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Nov 18 / BARD CEP

Education Content Coordinator- Denver, CO

Organization: World Affairs Challenge, Center for Teaching International Relations

Job Title: World Affairs Challenge Educational Content Coordinator

Location: Denver, CO

Hours and Compensation: 10 hours/week, unpaid, Mid November – April

Application Deadline: ASAP

Posted on: Nov 17

Organization Overview:

Center for Teaching International Relations (CTIR) prepares our nation’s youth for increasingly global economic, environmental and political realities. If our young people and our country are to flourish in this new century, then they must have more relevant knowledge, skills, and attitudes to address the situations and realities they will encounter.

The vision of the Center for Teaching International Relations (CTIR) is to develop:

  • Students who inquire, research, and engage in global issues;
  • Teachers of all levels and disciplines who creatively and competently infuse their curriculum with global issues and topics;
  • School classrooms in which young people acquire a deep understanding and appreciation of global political, economic, social, and environmental systems.

The mission of CTIR is to constantly improve the reach and efficacy of international education services for American youth, teachers, and schools. We pursue our vision and our mission with three basic strategies:

  • To create avenues for school-aged youth to engage directly in global issues;
  • To assist teachers in bringing a global dimension to their classrooms via curriculum materials and professional development;
  • To demonstrate to school administrators and policy makers through research, publication, and an annual professional conference that international education can and should be an integral part of a K-12 education.

After more than 40 years as a part of the Josef Korbel School of International Studies, CTIR is now an independent 501 c3, focusing on complete organization redevelopment including changes to programs, organizational focus, and funding tactics. It is a very exciting time to be a part of CTIR as the potential for growth is huge.


The Educational Coordinator will work closely with the WAC Coordinator in developing a plan for resource creation and dissemination, which may include soliciting the help of more student volunteers to come up with content relevant to what participating teachers and students will want and can use in preparing for the World Affairs Challenge. This position will also work closely with program consultants in creating specific questions for the quiz and collaborative question sections of the World Affairs Challenge. Instructional design for the purpose of training local professionals as volunteer judges for the event day and facilitating judge training will be handled primarily by the Educational Content Coordinator.


  • Find useful sources for teachers and students preparing for the World Affairs Challenge to be accessed from our website and gain any permission necessary for use of those sources.
  • Work with director and educational consultants in creating event day educational material including quiz questions, collaborative questions, grading rubrics, etc.
  • Ensure that all event day educational content is sourced properly
  • Work with volunteer coordinator in training of class mentors, providing mentors with relevant materials
  • Attend event in April


Required: Masters or seeking Masters. Proven success in handling responsibility in past work.

Preferred: CTIR is seeking interns who can take real ownership over the responsibilities of their positions. Motivated, mature individuals who can think big in terms of overall vision and goals for the event, then focus on completing all of the small tasks that will make it all happen. Past experience in curriculum development, event management and global education is desired.

How to Apply:

Materials to submit: Resume or CV

Preferred method for submitting materials: email: [email protected]

To whom should applications be addressed: Andrew Cornelius

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