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Aug 6 / BARD CEP

Energy and Environmental Program Internship

Organization: Atlantic Council of the United States

Location: Washington, D.C.

Application Deadline: August 15




Internsfor the Energy and Environment Program at the Atlantic Council are vital contributors to the program’s fast-paced activities.

The mission of the Atlantic Council is to renew the transatlantic relationship for 21st century global challenges. Energy and Environment Program addresses critical issues in international energy challenges relevant to the United States and its allies and partners. This includes a particular focus on research and development of new low-carbon technologies, energy relations with China, strengthening the U.S.-India energy relationship, increasing ties with the European Union on emerging technologies, and the make-up of the U.S. energy portfolio.

The Program conducts research and project activities on these and other topics, which include holding high-level meetings with leaders from government, the private sector and non-profit agencies; research and writing for publications and the New Atlanticist policy analysis blog; drafting proposals for fundraising efforts; monitoring program costs and fees; and other associated activities.

The program seeks well-organized, highly reliable, motivated candidates who thrive in a fast-paced environment and demonstrate initiative. While this position is non-paid, candidates gain valuable skills, experience, knowledge, and contacts in the Washington, DC policy community.

Internsfor the Energy and Environment Program provide important research and logistical support to assist these efforts and support program staff. Internswork closely with the Program Director and his deputies in supporting the activities of the Program. Internsare also encouraged to pursue their own research projects and to write and publish their own policy briefs or blog posts.

Duties are not limited to, but will include:

  • Conduct research to support the activities of the Director and his deputies.
  • Produce the daily Energy and Environment News Brief.
  • Manage program contacts and knowledge.
  • Draft correspondence and take notes at Council roundtables and strategy sessions for program archives.
  • Handle logistical issues for program events and activities.
  • Write analytical pieces for publication on the New Atlanticist blog.
  • Help draft policy briefs and task force reports.

The Atlantic Council of the United States is an equal opportunity employer.


  • Must be at least a college junior in good standing. Graduate student or a recent graduate preferred.
  • Must demonstrate proven interest in international affairs and energy and/or environmental policy.
  • Must work well with others and have a strong work ethic.
  • Must have at least a 3.0 GPA (on a 4.0 scale), or equivalent from a non-U.S. institution.


How to Apply

To be considered for this position, please email a resume, cover letter, and writing sample to: [email protected].

In the subject line, please indicate which program you are applying to.

The Atlantic Council of the United States is an equal opportunity employer.

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