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Jan 24 / BARD CEP

Hudson River Foundation, Tibor T Polgar Fellowships

Organization/Company Name/Department: Husdon River Foundation

Application Deadline: Feb 20th

Amount and Duration: $3,800

Overview/Funding Opportunity Description:

The Hudson River Foundation requests proposals for summer fellowships to conduct research on the Hudson River.  Managed jointly by the Foundation and the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, this program provides a grant ($3,800 for each fellowship) and limited research funds (maximum of $1,000) for up to eight college students (both graduate and undergraduate) to conduct research on the Hudson River.  The objectives of the program are to gather important information on all aspects of the River and to train students in conducting estuarine studies and public policy research.  Polgar Fellowships may be awarded for studies anywhere within the tidal Hudson estuary from New York Harbor to the Federal Dam at Troy, New York, including the four marshes of National Estuarine Research Reserve (Stockport Flats, the Tivoli Bays, Iona Island Marsh, and Piermont Marsh).

More Information

Because of the training and educational aspects of the program, students must be sponsored by a primary advisor.  The advisor must be willing to commit sufficient time for supervision of the research and to attend meetings to review these studies.  Advisors will receive a $500 stipend.

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