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Aug 6 / BARD CEP

Energy Policy Fellowship

Organization: The DC Project

Location: Washington, D.C.

Dates: September 2 – December 12



The Policy Fellow will primarily work with the Policy Department to identify and research creative financing mechanisms to facilitate wider deployment of energy efficiency retrofits in low and middle income communities. The Fellow will also provide research and written materials on other issues relevant to energy efficiency, renewable energy and workforce development as needed.


The purpose of the fellowship is to develop leaders that work to create places of equal opportunity and environmental balance and to bring perspective to The DC Project from outstanding thinkers with a broad range of skills. The convergence within The DC Project of workforce development, policy work, the development of the nascent residential energy efficiency industry, and innovation in data and new media driven community organizing puts the organization in a unique position to serve as an intermediary organizing stakeholders around the vision of equitable green job creation. To complement their specific department projects, fellows will be exposed to all of these diverse components.

Fellows will work closely with their managers to outline concrete deliverables, craft work plans that map deadlines for project completion, and agree on feedback mechanisms to ensure maximum appropriate staff support for the fellows’ work. To complement their specific department and program projects, fellows will also be exposed to all areas of The DC Project’s work.


The DC Project is committed to offering Fellows leadership and professional development; in addition to receiving feedback from staff on their work, Fellows will participate in brown bag lunch conversations with leading thinkers in the field (past speakers include Van Jones and Robert Egger), and will be exposed to events with high-impact networking opportunities.

Fellows are expected to work 35-40 hours per week if full-time or 15-20 hours per work if part-time, with occasional work on weekends and evenings. Start and end dates are somewhat flexible with a preference for a commitment of 3 months, e.g., August 22 – December 5 or September 12 – December 19.

Fellowships with The DC Project are unpaid. Previous fellows have received academic credit or work study for their work with the organization. Please contact your school for more information. If you are unable to find and fund housing, precluding you from participating in the Fellowship Program, please indicate this in your fellowship application cover letter.


The mission of The DC Project is to advance economic and environmental justice by creating clean energy careers for people who need them most. The DC Project applies cutting-edge organizing tools and tactics to mobilize community interest in home weatherization, creating economic savings, environmental benefits, and new green jobs. The DC Project is a “Think+Action Tank”, testing and refining community-based demand creation methodology through its anchor program, WeatherizeDC, and developing models that can be replicated in communities across the nation to ignite the home energy efficiency market and move closer towards an equitable green economy.


WeatherizeDC, the anchor program of The DC Project, works with hundreds of D.C. residents to mobilize one of America’s greatest assets—community leadership—to unlock the promise of the home energy efficiency industry for creating environmental benefits and good green jobs. WeatherizeDC recruits, develops, and trains community leaders and volunteers from neighborhood groups, faith-based networks and campus activists to engage, educate, and activate their communities to convince homeowners to invest in weatherization. WeatherizeDC identifies homeowners interested in weatherization and passes them along to local home performance contractors, who deliver the home retrofit services. WeatherizeDC leverages the increased business it creates—through its community organizing efforts—for partnering contractors to ensure that new jobs created translate into career-track, sustainable-wage work for District residents who are most in need of employment.




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