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Oct 24 / BARD CEP

Fall 2012 EPA Science To Achieve Results (STAR) Fellowships For Graduate Environmental Study

Organization: The Environmental Protection Agency

Application Deadline: Nov. 8, 2011

Funding Opportunity Description

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency requests proposals for Graduate Fellowships, for master’s and doctoral level students in environmental fields of study.  Areas of interest include, but are not limited to:  Environmental Entrepreneurship; Global Change; Built Environment and Land Use/ Protection; Tribes and American Indian/Alaska Native/Pacific Islander Communities; Green Energy/Natural Resources Production & Use; and Green Engineering/Building/Chemical Products & Processes/Materials Development.

$4.5 million expected to be available, 80 fellowships anticipated.

Responses due 11/8/11.  For more info, including contacts, go to:   Refer to Sol# EPA-F2012-STAR.


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