Scenic Hudson Graduate Research Grants
Scenic Hudson Graduate Research Grants
Scenic Hudson invites proposals for Graduate Research Grants to support research by masters- and PhD-level students on topics relevant to Scenic Hudson’s mission of land conservation and stewardship in the Hudson Valley. Grants will be up to $3,000, for one year depending on the timeline of the proposed project.
Preference will be given to project that will conduct research on or near Scenic Hudson properties and to projects investigating the following topics:
Ecological restoration design, practices, or evaluation
Climate change effects on ecosystems
Quantifying ecosystem services
Freshwater ecosystem integrity
Endangered, threatened, or rare species management
: Graduate students enrolled at an accredited college or university are eligible to apply. Applications will be accepted from:• Beginning graduate students seeking funds for exploratory research that could lead to a more mature thesis or dissertation research plan.
• Advanced graduate students seeking to augment ongoing research projects.
Applicants must have the support of their faculty mentor at their school. In addition, Scenic Hudson’s Director of Conservation Science will work with successful applicants to review and implement research plans.
Review Criteria will include:
Relevance of proposed activities to Scenic Hudson’s topics of interest (see above);
Intellectual merit of the ideas expressed in the project summary;
Feasibility of the research plan;
Appropriateness of the budget for the research; and
The level of commitment of both the student and mentor.
Applications should include:
A cover page that includes the name and contact information of the student and faculty advisor, and the title of the research project, and an abstract of the proposed research (200 words or less).• A two page project description that includes the objectives of the research, the proposed approach and methods for the study, and a summary of any research already completed.
• A one page budget and timeline for the proposed research.
• A recommendation from the faculty advisor that certifyies the student’s status and evaluates the technical merit of the proposed project and the student as a future researcher.
: Applications should be sent in electronic PDF form by March 2, 2011, to [email protected] with the subject heading “Graduate Research Grant.”