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Dec 9 / BARD CEP

Carbon Farming Course 2012

Organization: Carbon Farming

Title: Carbon Farming Course

Location: Threefold Educational Center, Chestnut Ridge, NY

Date/Time: Tuesday, January 17, 2012 8:00 AMSunday, February 05, 2012 6:00 PM


Top farmers and researchers from around the world are gathering at this unique event to train land-owners, farmers, policy-makers, investors, and  in the best practices of carbon farming. Each Workshop in the 2012 Carbon Farming Course focuses on an essential component of profitable regenerative agriculture:

  • Holistic Management: Decision-making for profit and purpose.
  • Keyline Farming: Water planning and rapid soil development.
  • Perennial Agriculture: Mimic ecosystems for resilience and risk-management.
  • Tree Crops & Agroforestry: Perennial systems to multiply your yields.
  • Living Soils: Activate soil biology for fertility and input-reduction.
  • Local Food Systems: The Polyface Farm strategy for economic abundance.

Registration Information: online

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