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Dec 5 / BARD CEP

Director, Federal Regulatory Policy- Washington DC

Organization: The OMB Watch

Title: Director, Federal Regulatory Policy

Location: Washington DC

Hours and Compensation: full time, competitive

Application Deadline: until position is filled

Posted On: Dec. 2, 2011


OMB Watch is a nonprofit research and advocacy organization dedicated to promoting government accountability and citizen engagement. Our work focuses on the role of government, federal fiscal policy, regulatory policy, and access to government information. OMB Watch was founded in 1983. For more information, see


Seeking a strategic, thoughtful, motivated, experienced professional to lead one of the three main program areas of an important policy organization in Washington, D.C. The OMB Watch regulatory policy program advocates for a federal regulatory system that has the resources and authority to protect and advance public health, worker safety, and environmental quality. We seek an individual with strong writing and communications skills, excellent strategic and analytic capacities, regulatory policy expertise, and management experience. The Director will manage a team of three to four staff and be part of a senior management team that guides the organization, and will be an active participant in developing new organizational branding, approaches, and undertakings in early 2012.

The responsibilities of the Director of Regulatory Policy include:

  • Developing and directing strategies for monitoring, analyzing, and shaping regulatory policy and system reforms;
  • Identifying emerging issues and new research and policy ideas;
  • Building, convening, and leading advocacy coalitions and campaigns;
  • Directing the writing and production of reports, articles, policy briefs, and congressional testimony as needed (and recruiting/commissioning research specialists if required);
  • Developing (with the President and Communications Director) strategies for informing the media, policymakers, allied organizations, and the public on regulatory issues;
  • Leading legislative development and lobbying efforts with key congressional committees and executive agency staff;
  • Serving as the organization’s primary spokesperson on regulatory matters; and
  • Overseeing the program area’s print and electronic media communications.

The Director regularly works with colleague organizations in the public interest community (environmental, scientific, union, policy and good government, educational, legal, economic, and public health groups) in coalitions, working groups, and ad hoc alliances on specific issues, and maintains key relationships with congressional and administration staff with responsibilities for consumer protection, workplace safety, public health, and environmental quality issues.

He or she will be part of a senior management team that sets policy for the organization and advises and supports the President.


An advanced degree, at least five years of related public policy experience, and a strong commitment to social justice issues are required. Experience managing and supervising staff is expected. Outstanding strategic, analytic, communication, and writing skills are a must. Experience working with media and in building coalitions is strongly preferred. Understanding of blogging, social media, and website management is also helpful.

How To Apply

Send a cover letter and resume to: Federal Regulatory Policy Director, OMB Watch, 1742 Connecticut Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20009 or [email protected], subject line: Federal Regulatory Policy Director.

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