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Dec 9 / BARD CEP

Research Assistant: Remote Sensing and Geospacial Analysis- Falmouth, MA

Organization: Woods Hole Research Center

Job Title: Research Assistant

Location: Falmouth, MA

Hours and Compensation: full time, $42,000 to $49,000

Application Deadline: until filled, ASAP

Posted on: Dec 8

Organization Overview:

The Woods Hole Research Center (WHRC) is a private, non-profit research organization focusing on environmental sciences. Our scientists combine analysis of satellite images of the Earth with field studies to measure, model, and map changes in the world’s ecosystems, from the thawing permafrost in the arctic to the expanding agriculture regions of the tropics. We work locally and regionally, with in-depth expertise and collaborations in North and South America and Africa; and we also work globally, focusing on how humans are changing global cycles of carbon, nitrogen, and water. We merge natural science with economics to discover sustainable paths for human prosperity and stewardship of the Earth’s natural resources.


The Woods Hole Research Center seeks a full-time research assistant in projects focused on use of satellite imagery to map, monitor and model changes in forest ecosystems, including the impacts of land use and disturbance. The successful candidate will work extensively with satellite and various other geospatial data sets, interacting with the principle investigator and collaborators, including postdoctoral researchers. This position requires an ability to work on multiple projects and adapt quickly, in order to meet deadlines for research reports, papers and presentations on a range of research topics.


  • be expected to process multi-sensor satellite and aircraft imagery, including acquiring and correcting imagery for various attenuating factors (calibration, cloud cover, etc.)
  • analyze image data for mapping and monitoring fire and other types of forest disturbance and associated recovery
  • compile analyses in a logical and visually compelling form to present to colleagues and other scientists, as well as to a more general audience
  • perform complex geoprocessing, frequently beyond the ‘push-button’ approach


  • Masters degree in Environmental Science, Geography, Computer Science and/or a related discipline, with experience using earth observation imagery and a demonstrated ability to write scripts, conduct spatial analysis and manage databases. Applicants should be confident in using a variety of software/geospatial tools and possess the ability to continuously learn new technical skills as needed.
  • Experience in digital image processing software packages (Erdas Imagine, Idrisi, ENVI/IDL, ArcGIS or open source alternatives) is essential
  • Experience in Geospatial script writing (Python, R, gdal, C/C#, SQL, Perl, Java, and AML also useful) is essential
  • Experience in performing GIS tasks in a multi-operating system environment (Windows/Linux/Mac/Solaris) is essential
  • Ability to work well alone and as part of a team in a constantly evolving environment

Benefits: full benefits package, exempt position

How to Apply:

To apply, please send cover letter referencing Job #SGRA01, curriculum vitae, and contact information for three references to

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