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Nov 11 / BARD CEP

Environment America Internships- Offices in Washington, D.C and 29 States

Company: Environment America

Location: Offices in Washington, D.C and 29 States

Pay: Non-paid

Apply By: Rolling Admission

Start Date: Fall Semester or Spring Semester


If you want to spend the semester learning how to make a real impact on the decisions that affect the energy we use, the air we breathe, the water we drink and the places we love, apply for an internship with Environment America.

The need to confront our environmental challenges has never been clearer. Take our dependence on dirty energy. Coal-fired power plants spew mercury, lead, arsenic, and other toxic pollutants into our air every day, causing everything from asthma attacks to learning disabilities to premature death. Drilling for oil contaminates our coastlines, and burning it contributes to global climate change and the increasingly violent storms, droughts, floods, and heat waves it brings.

The good news is, America has the know-how and expertise to generate 100% of our electricity from clean sources. But the oil and coal industries – and their allies in Congress and state legislatures across the country – are standing in the way of change.  They have deep pockets and incredible influence, and they’ll stop at little to maintain business as usual.

That’s where Environment America comes in. Environment America is a federation of 29 state-based, citizen-funded environmental advocacy organizations. With nearly 100 professional staff and 1 million members, activists and allies in the states and in Washington, D.C, we build and mobilize the public support necessary to overcome the obstacles and win real results for the environment.

The results of our work include more solar and wind power in 29 states; policies to cut energy use in 22 states; state-wide caps on global warming pollution in six states, and a regional cap on power plant pollution in 10 Northeastern and Mid-Atlantic state; the nation’s first ever limits on global warming pollution from cars and trucks; bans on disposable plastic bags and Styrofoam containers; action to preserve, protect, or expand national parks from Mt. Rainier to Acadia, from the Grand Canyon to Glacier; bans on offshore drilling in the eastern Gulf and along the Atlantic coast; and strong protections for waterways from the Puget Sound to the Great Lakes to the Chesapeake Bay.

But it’s going to take a lot more work to meet and overcome our remaining environmental challenges.

That’s where you come in!

What do interns with Environment America do?

Each semester, Environment America runs an internship program that gives students just like you the opportunity to learn how to make a real impact on critical environmental issues.

You’ll learn how to analyze environmental problems, advocate for smart solutions, and build public support.

And you’ll work one-on-one with one of our advocates and organizers, providing a unique, mentored experience.

Responsibilities vary, but you’ll do some mix of:

  • Researching critical environmental problems and preparing reports to release to the public
  • Coordinating and attending media events, like news conferences
  • Writing and publishing letters to the editor and working on news releases
  • Attending lobby meetings with lawmakers and other decision-makers
  • Working with coalition partners, like public health groups and other environmental groups
  • Tracking legislation or regulations on the federal or state levels
  • Generating public support for our campaigns, such as by collecting petitions or using social media

And you’ll attend briefings and trainings to learn more about environmental issues and gain advocacy and organizing skills.

What happens after my internship?

Through an internship with Environment America you’ll get the training and the experience you need to be better prepared for a career in the environmental movement.

And each year, Environment America hires passionate, talented and committed college graduates to join our two-year Fellowship Program. Some of our former interns have gone on to become some of our most successful Fellows.


We are looking for current college students who care about our environment and are driven to preserve it for the future. We look for strong leadership skills, academic excellence, problem solving ability, top-notch written and verbal skills, eagerness to learn, and a sense of humor.


We’re taking applications now for spring and summer internships in Washington D.C. and our 29 state offices across the country.

To Apply:

Internship Application Available at:

Feel free to email [email protected] with any questions.

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