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Oct 12 / BARD CEP

Collaboration Throughout the Hudson River Watershed 8th Annual Meeting-Albany, NY

Organization: Environmental Consortium of Hudson Valley Collages and Universities

Title: Collaboration Throughout the Hudson River Watershed

Location: The College of Saint Rose, Albany NY

Time and Date: November 11-12, 2011

Registration: online,

Abstract Deadline for Posters: October 31, 2011


The Environmental Consortium’s 8th Annual Meeting will bring together faculty, administrators, students, government and community representatives, and non-profit leaders to explore issues, programs, and new initiatives in the watershed.
Congressman Paul D. Tonko (D NY-21) joins us on Saturday, November 12th to deliver a keynote address.


  • Establishing a New Regional Environmental Journal
  • Raising All Boats: Leveraging the Consortium to Maximize Institutional Gain
  • Collaboration Between Cornell Cooperative Extension and Higher Education
  • Field Programs and Stations: Where and How to Extend the Classroom
  • Understanding the Hudson with Technology
  • Collaboration Between Universities and PreK-12 Educators
  • Environmental Non-Profits and Their Universities
  • Growing Capacity for the Regional Foodshed: Training, Research, & Policy
  • Inter-Institutional Collaboration in Education and Research
  • New and Innovative Educational Programs
  • Student and Student-Faculty Research Opportunities
  • Engaging the Community and Local Government

Call for Posters: Inter and Multi Disciplinary

Abstract Deadline: October 31, 2011

The Environmental Consortium of Hudson Valley Colleges & Universities invites poster abstracts from all disciplines.

Share scholarly or creative work dedicated to environmental topics in the Hudson River watershed. Showcase collaborative projects and research.  Register your poster online.

Poster topics may include, but are not limited to:

· Student summer experiences, theses, or other research or projects.

· Faculty and Faculty/Student research.
· Collaborative research involving multiple disciplines, communities, or other groups.
· Innovative courses and pedagogy

Interdisciplinary submissions are encouraged.

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