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Nov 18 / BARD CEP

Rally Against Fracking- Nov 21

Organization: Energy Action Coalition

Title: Rally at the Delaware River Basin Commission

Location: Patriots Theater at the War Memorial, 1 Memorial Drive, Trenton, NJ

Date/Time: Mon, Nov 21, 8 AM

Trainings: On Sunday night there will be training in Trenton and NYC for people who want to play significant roles in the action. Click here for more info on the trainings and to RSVP.



We’ve come along way in the fight against the Keystone XL tar sands pipeline; thanks to your bold action the President sent the project back to the drawing board, likely ending the project altogether.

But the fight for a clean energy future isn’t over — and in fact this Monday there is a critical action in your region to stop another form of dirty and dangerous energy: fracking.

On Monday, November 21st, the Delaware River Basin Commission (DRBC) will vote on a plan that could allow more than 20,000 fracked gas wells in the Delaware River Basin, threatening the drinking water of over 15 million people.

Josh Fox, director of the documentary Gasland, and young people across the region have been planning a a major mobilization to Flood the DRBC and tell the Commission to ban fracking in the region. The Commission is making their decision without a final public comment period, so people are planning to flood the hearing and overwhelm the process with opposition to fracking.

Registration Information:

Can you join this massive action to stop fracking in Trenton on Monday?
RSVP here:



Dear friends,

We’ve come along way in the fight against the Keystone XL tar sands pipeline; thanks to your bold action the President sent the project back to the drawing board, likely ending the project altogether.

But the fight for a clean energy future isn’t over — and in fact this Monday there is a critical action in your region to stop another form of dirty and dangerous energy: fracking.

On Monday, November 21st, the Delaware River Basin Commission (DRBC) will vote on a plan that could allow more than 20,000 fracked gas wells in the Delaware River Basin, threatening the drinking water of over 15 million people.

Josh Fox, director of the documentary Gasland, and young people across the region have been planning a a major mobilization to Flood the DRBC and tell the Commission to ban fracking in the region. The Commission is making their decision without a final public comment period, so people are planning to flood the hearing and overwhelm the process with opposition to fracking.

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