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May 6 / BARD CEP

Upcoming Events: Green Sciences & Sustainability Program at the New York Academy of Sciences

Upcoming Events: Green Sciences & Sustainability Program at the New York Academy of Sciences

Wednesday, May 25, 2011 | 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM
Measuring Energy Efficiencies in Buildings: Connecting Goals with Metrics
The New York Academy of Sciences Green Buildings discussion group develops programs on a diverse array of topics including Zero Energy Buildings, building metrics, post occupancy evaluations, and government policy. Past discussions have focused on the central issue of monitoring and measuring energy usage and the complexities of clear communication in this area.
This event will assemble diverse experts from both the architecture-engineering and communications-graphic design communities to discuss the topic of communicating energy within the building professions and to the public. The discussion will revolve around the opportunities and challenges of communicating energy usage information, with the goal of building consensus around effective strategies.
((Click here to download the PDF event flyer for your message boards.))
Wednesday, June 1, 2011 | 6:00PM – 8:00PM
Climate Change, Science and Society: A Multidisciplinary Discussion
Climate change has become one of the most visible phenomena in the world today, recognized through the changes occurring to physical climates, natural and managed environments and social organizations, and also through deliberations about ethical responsibility and public policy. “Climate Change, Science and Society: A Multidisciplinary Discussion”, on Wednesday, June 1, 2011 will explore the topic of climate change from various diverse disciplinary perspectives.
((Click here to download the PDF event flyer for your message boards.))
Tuesday, June 7, 2011 | 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM
Smart Growth Around Transportation Hubs
This panel for the New York Academy of Sciences will explore the implications of the legislation, Smart Growth Public Infrastructure Policy Act, and discuss how multiple layers of government coordinate investment and growth decisions to efficiently use existing transportation facilities. “Smart Growth Around Transportation Hubs”, on Tuesday, June 7, 2011 will feature leading experts who will explore the challenges of carbon reduction and climate change adaptation.
((Click here to download the PDF event flyer for your message boards.))
Tuesday, June 21, 2011 | 8:00 AM – 3:30 PM
Energy Infotech Forum
New York‘s unique capabilities in information technology, internet applications, media and finance position it to be a global leader at the intersection of IT and clean tech. The Energy Infotech Forum brings together leading technologists, developers, entrepreneurs, and investors, to highlight opportunities to realize value from leveraging information within the energy system.
Sessions on Commercializing Energy Information, Opportunities Behind the Meter, Finding Capital for New Energy Applications, and Smart Grid will be presented, along with networking opportunities and brief presentations from entrepreneurs in the space. The Forum is a kickoff event in a series aimed at fostering a leading innovation ecosystem in Energy Infotech, centered in New York.
((Click here to download the PDF event flyer for your message boards.))
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