Grant Opportunities, International
Company: JWH Initiative
Location: The Netherlands (Main Office) but Grants are provided internationally
Apply By: Nomination Only
What is JWH?
In order to promote lasting change towards a more sustainable world the environmental movement is in constant need of inspirational and skilful leadership. Young people working for environmental CSOs, especially in developing countries, often have few opportunities to develop leadership skills due to a lack of resources for schooling, training or practical learning.
The Joke Waller-Hunter (JWH) Initiative creates opportunities for young people in the environmental sector in developing countries to unfold their full potential. By giving small grants to individuals to expand their knowledge, experience and training, the Initiative aims to strengthen environmental Civil Society Organisations capacity and efficiency. The mission of the JWH Initiative is thus to provide an accessible and tailored small grant for education and training of individuals who are nominated by their organisation as potential future leaders.
Who is it For?
Young people who work or are affiliated with environmental CSO’s in developing countries and emerging economies who have shown potential for and interest in further developing their leadership. Candidates can come from anywhere except from ‘advanced economies’ (see below for list based on the IMF classification). The definition of ‘young’ is not linked to a concrete age limit. However, preference will be given to young women and men under 35 of age. We would like to especially encourage the nomination of young women and local community leaders.
The candidates should have proof of an excellent track record in:
– fully embracing the idea of sustainable development;
– a strong background in working on environmental and sustainable development issues;
– showing potential and ambition towards becoming a leader in her/his field of work, such as being inspirational and a support to others, working with communities, being innovative and creative;
– committed to work on environmental and sustainable development issues in their country/region.
The candidate should be willing and have the potential to report on the development of their leadership capacities.
The grant can be applied for a wide range of activities, depending on the individuals’ need and interest. Most grantees use the funding for advancing either their knowledge and skills through studies, courses, trainings. or their expanding their experience through internships, exposure and exchange travels, participation in conferences, high level meetings etc. The candidate should have a clear idea on what it is that she/he intends to use the grant for before applying.
Individuals from these countries cannot participate: Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong, Iceland, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal, San Marino, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, United Kingdom, United States (IMF classification of ‘advanced economies’ 2011)
Who Can Nominate?
We work with a nomination process which means the participants cannot apply themselves. Environmental Civil Society Organisations and nominators working in these organisations identify suitable candidates within their organisations or networks and either themselves, and/or in collaboration with the candidate, fill in the nominating form.
The nominator takes part of the responsibility for the participants’ genuineness and will co-sign the Memorandum of Understanding should the candidate be selected. Since we work very much on the basis of mutual trust and for reasons of accountability we tend to give preference to working with organisations from our own network or affiliates. If the nominating organisation does not have any previous links with the JWH Initiative and/or Both ENDS they might be asked to provide proof of their credibility and their commitment to working on issues of environmental sustainability.
How Does it Work?
There are two nominating deadlines per year, 1st of June and 1st of December. By this date the filled out nominating forms will have to be sent to us should the candidate be considered for this round. Nomination forms can be found on the website and nominations can be made throughout the year. However, it should be noted that the nomination forms can be subject to change and it is important to use the latest version. About six weeks before each deadline a call will be posted online and a reminder send via email to interested parties. In order to qualify the nomination form will need to be completely filled out and a CV and a picture of the candidate provided. Each round 15 candidates will be selected.
The following categories of grants are available per round:
– 8x 2.500 Euro
– 4x 5.000 Euro
– 2x 7.500 Euro
– 1x 10.000 Euro
In the nomination form it should be clearly stated why the specific category is appropriate for the leadership development plan of the candidate. After the deadline the Advisory Committee of the JWH Initiative will meet to select the most suitable candidates. The nominators and candidates should notice that the selection process can take up to six weeks after the deadline. Should the candidate be selected to become a participant in the JWH he/she will be asked to develop a detailed leadership development plan, budget and timeframe. This will be part of the Memorandum of Understanding which subsequently will be signed by the participant, the nominator and the JWH Initiative. Furthermore the participant will agree to regular reporting and timekeeping in order to receive the full grant.
How to Nominate
Coordinator JWH Initiative
Eva Schmitz
Nieuwe Keizersgracht 45
1018 VC Amsterdam
The Netherlands
E jwh[at]bothends[dot]org
T +31 20 530 66 00
F +31 20 620 80 49