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Nov 28 / BARD CEP

Conservation Fellowships

Organization: New England Wild Flower Society

Title: 2012 Conservation Fellowships [3] The Herbert J. Esther M. Atkinson Conservation Fellowship, The Lovejoy Conservation Fellowship The Marylee Everett Memorial Conservation Fellowship

Location: Framingham, MA

Amount and Duration: Atkinson and Lovejoy Fellowships are full-time, six-month positions (26 weeks) Lovejoy and Atkinson Fellowship Application deadline: January 15, 2012 Starting date: flexible, as early as March 1st, but no later than June 1st Stipend: $6000 and housing is provided Everett Fellowship is a full-time, three month position (13 weeks) Starting date: June 1st Stipend: $4000 and housing is provided


New England Wild Flower Society, the oldest native plant conservation organization in the United States, is a leader in regional plant conservation activities. The New England Plant Conservation Program (NEPCoP) and the Plant Conservation Volunteer (PCV) Corps program engage professional and citizen volunteers in rare species monitoring, habitat management, invasive species monitoring and control initiatives, and long-term conservation planning.

The innovative and award-winning NEPCoP and PCV programs work closely with the natural heritage program of each New England state as well as other conservation organizations.

The 2012 Fellows will be integral to these programs in a variety of ways, from coordinating volunteers and entering data to conducting botanical surveys, management projects, and other office and field actions. The Atkinson and Lovejoy Fellowships are detailed below. Full description for the Everett Fellowship opportunity will be available by January 2012 on our website .


The Atkinson and Lovejoy Fellows will assist in all aspects of administering the conservation programs of the Wild Flower Society, including conducting training programs, retrieving data from the heritage programs, obtaining landowner permission for rare plant surveys, sending out volunteer assignments, and entering data.

Additionally, the Fellows will assist in the planning and implementation of restoration and management activities, invasive species initiatives, general floristic surveys and PCV field trips to botanically interesting locations throughout the region. The Society employs three fellows each year.

Preferred Skills

Candidates should have some familiarity with the flora of New England and ecological processes, excellent speaking and writing skills, good phone skills, a willingness to call landowners, and a sense of humor. Experience or training in GIS a plus. Fellows must respect and maintain the confidentiality of rare species locations.

Additionally some long days in difficult situations (hot, buggy, and wet) are required.


Submit cover letter, resume, and reference list to: John Burns, Plant Conservation Volunteer Coordinator New England Wild Flower Society 180 Hemenway Road, Framingham, MA 01701 [email protected]

Questions: Please email or call John Burns at [email protected] or (508) 877-7630 ext. 3204

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