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Dec 5 / BARD CEP

Regional Environmental Center Internships- Szentendre, Hungary

Organization: Regional Environmental Center

Location: Szentendre, Hungary

Posted On: December 5, 2011


Bard CEP Alumnus Brendan Duprey writes about possible internships with the Regional Environmental Center:

The best approach at the moment is for the students to go to the REC
website and look at the Topic Areas and the work they are doing. The
website is:

And the topic areas are the following:

Governance for sustainability

Educational Tools
Health and Environment
Law Development, Enforcement and Compliance
Local Governance
Participatory Governance
Sustainable Development Academy
Green economy

Climate Change and Clean Energy
Environmental Financing
Environmental Management
Green Transport
Water Management

The country offices usually have interns or hire local people who speak
the language of the country. So if there was a Bard student from the
Czech Republic they may be able to try and get an internship, but if
they don’t speak the language most likely an internship would not be

Find Out More

If they are interested in a particular topic area they can write me at [email protected] and send their CV and I can ask the relevant people.

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