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Oct 17 / BARD CEP

Internships & Field Schools at Grassroots Institute- India

Organization: The Grassroots Institute

Title: Internships & Field Schools at Grassroots Institute

Location: Kullu, Himāchal Pradesh, India

Hours and Compensation: Unpaid, 20 hrs/week

» Internship Cycle . 1: January to June (4-6 months)

» Internship Cycle . 2: July to December (4-6 months)

Application Deadline: December 20, 2011

Posted On: Oct. 8, 2011


The Grassroots Institute | | is a development education, training and research institution committed to reduce poverty through strengthening the capacities of students, youths, communities and organizations.


The Grassroots Institute has been contributing the development sector in South Asia since 2005 through its unique intensive field trainings (IFTs). The Grassroots Institute is operating as the offshoot of the Grassroots India, a national development NGO. The Grassroots Institute has recently launched Educational Programs, Field Placements and Ecotourism Expeditions; while the Professional Trainings, Research Activities and Internships are going for many years on. The Grassroots Institute has launched the following FIELD SCHOOLS for international students:

» FSc ENR | Environmental Studies & Natural Resource Management

» FSc GHR | Local Governance and Human Rights

Apart from above structured FSc programs, the Grassroots Institute offers INTERNSHIPS of 4-6 months each year. Grassroots Institute has been offering the following related INTERNSHIPS for the international graduates/undergraduates in the year 2012:

  • Agro-Biodiversity Conservation (Research and Community-Based Action)
  • Climate Change and Mountain Rural Livelihoods (Case Study Research)
  • Promotion of Rural Ecotourism (Action Research)
  • Governance of Natural Resources (Policy Research)
  • Development of Market Linkages for Indigenous Farm Produce (Action)
  • Traditional Ecological Knowledge of Himalayan Farmers (Research)
  • Participatory Irrigation Management (Research)
  • Local Self-Governance and Development of Dalits (Case Study Research)
  • Adolescent Health Education of School Girls (Action)
  • Promotion of Maternal and Child Health (Action)
  • State of Water, Sanitation and Public Hygiene (Case Study Research)
  • Gender Rights and Justice under Indian Laws (Case Study Research)

Both the Field Schools and Internships at the Grassroots Institute are exciting opportunities for international students.

Further Information

Head of Operations GRASSROOTS INSTITUTE Banjar – 175 123 Distt. Kullu (HP), India Tel: +91-1903-200202, +91-9418133427 Fax: +91-1903-222257 E-mail: [email protected] Website:

How To Apply

Internships conducted in India open the mind of students and provide them with new horizon of professional or academic life apart from exposing them to international issues. The interns once complete their internship at Grassroots Institute excel the excellence of the discipline they deal with.

In association of Grassroots India, the Grassroots Institute hosted over 25 qualified Interns from over 15 countries such as USA, Australia, New Zealand, UK, the Netherlands, Spain, Latvia, Germany, Poland, Greece, Switzerland, Colombia, India, etc. Most of Interns worked on specified study or action projects over a period of 4-6 months. The Grassroots Institute provides intensive academic and logistic support to the hosted Interns. Right now the Grassroots Institute has capacity of hosting maximum 10 interns at a time during each of the following two Internship Cycles:

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