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Jun 27 / BARD CEP

Associate, Ocean Science Division

Position:  Associate

Organization: The Pew Charitable Trusts

Location: Philadelphia, PA



The Pew Charitable Trusts, an independent nonprofit, is driven by the power of knowledge to solve today’s most challenging problems. Pew applies a rigorous, analytical approach to improve public policy, inform the public and stimulate civic life. The mission of The Pew Environment Group is to promote policies and practices that protect the global environment, preserve healthy forests and marine ecosystems. For the past two decades, the Environment group has been a major force in driving conservation policy in the United States, and increasingly internationally.

The Pew Environment Group’s Ocean Science Division (OSD) works to generate and synthesize scientific research to inform marine conservation policy and frame solutions to global ocean problems. The Division’s projects include multiyear research projects funded in large part through the Lenfest Ocean Program, and shorter term analyses and syntheses designed to inform specific policy questions. Developing materials which clearly explain technical results to non-scientific audiences is a significant component of the Division’s work.

The associate has significant responsibility for several important OSD activities involving preparation and coordination of materials. These responsibilities include coordinating the development and implementation of research grants and contracts for OSD, including for the Lenfest Ocean Program, and preparing for publication selected research summaries, reports and other scientific materials. This position will work in close coordination with OSD staff, as well as other Pew staff members, on management, administrative and conservation policy tasks.

Pew offers a competitive salary and excellent benefits package including four weeks’ vacation, a generous 401(k) plan and flexible benefits options.


How To Apply

For a complete job description please click here OR visit and click on careers@pew. Qualified interested candidates should submit both a resume and cover letter.

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