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Aug 4 / BARD CEP

Director of Research and Policy

Position: Director of Research and Policy

Organization: The Administrative Conference of the United States

Application Deadline: August 15



The Administrative Conference of the United States is seeking a Director of Research and Policy to serve on a 1-2 year appointment, beginning in January 2012 or July 2012. The Administrative Conference of the United States is an independent federal agency dedicated to improving the administrative process through consensus-driven applied research, providing nonpartisan expert advice and recommendations for improvement of federal agency procedures.

Its membership is composed of innovative federal officials and experts with diverse views and backgrounds from both the private sector and academia.The Director of Research and Policy (“R&P”) is  a senior staff member responsible  for managing the Conference’s research and policy development program. The R&P Director reports to the Chairman of the Conference. The R&P Director manages and oversees the development of Conference recommendations, from the initial conception of a recommendation project through adoption and implementation of a recommendation. The R&P Director also works with the Executive Director and the General Counsel to manage and oversee other substantive Conference projects, including forums, workshops, and publications. Although not required, a background in administrative law would be helpful.

This position is being advertised  under the Intergovernmental Personnel Act (IPA) (5 U.S.C. 3371 et seq.) which permits the temporary assignment of academics and other employeesfrom various non-Federal institutions.   The compensation will be set based on the applicant’s current compensation and benefits, subject to the availability of agency funds.  The assignment will operate as a detail, and the Conference will reimburse the detailee’s institution for the amount of compensation agreed upon in the IPA contract.For more information on the Administrative Conference and this opportunity, visit


How to Apply

Interested applicants should email resume and cover letter to  [email protected]

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