protected].

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