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Aug 4 / BARD CEP

Food & Water Watch Internships

Food & Water Watch is a leading national consumer advocacy organization that runs dynamic, cutting edge campaigns that challenge the corporate control and abuse of our food and water resources, empower people to take action and transform the public consciousness about what we eat and drink. Since 2005, we have won significant victories to protect our food and water. Our work has been featured in the New York Times, the Washington Post and other major media outlets. For more information check out our website at

We are currently seeking fall interns interested in fighting for safe food, clean water, and healthy oceans. This position typically runs at least 10 weeks, for 15 hours per week. Current student standing is not necessary. We operate in a relaxed office environment in Washington, DC, metro accessible.


Research & Policy Internship–Fish Team

The seafood industry – from fish farming to fisheries management – faces the same issues of consolidation, industrialization and privatization as our land based agricultural industry. The policy and research intern on the Fish Program will work directly with our staff to challenge these trends and to promote clean, green, safe seafood for consumers

Research & Policy Internship–Food Team

The Food Research & Policy intern will work directly with the food team to challenge factory farms and other industrialized agriculture, and promote local, sustainable food systems. This position mainly involves internet-based research to support the research efforts of the food campaign.

Research & Policy Internship–Water Team

The Water Research and Policy Intern assists the water research team with providing information, analysis and written materials to support Food & Water Watch water campaigns.

Research & Policy Internship–International Program

The International Intern will work directly with members of the international team to provide information, analysis and written materials to support Food & Water Watch campaigns.



Please email a tailored cover letter, resume, and writing sample to[email protected] (Subject: Fall DC International Research Internship), or mail to:

Food & Water Watch
Attn: Intern Coordinator
1616 P St NW
Suite 300
Washington, DC 20036

Please be sure to indicate in your cover letter that you are interested in the Fall DC International Research Internship.

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