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Nov 11 / BARD CEP

Energy Efficiency Webinar- Thursday Dec 8th

Event: Energy Efficiency Webinar

Location: anywhere via the web!

Date:: Dec 8

Time: 10:30 am- 12:00opm

Please update your calendars as our Energy Efficiency webinar focusing on building audits originally scheduled for Thursday, October 27th has been rescheduled to:

Thursday, December 8, 2011
10:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

New York State’s Climate Smart Communities (CSCs) webinar series continues on December 8th with the first in a series of three webinars intended to improve energy efficiency in municipal buildings, saving taxpayer money and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. The first webinar in this series will focus on building audits – a critical first step in identifying the most cost-effective approaches to improving building energy efficiency.

Webinar speakers will include Tim Gilroy, NYSERDA’s audit program manager, who will describe NYSERDA incentives for municipal building audits and how to get them. Daniel Farrow, President of Abbott Energy Corp. will describe the audit process and the types of service to expect from an audit contractor. The webinar will close with lessons learned from the audit experience by one of our Climate Smart Communities coordinators. As always, there will be time for questions and discussion.

To Join:
The webinar will be accessible to anyone via an Internet connection and telephone. Webinar participants must use the telephone call-in number; no audio signal will be transmitted over the Internet.

To join the webinar, go to , click the “Join a meeting” button and enter Conference ID 58089 in the “Meeting Login” screen. On your telephone, dial 1-866-394-2346 and enter conference call code 1982360347# when prompted.

Please respond with both your name and community affiliation via either e-mail or telephone to Kim Farrow at [email protected] or 518-402-8323.

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