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Aug 6 / BARD CEP

Forest Conservation Internship

Organization: Fundacion Runa

Application Deadline: November 15



Description – Interns and researchers on our conservation team will work in the communities of Santa Rita and Alto Tena to monitor conservation buffer zones around the Colonso Protected Forest. The Colonso Forest is a 10,000 hectare (22,000 acre) reserve of primary rainforest that serves as the water source for the towns of Tena and Archidona.

Qualifications – This internship is geared towards industry professionals and graduate students majoring in environmental science, policy, business, agriculture, or a related field. Proficiency in English and Spanish is required. Experience in Latin America and/or working in a rural setting is a plus.

Living Arrangements:
Interns and researchers live in the “Runa House” in Tena, Ecuador. Interns and researchers will be responsible for their own food. Ample cost-effective restaurants and markets are available within walking distance, and interns frequently cook meals together and chose to bulk purchase food.

September 1st – December 20th (Flexible Dates)

8 weeks…………….$1600

Additional weeks………..$200/week

These costs cover room and program fees in Tena, Ecuador. Travel to and from Tena is not included. Runa has a limited amount of scholarship funds available to go towards these costs if applicants have exhausted other funding opportunities.

More information at


How to Apply

Please send the following directly to Cassandra Walker at [email protected].
1. A simple resume
2. Letter of intent (including which project you are applying for and why you want to intern)
3. Two references (email addresses are OK)
If you are interested in working with us or have any questions about the internship program please send an email directly to [email protected].

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