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Mar 28 / BARD CEP

Northeast Bioenergy and Bioproducts Professional Development for Educators project

A consortium of universities and institutions, led by Cornell University was awarded a five-year contract with the Agriculture and Food Research Initiative (AFRI) and National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) programs of the USDA.  We are partners on this very exciting project, which aims to encourage young people to take science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) classes, in order to be prepared for careers in the bioeconomy.  Attached please find a copy of a brochure for summer educator (includes middle and high school teachers, and undergraduate professors) training programs we will be holding in July and August at sites around the region (Ohio, NY, Maryland, and Delaware).  These include twelve-week paid internships, one week workshops, and six-week “train-the-trainer” programs.  65 full program scholarships are available for 2011.

A description of the program is detailed in the brochure; registration details for these workshops and internships are shown at the following webpage: Please distribute this email and/or the attached brochure among prospective participants of our educator training programs and internships.  Please note that registration is open to those who are preparing to teach, as well as current educators.

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