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Jan 13 / BARD CEP

Research Grants, Huyck Preserve and Biological Research Station –

Organization: Huyck Preserve and Biological Research Station

Location: Rensselaerville, New York

Type of grant: Field research

Award amount: The typical grant award is around $2,000, but can be as much as $3,500 for more established researchers and/or projects that involve extended residencies. The funds may be used for the purchase of equipment, travel, food, publication costs, and stipends for assistant/student researchers. Preference is given to proposals that involve residencies of one week or longer.

Who may apply: Professors, graduate, and postdoctoral student investigators are all eligible.

Application Deadline: March 13, 2015. Grant applications are due the 2nd Friday in March by 5:00 PM each year.

Description: The Huyck Preserve is a non-profit, independent field station with no formal university affiliation, supported by members and endowments. Huyck Research Grant awards are distributed each year to regional, national, and international applicants. The Huyck Preserve and Biological Research Station awards four to five Huyck Research Grants each year to selected scientists and graduate students. Over the last several decades, more than $250,000 in grants have been awarded to support research conducted at the Huyck Preserve.

Huyck Research Grants help fund research projects in a variety of disciplines that focus on natural systems of the Huyck Preserve. We support work in basic and applied ecology, conservation biology, taxonomy, animal behavior, evolution, earth sciences, land use history, and other areas of natural science.

Responsibilities: As part of the Huyck Preserve’s continued efforts to share scientific research with the broader community and the members that have supported research endeavors at the Preserve, Huyck Research Grant recipients are required to participate in scientific outreach while they are in residence through presentations at our Annual Science Symposium, Thursday Night Lecture Series, our bi-annual newsletter, through guided public hikes, and/or as a guest lecturer for our educational programs.

How to Apply: Download an application online at the Huyck Preserve’s grant webpage.