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Jan 11 / BARD CEP

Field Technician- Otto, GA

Organization: University of Georgia

Job Title: Field Technician

Location: Otto, GA

Hours and Compensation: $9-10/hr, 30-35 hr/wk

Application Deadline: Jan 31st

Posted on: Jan 10th

Organization Overview:


A technician is needed to assist on a research project studying the effects of climate change on spring forest phenology in the Nantahala Wilderness of North Carolina. The technician will take measurements of bud burst and leaf out timing for individual trees using visual observations and digital photographs. You will gain experience using GPS, spatial analysis, tree identification, and managing scientific data.

Work Schedule: For the duration of the position you will be expected to work every Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 7:00 am to 5:00 pm in the field, and 30 minutes a day entering data at your convenience. Additionally, you may occasionally be asked to work other days of the week given reasonable notice.

Duration: March 20th – April 26th 2011

Other: Housing and a field vehicle will be provided at the Coweeta Hydrologic Laboratory


  • Applicants should have experience working independently in remote locations
  • Previous field research experience is desired but not required
  • Ability to drive a manual transmission truck
  • Applicants should be capable of hiking over steep terrain for 8-10 hours, 3 days a week.
  • Some level of undergraduate education in ecology or related fields is preferred

How to Apply:

Email a one page cover letter and a current CV

[email protected]


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