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Jan 27 / BARD CEP

SUMMER INTERNSHIPS in Field Ecology and Socio-Cultural Research-Ghent, NY

Organization: Hawthorne Valley Farmscape Ecology Program

Position Title: Summer internship in Field Ecology and Socio-Cultural Research-Ghent

Location: Ghent, NY

Hours & Compensation: May – August /December 2014 (3-6 months total, exact dates are flexible). $650/month stipend

Application Deadline: While the position will remain open until filled, we are hoping to select interns soon. Interested applicants should aim to submit applications by the middle of February.
The Farmscape Ecology Program is dedicated to exploring the human and natural dimensions of the landscape of Columbia County, NY through research and outreach. Our interdisciplinary research focuses on historical, current and potential future interactions of people with the land. The Program is comprised of wildlife ecologist Conrad Vispo, botanist Claudia Knab-Vispo, social scientist Anna Duhon, and technician Kyle Bradford. It is part of Hawthorne Valley Association, an educational non-profit located on a 400 acre farm.

Our work is currently focused on the Living Land Project, a multi-year collaborative exploration of the ecology and culture of Columbia County habitats. This Project includes both biological inventories of ecological habitats in the County and research into people’s diverse perceptions and interactions with the landscape. By involving community participants in the research and by sharing the results widely, we strive to stimulate, facilitate, and inform a sense of connection to the many dimensions of the landscape.


This year, we are looking for one Field Ecology intern and one Socio-Cultural Research Intern. We strive to integrate the ecological and cultural dimensions of our work, so applicants with overlapping interests are also welcome to apply. The minimum duration of an internship is three months, but longer stays can be discussed. We would also be glad to collaborate with students whose universities offer the potential for independent credits.

FIELD ECOLOGY INTERNSHIP ACTIVITIES: The ecology intern will participate in field inventories of plants and, to a lesser degree, animals in a variety of natural habitats and will have responsibilities related to the preservation and identification of plant and invertebrate specimens collected during the fieldwork. The intern will also be responsible for computer work consisting of data entry and some simple GIS tasks, and some gardening work in our ornamental garden featuring native plants. Additional data entry or gathering relating to the sociological fieldwork might also be requested. Responsibilities may also include helping to create and maintain an interactive web-based site for organizing, collecting and sharing research related to the Living Land Project. Finally, there is the opportunity to work with the Hawthorne Valley farmers and farm apprentices in the commercial vegetable fields for ½ day each week.

QUALIFICATIONS: We are looking for candidates with a strong interest in natural history, particularly field botany. Some plant identification skills and some gardening experience are a plus but not required. Candidates should be comfortable in a rural environment, be energetic, and thrive out-doors even when the going gets rough. Given the work environment, it is important that candidates are sociable, able to interact with a diverse range of people of all ages, self-motivated and can work independently with attention to detail. Most importantly, we are looking for people who are eager to learn.

We expect the candidates to have basic computer skills (Word, Excel) and some academic and/or work experience in field biology, field ecology, natural history, environmental science, sustainable farming/gardening, environmental education, or related fields. Experience with GIS software, web-site design, and social media would be a plus. Those who also have an interest in studying human relations to the landscape are urged to apply.

SOCIO-CULTURAL INTERNSHIP ACTIVITIES: Interns will participate in implementing and supporting cultural research related to the Living Land Project. Research projects for the upcoming field season will likely include: interactive photo-based surveys and participant photography at local recreation areas to explore people’s experiences of these areas and habitats; participatory mapping of resident’s “special places” in the landscape at community events and festivals; and habitat walks and plant sampling with selected focus groups comprising diverse members of the community. In addition, the intern may also have some involvement in ongoing projects involving photo-elicitation interviews with land users about their interaction with the land, roadside surveys of landscape features, and historical research into land access and landscape change. Internship responsibilities will include helping to facilitate and conduct such community research projects, as well as process, analyze and share the resulting data. Responsibilities may also include helping to create and maintain an interactive web-based site for organizing, collecting and sharing research related to the Living Land Project. Additional data entry or gathering relating to the ecological fieldwork might also be requested. Finally, there is the opportunity to work with the Hawthorne Valley farmers and farm apprentices in the commercial vegetable fields for ½ day each week.

QUALIFICATIONS: We are looking for candidates with a strong interest in cultural research, participatory research methods and community outreach. Candidates should be comfortable living in a rural environment, enjoy actively engaging with diverse community members, and have the ability to work well independently with careful attention to detail.

We expect the candidates to have basic computer skills (Word, Excel) and some academic and/or work experience in the social sciences, sustainable farming/gardening, or related fields. Experience conducting interviews and surveys or doing community-based research and outreach is a plus, as is experience with GIS software, web-site design and interactive functionality, and social media. Those who also have an interest in studying field ecology are urged to apply.

GENERAL ARRANGEMENTS: The internship is based at Hawthorne Valley Farm, a 400-acre organic and biodynamic diversified farm located in the heart of Columbia County, NY, in the northwest corner of Hillsdale. Interns will be expected to work at least five days per week, including the option of working half a day a week in the Hawthorne Valley Farm gardens (in order to obtain some hands-on farming experience). Periodic requests for day-off and after-hours work will occur, though the basic internship is organized around a 40 to 45-hour workweek. Candidates for the Socio-Cultural Research Internship position should be aware that they would likely have a Tuesday through Saturday workweek schedule.

COMPENSATION: On-farm housing with shared kitchen and bathroom and a $650/month stipend are provided.

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Information about the farm is available at; for more on the Farmscape Ecology Program itself, see

APPLICATION PROCESS: Please send a CV including contact information for three references along with a cover letter explaining your interest in the internship, including the types of research you feel most drawn to and qualified for. Potentially suitable applicants will be interviewed by phone, and typically a personal visit to the Farm is requested before we make a final commitment. If you have questions, please contact Conrad, Claudia or Anna at 518-672-7994.


Jan 27 / BARD CEP

Community Organizing for the Democracy Amendment Campaign-Boston, MA.

Organization: Greater Boston Move to Amend 

Position Title: Community Organizing for the Democracy Amendment Campaign

Location: San Francisco, CA

Hours & Compensation: 5 hours/ week, unpaid

Application Deadline: Not listed.

Internship description

Learn community and statewide campaign organizing from experienced organizers as you help build the movement to reclaim democracy “for the people.”

Multinational corporations and the super rich have come to dominate all of our democratic institutions, including buying our elections, winning constitutional rights for artificial corporations, and controlling policy through massive lobbying tied to campaign contributions. Move to Amend is a national coalition committed to social and economic justice, ending corporate rule, and building a vibrant democracy that is genuinely accountable to people, not corporate interests. We call for an amendment to the US Constitution to unequivocally state that inalienable right belong t human beings only, and that money is not a form of protected free speech under the First amendment and can be regulated in political campaigns. This is a necessary first step toward creating a true democracy.

Greater Boston Move to Amend is a volunteer group affiliated with the national coalition Move to Amend. We have professional organizers from union, parent and environmental organizations that are working now as volunteers and are eager to train and mentor new activists on a full range of organizing skills. The intern positions are unpaid but great resume builders and very inspiring. You will learn in depth about political movement building in the US, from the community to the federal level. And you will meet interesting and dedicated people and learn a lot about power and democracy in the US.

Internship opportunities are varied and can be tailored to the individual:

  • Help organize community and constituency forums and workshops
  • Recruit new volunteers and build our membership list
  • Help build a coalition of organizations to launch a new statewide campaign
  • Learn the Massachusetts legislative process and coordinate citizen lobbying
  • Develop GBMTA’s web resources and social media
  • Create candidate questionnaires and public forums
  • Create a local ballot question campaign
  • Public speaking after training and if desired

Desired qualifications:

  • Commitment to and belief in the mission of Move to Amend is primary
  • Ability to work with a diverse group of individuals
  • Willing to take direction and be flexible
  • Ability to work independently after training and with support
  • Ability to meet with mentors in Roslindale and Acton, Mass and get around the Boston area
  • Ability to communicate with GBMTA frequently through email

Hours: We accept interns able to commit 4 hours a week minimum for 8 weeks, and maximum 20 hours per week.


We do not have an office, thus you can work at home or where you choose. You will meet with Internship mentors in Roslindale (Boston neighborhood) and Acton, Mass and attend meetings in Cambridge, but work with communities throughout Greater Boston.

How to apply

Please email a resume with contact information and cover letter stating why you are interested in this position to Lee Ketelsen at, with subject line Organizing Internship Application. Applications are reviewed on a rolling basis.

Jan 27 / BARD CEP

Reporter & Web Content Developer-Brooklyn, NY.

Organization: ioby

Position Title: Reporter and Web  Content Developer.

Location: Brooklyn, NY.

Hours & Compensation: Paid, 15 hours/week

Application Deadline: February 14, 2014

Internship Description

ioby is a startup nonprofit organization seeking a part-time intern to produce dynamic, engaging content for, a crowd-resourcing platform designed to support citizen-led, neighbor-funded environmental projects in urban centers.

Duties may include

  • reporting blog content on ioby projects,
  • conducting and editing Q&As with civic and environmental leaders,
  • producing content for reports,
  • producing Facebook content,
  • writing Twitter content, and
  • managing social media channels.


This position requires an ability to write ioby copy in the ioby voice with careful attention to grammatical detail. Candidates should have background in reporting, writing and editing as well as an understanding of uses of social media channels and their specific audiences.

Ideal candidates are students in journalism, freelance writers or fact checkers. You may have an interest in civic engagement, environmental action, urban planning or environmental justice. Or, you may have an interest in learning first-hand what it’s like to work for a startup web-based nonprofit. We’re seeking a self-starter who will work independently and see projects through to completion with a minimal amount of oversight.

About ioby

ioby is a crowd-resourcing platform designed to inspire, support and connect the next generation of environmental leaders in urban centers. allows anyone who has an idea for environmental change in his or her neighborhoods to raise tax-deductible donations, connect with local volunteers and share ideas with a likeminded community online.

We are a young and dynamic organization seeking someone who will fit into our organizational culture and contribute to our development. We are happy to work with an intern to develop projects that are tailored to your interests, but we also need someone who is willing to meet short-term content production goals.

Details: This internship has a modest stipend. We are happy to work with interns to coordinate credit and/or stipends from their school or college. Hours and start/end dates are flexible. ioby provides office space.

Women, people of color and LGBT people are strongly encouraged to apply.

ioby is committed to the principles of equal opportunity. ioby’s organizational policies, practices, programs, activities and decisions regarding employment, hiring, assignment, promotion, compensation, volunteerism, internships and other terms and conditions of employment or voluntary service shall not be based on a person’s race, color, sex, age, religion, national origin, mental or physical disability, ancestry, military discharge status, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, marital status, source of income, parental status, housing status, or other protected status, in accordance with applicable law.

How to apply

To apply email your resume, references, clips, two blog samples, and a short cover letter describing what you think you will bring to ioby, what about our work interests you, your academic focus and/or goals, and what you wish to get out of an internship to Erin Barnes ( by August 16b, 2012. In addition, please send five sample tweets and describe your approach to using Facebook as a base-building tool for community organizers. Please use “Web Content Internship Application” as the subject line.

Jan 27 / BARD CEP

Crowdsourcing Community Management Internship-Brooklyn, NY

Organization: ioby

Position Title: Crowdsourcing Community Management Internship

Location: Brooklyn, NY

Hours & Compensation: Paid, 20 hours/ week

Application Deadline: February 14, 2014

Women, people of color and LGBT people are strongly encouraged to apply.

ioby is committed to the principles of equal opportunity. ioby’s organizational policies, practices, programs, activities and decisions regarding employment, hiring, assignment, promotion, compensation, volunteerism, internships and other terms and conditions of employment or voluntary service shall not be based on a person’s race, color, sex, age, religion, national origin, mental or physical disability, ancestry, military discharge status, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, marital status, source of income, parental status, housing status, or other protected status, in accordance with applicable law.

Internship Description

ioby is a startup nonprofit organization seeking a part-time intern to produce dynamic, engaging content for, a crowd-resourcing platform designed to support citizen-led, neighbor-funded projects in urban centers.

Duties may include

  • acting as the first touchpoint to thousands of new users in ioby’s new crowdsourcing campaigns
  • managing new ideas posted to ioby maps in several cities,
  • providing information to senior staff regularly,
  • producing Facebook and Twitter content to continue momentum built in crowdsourced campaigns, and
  • managing responses and interactions in social media channels.


This position requires an ability to write ioby copy in the ioby voice with careful attention to grammatical detail. Candidates should have background in reporting, writing and editing as well as an understanding of uses of social media channels and their specific audiences.

Ideal candidates are students in journalism, crowdsourcing, digital engagement, are freelance writers or fact checkers. You may have an interest in civic engagement, environmental action, urban planning or environmental justice. Or, you may have an interest in learning first-hand what it’s like to work for a startup web-based nonprofit. We’re seeking a self-starter who will work independently and see projects through to completion with a minimal amount of oversight.

About ioby

ioby is a crowd-resourcing platform designed to inspire, support and connect the next generation of environmental leaders in urban centers. allows anyone who has an idea for environmental change in his or her neighborhoods to raise tax-deductible donations, connect with local volunteers and share ideas with a likeminded community online.

We are a young and dynamic organization seeking someone who will fit into our organizational culture and contribute to our development. We are happy to work with an intern to develop projects that are tailored to your interests, but we also need someone who is willing to meet short-term content production goals.

Details: This internship has a modest stipend. We are happy to work with interns to coordinate credit and/or stipends from their school or college. Hours and start/end dates are flexible. ioby provides office space.

How to apply

To Apply: Email your resume, references, clips, two blog samples, and a short cover letter describing what you think you will bring to ioby, what about our work interests you, your academic focus and/or goals, and what you wish to get out of an internship to Erin Barnes ( by February 14, 2014. In addition, please send five sample tweets and describe your experience in crowdsourcing and approach to using social media as a base-building tool for community organizers. Please use “Crowdsourcing Community Management Internship” as the subject line.

Jan 27 / BARD CEP

Manager Fisheries Conservation- Washington DC

Organization: National Fish and Wildlife Foundation  

Position Title: Manager

Location: Washington DC.

Hours & Compensation: Full time

Application Deadline: Not listed.

Summary: Working out of the Foundation’s Washington, D.C. office, the Manager – Fisheries Conservation will be a key member of the Marine and Coastal Conservation team and will manage strategic development and implementation of the Foundation’s sustainable fisheries programs including, but not limited to Diadromous Fish Initiative, U.S. Shellfish Initiative, as well as the Fisheries Innovation Fund. S/he is responsible for developing strategies and programs, assisting in securing funding opportunities, managing applicable funding sources, management of advisory committees, interacting with existing and potential grant/contract recipients, coordinating proposal review, providing technical assistance to grantees, reviewing/approving reports from grantees, coordinating with the project administration team to assure the effective implementation of the Foundation’s grant administration policies, drafting recommendations for staff and Board action, and closely coordinating program efforts with the Director, Marine and Coastal Conservation (Director) and other Foundation staff. S/he is also responsible for other duties as assigned by the Director.



  • Design and implement conservation strategies for NFWF in fisheries and other conservation initiatives in coordination with the Director and other marine team members, various advisory committees, Foundation program staff including Keystone Initiative Directors and Evaluators, Government Relations, contractors, agency liaisons and the Board.
  • Establish program priorities, including measurable goals and objectives; work with the program advisory committee to solicit, review and approve grant awards; developing, coordinating and implementing site-specific technical assistance plans/strategies with grantees; negotiate milestones with grantees; and establishing systems to monitor progress of each grantee (using Foundation technical and financial tracking databases).
  • Manage applicable funding source(s) as appropriate, including preparation of grant applications and amendments, preparation and submission of financial and programmatic reports and coordination with agency project officers.
  • Assist in securing additional funding for fisheries programs (including subgrants) and the operations of the Foundation.
  • Serve as spokesperson for the Foundation with regard to this program, its conservation objectives and accomplishments. Coordinate the fisheries program activities with others involved or affected by project decisions.
  • Establish and maintain networks with the myriad organizations and interests engaged in fisheries work.
  • Keep abreast of scientific and policy developments that may impact efforts to promote sustainable fisheries.
  • Seek opportunities for information sharing among grantees and with policy makers about lessons learned and accomplishments of grant-funded projects.
  • Assure compliance with all requirements of cooperative agreements, including quality assurance for data and the environmental results policy, and assure that all activities are communicated and coordinated with the Director, other Foundation staff as appropriate and Foundation agency liaisons.
  • Review and evaluate submissions by grant/contract recipients and applicants assuring that results are in full compliance with Foundation and funding source requirements.
  • Track and monitor proposals and active grants/contracts in coordination with the project administration team.
  • Compile project metrics from grants to help populate scorecards and assess impact of initiatives.
  • Coordinate the program’s external technical review of proposals in accordance with Foundation policy.
  • Prepare briefing materials and recommendations to support decision making by the Foundation’s staff and Board.
  • Prepare and/or assist in the preparation of various descriptive and evaluative reports as directed.
  • Subject to programmatic objectives and budgetary considerations, propose and conduct site visits in accordance with Foundation policy.
  • Perform other duties as assigned by the Director.


  • Recommend new processes where needed to improve existing processes.
  • Recommend and lead efforts to improve existing processes.


  • Advanced degree or equivalent experience with concentration in fisheries biology, fisheries economics, oceanography or marine biology preferred.
  • Experience working in fisheries management and liaising with the fishing Industry preferred.
  • Experience in building coalitions.
  • Three years experience in program management.
  • Demonstrated success in fundraising or program development.
  • Experience working with federal resource agencies, with experience managing cooperative agreements preferred.
  • Grants management and administration experience preferred.
  • Professionalism and leadership qualities.
  • Driven by a desire to meet and exceed goals.
  • Thrives in a rapidly changing environment.
  • Strong listening and communication skills.
  • Strong analytical and reasoning skills.
  • Ability to organize and prioritize work and meet deadlines.
  • Strong attention to detail and follow-through skills.
  • Strong analytical skills.
  • Computer proficiency. Experience using database software preferred.

Compensation: Commensurate with experience.

Location: Washington, DC

How to apply

To apply, please send an e-mail, with attachments in Word or PDF format, containing your cover letter describing your interest and qualifications, resume, three professional references and your salary requirements to Marla Carter, Human Resources Manager, at National Fish and Wildlife Foundation is an equal opportunity employer.

Jan 27 / BARD CEP

Country Director-Philadelphia, PA

Organization: Aspire Global Health 

Position Title: Country Director 

Location: Philadelphia, PA.

Hours & Compensation: Full time. 7,200 – 12,000

Application Deadline: March 25, 2014

Aspire Global Health is seeking a Country Director to spearhead our on-the-ground efforts in the domain of health care quality and access. The Country Director will help our non-profit to build relationships with hospitals to improve their quality of care and with patients in need of tertiary level care including surgery and other interventional procedures. The FOM will be responsible for being an individual contributor as well as managing a budget and recruiting/managing a small local team.

This is an excellent opportunity for anyone with previous international development experience who wants to build a general management skill set and be a part of an entrepreneurial effort. We are seeking an individual with a background in business or an interest in developing a business skill set as the position will require an element of sales and marketing to both hospitals and patients.

The opportunity is a three to six month contracted position that may turn into a permanent position depending on mutual interest in continuing the relationship and success of the company. Extensive travel will be required.

The Country Director position is essential to carrying out our mission of providing high quality healthcare services. Duties vary widely and change constantly based on environmental conditions and factors, but in general include the following:

  • Organize, manage, and supervise all on site company activities in Latin America.
  • Develop and maintain partnerships with healthcare facilities and local NGOs.
  • Prepare a detailed monthly budget.
  • Prepare weekly reports of ongoing activities.
  • Assist in the development of company policies and procedures.
  • Assist in the development of sales and marketing activities.
  • Represent company to the local ministry of health, community groups and other institutions.
  • Supervise all patient care activities and liaise with clinical leaders. A clinical background is not required for this position, but an appetite for gaining clinical awareness is!

Ideal Candidate:

  • Minimum educational requirement: Bachelor degree
  • Minimum two years international experience and strong intercultural communication and facilitation skills, experience working in Latin America is required
  • Prior Peace Corps experience strongly preferred
  • English proficiency – strong reading/writing skills required
  • Community outreach and organizational leadership experience
  • Best mix of personality (we’re a small fun-loving bunch!) and skill set
  • Entrepreneurial mindset, desire to be part of a startup company with strong social impact principles
  • Basic knowledge of public health issues affecting developing populations
  • Strong quantitative aptitude
  • Strong sense of focus and attention to detail
  • Interest in global health programs, research, evidence based medicine.
  • Desire and ability to recruit and manage a multi-cultural team in a resource poor setting
  • Ability to build and maintain strong partnerships with organizations at various levels
  • Genuine sense of concern for patients and people in general
  • Dedicated to improving healthcare in Latin America
  • Position will require that you reside in Latin America if you do not already
  • A sense of humor is always an asset; pink elephants do exist and not just in our heads!
  • Demonstrated leadership and organizational skills, be a self-motivator, be adaptable and flexible, and desire the opportunity to work and thrive in a fun, fast-paced, energetic, highly creative environment.

Benefits and position details:

  • Location: Latin America (you will help us figure out which countries)
  • Contract Start Date: We’ll pick a date in mid to late February. It will be fun.
  • Contract Length: 3-6 month contract with the goal of making this a longer term opportunity
  • Compensation: Commensurate with experience, ranges from $600 – $800 per month
  • To apply for this position, please send a resume and your current contact information to Lisa Foster at Interviews will be offered on a rolling basis until the ideal candidate is selected.
    How to apply
    • To apply for this position, please send a resume and your current contact information to Lisa Foster at Interviews will be offered on a rolling basis until the ideal candidate is selected.
Jan 26 / BARD CEP

jobs & internships-Cambridge, MA.

Organization: New Economy Coalition 

Position Title: Jobs and internships.

Location: Cambridge, MA.

Hours & Compensation: Not listed

Application Deadline: Not listed

Thank you for your interest in working for the New Economy Coalition! We look forward to considering your application. Please note that due to the volume of applications, we are unable to respond to all applicants personally. If you have an urgent question or message, please call our office at (617) 401-2235 or use the general contact form on our website.

Current Openings:

Director of Organizing, Racial and Economic Justice Initiative

This position will include responsibilities for mobilizing new and existing resources to develop a new program, the Racial and Economic Justice Initiative. This will include organizing within the existing New Economy Coalition and recruiting new members to form a coalition advisory group for the program, and supervising the execution of internally facing and externally facing components of the program including curriculum/training, re-granting and leadership development. This is a full time position with benefits.

Youth and Student Network Organizer

This position will include responsibilities for proposal selection, coordination and organizing support for youth and student microgrant program; development of youth and student leadership in the New Economy Coalition; strategic deployment of resources to grow existing relationships with college and university groups and to build new relationships with youth organizations, particularly in low-income communities and communities of color; and recruitment, program development and organizing support for youth and students at the June 2014 New Economy Coalition convening. This is a full time position with benefits.

Communications and Online Organizing Coordinator

The position is an opportunity to work with a growing communications team to use narrative story telling, strategic public relations, and online organizing tactics to broaden the movement for a just and sustainable economy. The function will include responsibilities for the development and execution of the program’s various communications strategies and social media campaigns. The person in this position will be responsible for raising the profile and broadening the reach of the Youth and Student Network program through the use of strategic communications and online organizing. This is a full time position with benefits.

IT and Data Systems Coordinator

The New Economy Coalition (NEC) seeks an IT and Data Systems Coordinator. The position will be responsible for the coordination and oversight of the organization’s IT and data systems. It will involve working closely with NEC’s Operations and Communications teams. This is a part-time position based in Cambridge, MA.

Operations Intern

All Operations positions are a blended role handling administrative tasks, data management, project coordination and finance. You will be responsible for supporting our whole management team, reporting to Operations but also occasionally working with other senior staff and the President to keep things running tightly and smoothly as we approach our national conference in early June. This is a paid, part-time position (10-20 hours per week).

Learn more and apply for any of these positions here:


Jan 26 / BARD CEP

Environmental Scientists/Project Managers -Hackettstown,NJ

Organization: Site Remediation Group

Position Title:  Environmental Scientists/Project Managers


Location: Hackettstown NJ

Hours & Compensation: Not listed

Application Deadline: Not listed

Job Responsibilities

Site Remediation Group (SRG) is a fast growing environmental firm in search of highly motivated and well organized environmental scientists and project managers to join our Hackettstown, New Jersey office.



Possession of a 40-hour OSHA training certificate and being familiar with the NJDEP LSRP program is a plus. All candidates must possess a Bachelors Degree in Environmental Science (or related discipline), excellent written and oral communication skills, and the ability to multi-task.


SRG provides a competitive salary and an excellent benefits package (including bonus opportunities).

To Apply

If interested, please forward résumé to or fax to 908-850-8401.

Jan 26 / BARD CEP

Executive Director-Beacon NY

Organization: Hudson Sloop Clearwater

Position Title: Executive Director


Location: Beacon, NY

Hours & Compensation: Not listed 

Application Deadline: Not listed 

Job Responsibilities

Hudson River Sloop Clearwater, Inc., a non-profit membership organization working for a cleaner Hudson River and greater awareness of its natural, recreational, historic and scenic resources through environmental education, environmental activism and celebration, seeks an Executive Director whose duties include management and direction of day-to-day operations, organizational spokesperson, revenue development and administration, program analysis, oversight of sloop operations, staff management and strategic planning. The organization owns and operates the 106′ sloop Clearwater and offers education sails on the Hudson River, New York Harbor, and Long Island Sound.


To Apply

Please click here for an overview of the Executive Director’s Responsibilities and Duties.

Qualified applicants should send a cover letter and résumé to:

Search Committee
Hudson River Sloop Clearwater Inc
724 Wolcott Ave
Beacon NY  12508-4173

Or e-mail


Jan 26 / BARD CEP

Program Associate-Washington DC.

Organization: RESOLVE 

Position Title: Program Associate

Location: Washington DC.

Hours & Compensation: Salary is commensurate with education and experience.

Application Deadline: Applications accepted until position is filled

Organization Overview:

RESOLVE is an independent organization focused on building strong, enduring solutions to environmental, social, and health challenges. We help community, business, government, foundation, and non-governmental organization leaders solve challenging problems, achieve enduring results, and create productive, lasting relationships through collaboration. We are based in Washington, D.C. and work on local, regional, national, and international projects. Our projects focus on healthy people and communities, clean air and water, resilient ecosystems, smart energy, sustainable development, and natural resource conflicts.


Applicants must have a Bachelor’s degree; an advance degree is preferred. Prior work experience relating to conflict resolution, public policy, or natural resource issues is a plus.

Job Responsibilities

  1. Serve as junior member of facilitation, mediation, and training teams. This includes conducting interviews with stakeholders, drafting agendas, recording flip chart notes or taking notes in meetings, and writing meeting summaries and project reports.
  2. Manage logistics for meetings, including polling teams for meeting dates, reserving venues, communicating with participants, developing and managing project websites, preparing meeting materials, and managing collaborative technology (e.g., Adobe Connect) for meetings.
  3. Work with organizational teams and partners to research issues, track collaborative opportunities, and write proposals.


We are looking for an individual with demonstrated commitment to the conflict resolution and/or natural resources field, including knowledge, skills, personal characteristics, and referrals that attest to:


  1. Familiarity with neutrality, group dynamics, collaboration, and consensus building theories and practices
  2. Familiarity with public policy context and processes and the role of different groups in agenda setting, advocacy, and problem solving
  3. Understanding of science and technical information in environment and natural resources issues
  4. Familiarity with collaborative technologies and application of them in a variety of settings and projects


  1. Excellent organizational skills and an ability to pay close attention to detail
  2. Excellent analytical, writing, and editing skills
  3. Proficiency with word processing, databases, and spreadsheets
  4. Proficiency with use of collaborative technologies (e.g., Adobe Connect or other webinar programs; Poll Everywhere), social media, AV equipment, and web development (particularly WordPress). Experience with Google Analytics a plus.
  5. Ability to balance many projects and priorities simultaneously, while closely tracking and managing various project activities, timelines, and deliverables
  6. Ability to take initiative and work with teams to coordinate projects on scope and budget, with attention to highest quality and detail
  7. Excellent relationship skills such as listening, building trust, empathizing, developing rapport, and both giving and receiving constructive criticism

Personal Characteristics

  1. Intellectual curiosity and depth
  2. Energy, drive, and commitment to excellence
  3. Strong values and ethics
  4. Courage, confidence, and ease in front of groups
  5. Professionalism
  6. Ability to work as part of a team
  7. Self-motivation, self-discipline, and capacity to work with little supervision or structure
  8. Willingness to cope with an irregular work schedule, sometimes requiring evening and weekend work and travel


Salary is commensurate with education and experience. RESOLVE offers excellent benefits, including: medical and dental insurance; retirement contributions; generous family, vacation, and sick leave; and long-term disability.

Closing Date

Applications accepted until position is filled

To Apply

Please email your résumé and cover letter to Please do not e-mail other staff or inquire about opportunities by phone.

Jan 26 / BARD CEP

U.S. Director of Communications-Reston, VA

Organization: Health Care Without Harm 

Position Title: U.S Director of Communication

Location: Reston,VA

Hours & Compensation: Full time. HCWH offers a very generous benefits package.

Application Deadline: Not listed 


Organizational Overview:

Health Care Without Harm (HCWH) is a non-profit organization that works to transform the health sector worldwide, without compromising patient safety or care, so that it becomes ecologically sustainable and a leading advocate for environmental health and justice. HCWH has offices in the US, Europe, Latin America and Asia, and works with health professionals, hospitals, health systems, ministries of health and international organizations. (

Position Overview:

HCWH is looking for a dynamic professional to lead and execute all facets of the strategic communications for HCWH US, while coordinating efforts with HCWH’s international offices and its affiliated membership organization, Practice Greenhealth. The Director of Communications will lead the communications component of fast-paced advocacy campaigns, longer-term projects, as well as the day-to-day communications necessities of a growing non-profit. The position requires someone that has experience in creating highly effective messaging and campaign planning and the demonstrated ability to meet deadlines.

Job Responsibilities:

  • Lead the effort in creating and implementing a strategic communications plan.
    • Plan and direct marketing, public relations, and promotional campaigns and strategies.
    • Develop media relations policy and media kit.
    • Direct the production of printed publications.
    • Write materials for, and direct the layout of, informational materials such as newsletters, pamphlets, white papers, and posters.
    • Lead messaging and branding effort for all outward-facing initiatives.
    • Participate in the development of marketing and fundraising campaigns in coordination with the development team.
      • Initiate, develop, and maintain local, national, and international media and public contacts for disseminating information.
      • Research and write news releases.
      • Arrange interviews for and regularly brief organizational officials on emerging issues and opportunities.
      • Act as an organizational spokesperson, representing HCWH in media interviews, organizational meetings, and at local, state, and national functions.
      • Coordinate ceremonies, press conferences, and other events.
      • Oversee organizational use of contracted marketing and public relations vendors.
      • Develop and manage communications budget.
      • Develop and direct all aspects of HCWH’s social media outreach.
      • Collaborate with other HCWH and PGH staff, partners and international offices to achieve goals.
      • Performs other related duties as assigned or requested.


  • At least five years experience in persuasive communications, preferably in non-profit advocacy or political campaigns.
  • Skilled organizer who can inspire others to contribute smartly to meeting our communications needs.
  • Experience working on environmental health, public health, healthcare and/or sustainability issues a big plus. Must be able to successfully communicate the mission and vision of HCWH.
  • Experienced with developing web content and managing social media campaigns.
  • Proven success in media relations, including framing and pitching media stories.

Skills, Knowledge and Abilities:

  • Must be an exceptional writer – high quality, prolific, meets deadlines.
  • Able to advocate effectively on the phone, in person and online.
  • Demonstrated messaging and editing skills.
  • Excellent attention to details and follow through needed.
  • A strong graphic design sensibility a plus.
  • Strong organizing and people skills.
  • Must possess tact, diplomacy, a positive attitude and the ability to work well under pressure.
  • Ability to think strategically and creatively while organizing time efficiently.
  • Strong interpersonal skills and ability to work successfully within a team.

Health Care Without Harm is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

To apply:

Send cover letter and resume to Veronique Nagle, HR Manager, Health Care Without Harm, In the subject line please indicate this description: “Last Name, First Name- Comm Dir Idealist”. Only competitive candidates will be invited to participate further in the recruitment process. No Phone Calls Please. Position Open Until Filled.

Jan 26 / BARD CEP

Project Coordinator-Seattle, WA

Organization: Earthcorps

Position Title: Project Coordinator

Location: Seattle, WA

Hours & Compensation:  Full time/Temporary

Application Deadline: $2,500/month

EarthCorps’ mission is to build global community through local environmental service. EarthCorps restores parks and open spaces while providing leadership and community service experiences for young people from the United States and around the world.
• Strong Communities: EarthCorps leads 10,000 volunteers annually and partners with 100+ organizations worldwide.
• Healthy Habitats: EarthCorps’ environmental restoration work includes salmon stream restoration, native tree plantings, invasive plant removal, wetland and shoreline restoration and trail construction.
• Young Leaders: In addition to the corps program, EarthCorps delivers programs for young people to learn about the environment, engage in community service and develop leadership skills through hands-on service.

The Project Coordinator (PC) is a temporary, exempt position in EarthCorps. The PC position involves project coordination between EarthCorps and partner agencies/organizations; field leadership of crews; supervision of crew leaders and responsibility for maintaining safety standards and organizational goals of EarthCorps in all endeavors. The PC reports to the Field Operations Manager.


Project Coordination:

• Coordinates projects in conjunction with Field Operations Manager, field staff and agency partners. Projects may include invasive plant removal (manual and herbicide), native re-vegetation, stream work, erosion control, trail maintenance/construction, and volunteer management
• Serves as on-site project manager
• Sets and maintains production, quality and safety goals/standards for crews to ensure project is completed on-time and within budget.
• Manages purchasing and delivery of materials to field project sites
• Operates specialized equipment as assigned
• Conducts pre-project site visits to develop an implementation plan and acquire the information and materials needed to ensure a successful project
• Supports all field logistics.

• Ensures that EarthCorps crews complete projects as agreed upon with agency partners.
• Supports leadership development of the Crew Leaders
• Enforces the standards of behavior as well as policies and procedures of EarthCorps and ensures adherence to program goals and mission
• Leads by example, working alongside corps members and crew leaders
• Counsels, motivates or disciplines individual corps members and Crew Leaders as needed

Training and Instruction:
• Fosters and encourages quality work and interaction among corps members
• Supports training and presentations in such areas as: project orientation, proper use of tools, first aid, workplace safety, environmental restoration, natural resource management, leadership/management skills, and community service

• Conducts effective and timely communication with supervisor, agency personnel and field staff.
• Prepares project summaries, equipment use and maintenance logs, and incident reports
• Performs photo documentation of projects
• Maintains project files, including documentation of work, receipts, and contract compliance

Program Support:
• Performs other relevant duties as assigned

• Bachelor’s degree or experience in a related field
• Demonstrated ability to complete simultaneous complex projects in a timely manner
• Field experience in environmental restoration and trail maintenance
• Proven back-country hiking and camping skills, absolutely comfortable living and working in a wilderness setting for multiple days and weeks
• Experience working with or teaching young adults in an environmental education setting.
• Demonstrated leadership in a team setting working with staff, volunteers, agency personnel, resource user groups, and others to accomplish conservation/restoration objectives
• Experience with the use and maintenance of hand and power tools
• Demonstrated ability to work independently in an office and field setting, maintain self-motivation and persist in the face of obstacles
• Ability to travel regionally including car and ferry trips
• Ability to work weekend and over nights, including camping
• Ability to work under physically demanding conditions, including cold and wet weather
• Ability to walk, lift 50 pounds, and operate hand and power tools and other mechanical equipment
• Wilderness First Aid
• Washington State Pesticide License
• Valid driver’s license and acceptable driving record with an ability to operate full-size vehicles safely.
• Excellent interpersonal and conflict resolution skills
• Interest in community service, environment and youth development
• Highly motivated, organized, creative, self-directed and flexible
• Positive attitude and sense of humor
• Problem solver

TERMS OF EMPLOYMENT: Early June – late November, 2014

COMPENSATION: $2500/month


Submit a cover letter, resume and references to: Project Coordinator Hiring Committee, EarthCorps, 6310 NE 74th Street, Suite 201E, Seattle, WA 98115 or e-mail:

CLOSING DATE: Open until filled

Jan 26 / BARD CEP

Development Director Greater Los Angeles-Carson, CA

Organization: GRID Alternatives  

Position Title: Development Director

Location: Carson, CA

Hours & Compensation: Full time. 55,000 – 75,000

Application Deadline: Not listed.


GRID Alternatives Greater Los Angeles ( is a rapidly growing non-profit organization that provides solar energy to low-income families. Our main program is the Solar Affordable Housing Program, where we lead teams of volunteers and job trainees to install solar electric systems for low-income homeowners. We are looking for a Development Director to help lead our fundraising efforts in Los Angeles, Orange and Ventura counties.

Job Duties

•Obtain financial support from foundations, corporations, governments and individual supporters throughout the region, under the supervision of the Executive Director

•Manage grant and program proposals to local foundations and local governments, including researching opportunities, managing deadlines and reporting requirements

•Work with Executive Director to generate ideas for campaigns, events and other development efforts.

•Collaborate with GRID Alternatives’ national fundraising team on statewide funding and communications efforts

•Serve as a thought partner with the Executive Director on local communications, event, and partnership development efforts

•Solicit corporate and group donors for our sponsored workday program

•Solicit individual participants and corporate sponsors for our annual Solarthon fundraiser/solar installation event, and manage event logistics with support from Headquarters and Executive Director

•Manage and build up our individual giving program

•Track donations using our[[|]] CRM database

•Create and implement fundraising and cultivation events to raise individual donations from local individual donors and assist with board recruitment

•Acknowledge and thank donors

•Represent the organization to potential donors, funders, sponsors, government officials, policy makers, clean tech businesses and the general community.

•Report directly to the Executive Director, while regularly communicating with and coordinating with GRID Alternatives’ national VP of Development and Communications

Position Requirements

•Minimum 3 years of nonprofit fundraising experience. Substituting other equivalent experience will only be considered for an exceptional candidate who makes a compelling case in their cover letter

•High level of comfort with grant applications and directly asking individuals and institutions for money

•Event management experience

•Excellent interpersonal, phone, and written communication skills. You must be able to meet directly with funders/sponsors and speak effectively, professionally, and passionately about the work of the organization, as well as communicate effectively and professionally via email, phone, and in formal written proposals

•Comfortable working as part of a team in a collaborative, hard-working, friendly office environment

•Strong and broad computer and website management skills

Preferred Qualifications

•Passion for renewable energy, affordable housing, the environment/environmental justice

•Familiarity with the local and statewide environmental/political and cleantech worlds.

•Existing relationships with potential local donors/corporate sponsors

Office Location

The Greater Los Angeles office is located in Carson.


Competitive non profit salary depending on experience + health, dental, paid time off, and optional 403b retirement enrollment

How to apply:

Applicants must submit a cover letter and resume for this position online Mailed and emailed applications are not accepted.

We are an equal opportunity employer.

Jan 26 / BARD CEP

GIS Project Manager (Associate Tech Specialist I or II or PM I or II)-Richmond, CA

Organization: San Francisco Estuary Institute 

Position Title: GIS Project Manager 

Location: Richmond, CA

Hours & Compensation: Full time 

Application Deadline: Not listed



SFEI is seeking a candidate with a unique combination of geospatial project management and technical expertise to join the Geographic Information Systems (GIS) team. The GIS team is part of the Environmental Data, Information, and Technology (EDIT) program. This is a full-time position under the supervision of the GIS Manager. A successful candidate will be enthusiastic, self-motivated, and passionate about effective environmental resource management. You will collaborate with your colleagues to ensure an optimum relationship between science and policy through innovative approaches to information collection, display, and analysis.

GIS Focus Area Description

The GIS Focus Area is responsible for servicing the Institute and external user community’s spatial information needs through collaborative, innovative, and creative projects. The GIS Project Manager will work with both technology and science teams to develop GIS methods, advanced tools, and web delivery applications to support local and statewide environmental management. GIS is one of four Focus Areas in the Environmental Data, Information, and Technology (EDIT) Program which focuses on providing clients and partners with the most current technology tools available to meet the Institute’s mission.

About SFEI

SFEI is a 501(c)(3) non-profit that provides science to support environmental decision making and management. Our science informs policy-makers, resource managers, stakeholders, scientists, and the broader public. SFEI typically engages with organizations and individuals of diverse perspectives, priorities, and backgrounds to understand their information needs and how best to meet those needs.

Technology is integral to how SFEI communicates findings and disseminates data and information. SFEI is a California Environmental Data Exchange Network (CEDEN) partner and serves as a one of California’s four Regional Data Centers for management of surface water quality, wetlands and spatial data. SFEI hosts multiple web sites that provide access to environmental data and information. The Institute has a strong history of GIS expertise including publication of spatial data, development of GIS tools and spatial analysis. We strive to help natural resource managers and scientists do more with the products the Institute generates. We have the hardware, tools and, most importantly, staff to ensure that monitoring data and findings and other relevant information are useful and broadly accessible to a range of technical and non-technical users.


Required Skills:

●At least 3 years progressively responsible project management experience including:

oBudget development and tracking

oStaff work flow management to ensure projects are completed on time and within budget

oDeliverable tracking

oWorkplan development and tracking

oCommunication with funders as needed

●Exceptional attention to detail and problem-solving skills

●Ability to track progress and manage time effectively on multiple projects

●Works well in a collaborative team setting

●Ability to work independently and follow through with tasks under general guidance from supervising staff

●Excellent written and verbal communication skills—ability to communicate technical information to non-technical clients

●Demonstrated use of project management tools e.g. project tracking, staff tracking, budget software

●Knowledge of GIS theory and core methods including relational database design

Desired Skills:

●At least 3 years of experience with ESRI GIS software, e.g. ArcGIS 10.x, ArcServer, spatial analysis and raster analysis toolboxes

●At least 2 years of experience with the complete tool development lifecycle from conceptualization through requirements definition, design, development, testing implementation, maintenance, and user training as it applies to Geographic Information Systems (GIS) related technology

●Intermediate to advanced experience with GIS tool development using python and arcpy or advanced GIS tool development using java, C++, or .NET programming language(s)

●Background in or experience using GIS for natural resource management

●Knowledge of subjects relating to environmental science (e.g., biology, geology, and aquatic ecology)


Duties are likely to be diverse and will require an enthusiastic, team-oriented individual. Typical duties will include:

●Project Coordination—track the status of multiple GIS projects and work with the GIS Manager to manage resource allocation or timeline adjustments

●Budget Tracking—using project management software, track a project’s financial resources against project progress

●Resource Allocation—with guidance assign appropriate staff to tasks/projects

●Workplan Development—identify and articulate workflow for completion of project milestones

●Report Writing—drafting progress and final report documentation for ongoing projects

Advancement Opportunity: The GIS Project Manager will work closely with GIS technical staff to complete project tasks, monitor status, and communicate with the GIS Manager. The GIS Project Manager will have the opportunity to lead aspects in a variety of projects managed by SFEI and be encouraged to advance professionally by acquiring and enhancing their technical skills. Opportunities for increasingly advanced work will be available, and successful execution of these tasks will contribute to advancement potential.

The Institute offers a generous benefit package (

To apply:

Send your cover letter and resume to resumes(at) No phone calls please. SFEI is an equal opportunity employer. For more information on our mission, values, programs, and staff, visit the San Francisco Estuary Institute web site

Deadline: open until filled

Jan 26 / BARD CEP

Volunteer Coordinator-San Francisco, CA

Organization: Bay Area Ridge Trail Council

Position Title: Volunteer Coordinator

Location: San Francisco, CA

Hours & Compensation: Part time

Application Deadline: February 21, 2014


Job Description:

Do you enjoy organizing events and programs and working with people? Are you passionate about trails, open space, and environmental stewardship? The Bay Area Ridge Trail Council, located in San Francisco’s Presidio, is looking for a new member of our team. We are a nonprofit created to plan, promote and protect a long distance trail for hikers, mountain bicyclists, and equestrians. Today over 340 Ridge Trail miles are open, and we’re working to complete a 500+ mile loop. We also host fun trail events and work parties to encourage exploration, engage members, raise awareness and build support.

Position Summary

The Volunteer Coordinator recruits, engages and inspires volunteers to advance the Ridge Trail mission. Responsibilities include public outreach, planning trail outings and work parties, and scheduling and managing volunteers. We seek an organized and enthusiastic person with strong interpersonal communication and program development skills to strengthen and align volunteer efforts with the Council’s overall work plan.

This is a 30-hour per week position. Compensation is based on experience, and benefits are pro-rated. The position reports directly to the Executive Director.

Essential Duties and Responsibilities

  • Ensure that the volunteer program aligns with and serves our overall mission, strategies and work plans.
  • In collaboration with staff, identify and match volunteer opportunities and talent to program and development needs.
  • Help plan outings and events and handle volunteer support logistics.
  • Review and develop, as needed, volunteer program materials and strategies including policies and procedures, job/ activity descriptions, application and screening protocol, orientation and training, appreciation and retention, and tracking and evaluation.
  • Recruit new volunteers, including outings leaders. Attend community outreach events to recruit volunteers and sign up new members.
  • Cultivate relationships with key stakeholders including other trail organizations, agency partners, and community and business partners and sponsors.
  • Plan stewardship events including an annual region-wide trail service day, including coordinating with park partners, scheduling, and volunteer orientation.
  • Develop and oversee communications with existing and potential volunteers, including tracking volunteer interests and involvement in the database.


The ideal candidate connects well with people and inspires interest, is detail-oriented and organized, takes initiative and is a team player, can speak passionately about the Bay Area’s trails and open spaces, and can support and encourage long time volunteers including our board and advisors, and attract new ones.

  • Strong writing, interpersonal communication and public speaking skills.
  • Ability to develop and carry out an annual work plan, multi-task, solve problems and exercise good judgement, and be flexible.
  • A minimum of 2 years related experience and demonstrated success managing volunteers.
  • Ability to travel and work on weekends when needed, and have a California Drivers License.
  • Ability to lift 50 pounds (carry, set up and take down displays) and walk one-half mile distance on natural surface paths.
  • Ability to cultivate positive relationships with staff, board members, agency partners, volunteers, and key corporate sponsors.
  • Proficient with diverse technology and software (including word processing, spreadsheet management). Familiarity with on-line registration, data base programs (we currently use eTapestry) a plus.
  • Aptitude using social media and web technology for outreach and “marketing” a plus.
  • Knowledge of Bay Area trails, outdoor recreation, land use planning and/or advocacy is a plus.


This is a part-time position of 30 hours per week, with additional hours sometimes requred leading up to a major event. There is also a possibility the position could increase to full time. Compensation is based on experience and benefits including vacation, paid holidays, sick leave and health will be pro-rated to ¾ time, or hours worked.

To apply:

Please send cover letter, resume, and salary objectives to and indicate “Volunteer Coordinator” in the subject line. Please visit for more information about the Ridge Trail.


Jan 26 / BARD CEP

Project Director Climate Disaster Response Fund-Berkeley, CA

Organization: Citizen Engagement Laboratory  

Position Title: Project Director

Location: Berkeley, CA

Hours & Compensation: Full time

Application Deadline: Not listed 


About the CEL Climate Lab

The CEL Climate Lab was formed in 2011 to create hard-hitting, tech-savvy organizing efforts that build the cultural and political will for climate action in the United States. We employ a variety of strategies including issue-based organizing, constituency-based organizing, digital media production, and technology innovation. We believe deeply in partnerships and work closely with a host of other organizations to develop campaigns. Our work includes convincing more than 20 corporations to drop the Heartland Institute, the election-focused Climate Silence campaign, a new project focused on mobilizing parents, and media production to support anti-fracking work in NY.

About the Climate Disaster Response Fund

The Climate Disaster Response Fund (name may change during a branding process) is a new, collaborative fundraising effort that would bring together multiple organizations to raise money for the victims of climate-fueled extreme weather and use the distribution of those funds to create media stories that connect extreme weather to climate change. The fund will not provide direct relief. Rather, it will add a fundraising “layer” to funnel resources to existing relief efforts through a brand that connects the relief to the source of the disaster: fossil-fueled climate change.

We Are Looking For

The CEL Climate Lab is hiring a Project Director to head up all aspects of the Climate Disaster Response Fund (CDRF). The Project Director will play the lead role in designing the fund, recruiting and coordinating with partners, managing additional staff and consultants, and evaluating the project’s impact. The ideal candidate has considerable experience and deep relationships with organizations involved in the climate, environmental, and progressive organizing, as well as a strong communications background.

You Will

  • Recruit a broad array of partner organizations to participate in the fund and coordinate their participation.
  • Develop a comprehensive strategy for how the fund will operate: what kinds of disasters will qualify, how funds will be collected, how funds will be distributed, how communications efforts will be deployed.
  • Work with consultants to facilitate a branding process for the fund including naming and logo development.
  • Produce written and visual materials for all aspects of the fund’s work—strategic plans, web site and other marketing content, email outreaches and social media content.
  • Manage all aspects of the fund’s implementation, including quickly and responsibly deploying funds raised to affected communities and gaining media attention for the fund’s work.

You Have

  • Relationships and people skills. The ideal candidate will have strong existing relationships with prospective partners and a proven track record developing and managing coalitions.
  • Strategic thinking. There are many unanswered strategic questions about how the CDRF will function. The director will need to take the lead in developing the best possible answers to these questions.
  • Entrepreneurial spirit. The Project Director will be asked to turn the idea of the
  • CDRF into a concrete reality: develop and implement a plan, make quick and thoughtful decisions, learn from successes and failures, and be an evangelist to colleagues and partners.
  • Excellent writing ability. A great deal of what this job entails—strategic plans, email outreaches, press materials, web content—requires clear, precise, and compelling writing.

Salary and Benefits

Salary will be determined by experience and qualifications. Competitive benefits package includes generous vacation, full health, dental, vision and flex benefits, ongoing training opportunities, and unlimited Yerba Mate in our Berkeley office.

Reports To

This is a senior management position that will report to the Director of the CEL Climate Lab.


This position is located in CEL’s Berkeley office. Exceptions may be made for candidates with a demonstrated ability to work effectively in remote situations.

How to Apply

Think you are the one for the job? Click this link to apply. Be sure to attach your resume where prompted, and attach a cover letter and writing sample (3 pages max). Applications without all three of these materials will not be considered. )

CEL is an equal opportunity employer that values diversity as central to our work, and we encourage candidates from a wide range of backgrounds to apply.


Jan 26 / BARD CEP

Public Involvement Communications Manager-Vancouver, Seattle, Federal Way, WA or Portland

Organization: BergerABAM

Position Title: Public Involvement Communications Manager

Location:Vancouver, Seattle, Federal Way, WA or Portland

Hours & Compensation: Not listed 

Application Deadline: Not listed 

BergerABAM is a consulting firm offering services in the areas of
project management, civil and structural engineering, land use
planning, natural resources, public involvement, construction
management and support, and underwater inspection services.We are
looking for talented individuals who thrive on challenges and are
enthusiastic about their work. We provide opportunities for
advancement and career growth through our mentoring program,
company-paid internal and external training, team building, and
developing employer-employee relationships.

Senior public involvement/communications project manager and staff
leader needed with 10+ years experience developing and managing
public involvement, communications, and/or public relations projects.

Position requires:

Minimum of Bachelor’s level degree in communications, public
relations, planning, political science or related field

Experience with providing public involvement, strategic
communications and facilitation for public and private sector clients
that involve transportation/infrastructure design, land use and parks
planning, land development, environmental documentation (NEPA/SEPA),
and energy projects

Experience in leading, managing and cultivating public involvement
and communications staff preferred

Experience in the A&E consulting field and with proven skills at
business development preferred

Experience with developing and implementing communications
strategies that effectively integrate multiple communications tools
with proficiency in social media, web and cutting edge tools as
supplements to traditional print and electronic communications

Experience developing and implementing public relations campaigns
related to outreach, education and branding for the public and
private sector

Location: Vancouver, Seattle, Federal Way, WA or Portland, OR offices

Please visit our website @ to complete the application process.

BergerABAM’s competitive compensation includes an excellent benefits
package offering paid holidays, vacation, and sick leave;
company-sponsored retirement plan; 401(k) plan; paid medical, dental,
and trip reduction program; company paid life insurance and short- and
long-term disability insurance; professional membership; and
opportunities for tuition reimbursement.

BergerABAM is an equal opportunity employer that recruits, hires,
trains, and promotes in all job titles without regard to race, color,
creed, national origin, gender, pregnancy, marital status, age,
military service, or disability.

Jan 26 / BARD CEP

Wildlife Research/Community Education Internship-Monterey, CA.

Organization: California Coastal National Monument (CCNM) Monterey.

Position Title: Wildlife Research/Community Education Internship

Location: Monterey, CA.

Hours & Compensation: $1000/month

Application Deadline: February 8, 2014


Environment for the Americas (EFTA) invites you to apply for our America’s Great Outdoors internship opportunity. Internship work will focus on shorebird education and research. You will also become familiar with career opportunities in the field of wildlife conservation. Knowledge of conservation is not needed but a willingness to learn is required and an enthusiasm for nature encouraged. You will receive all necessary professional training and will gain real life job experience working alongside the EFTA staff and other wildlife conservation professionals.

Responsibilities of the intern include but is not limited to:

Field Work Responsibilities

  • Ten weeks of migratory bird surveying at the California Department of Fish and Wildlife’s Elkhorn Slough National Estuarine Research Reserve.
  • Work with the Bureau of Land Management’s (BLM) California Coastal National Monument (CCNM) on Black Oystercatcher nest monitoring.
  • Help other CCNM partners with their shorebird projects (e.g., US Fish and Wildlife Service at the Salinas River National Wildlife Refuge) and California State Parks with Snowy Plover monitoring.
  • Write reports on findings, enter data into spreadsheets, make recommendations, and analyze data as assigned.

Education and Outreach Responsibilities

  • Assist in the development and implementation of an outreach program to engage with local communities in order to promote migratory and shorebird conservation and BLM policy and regulations relating to public use.
  • Deliver onsite and offsite public presentations on shorebird conservation to youth and adults.
  • Promote programs with local English and Spanish-language media (radio, newspapers, schools) and engages the local Spanish speaking community in order to promote conservation.
  • Work with youth and adults in field education and classroom programs.

Description of the America’s Great Outdoors grant:

Environment for the Americas (EFTA) will collaborate with U.S. Forest Service and Bureau of Land Management on Celebra las Playeras (Celebrate Shorebirds), a comprehensive approach to engaging Latinos in natural resource careers and conservation action through internships at five sites. EFTA will recruit 8 Latino interns (ages 18-25) from colleges and local communities, especially youth who live near research sites to help create long-term relationships between agencies and nearby Latino communities, serve as role models, and increase awareness of conservation issues and careers in conservation. One intern will serve as liaison to recruit other interns, promote education, and track participant field experience and a second will work with USFS NatureWatch to develop online program materials and encourage awareness and future participation. The remaining interns will engage in field research, training, and data collection at sites in California, Colorado, and Alaska where monitoring shorebird populations is a priority.

Required Knowledge & Skills:

  • Fluency in Spanish and English languages. Native Spanish speaker preferred.
  • Some college course work in environmental education, natural resource management, wildlife biology, environmental science, or related field.
  • A cooperative manner and the ability to work as part of a team and independently.
  • Willingness to work a flexible schedule, including some weekends, evenings, and overnight travel.
  • Good written and oral communication skills.
  • Good cross-cultural communication skills, experience with public speaking, and ability to work with leaders, educators, and other community members.
  • U.S. citizen, national or lawful permanent resident.
  • Possession of a valid driver’s license.
  • ATV certified (training provided).

Schedule: Part-time (15 + hours weekly) or full time (30 + hours weekly) positions available.

Compensation: $1,000/month stipend for full time work. $500/month stipend for part-time work

Please note: Grant requires interns to be between the ages of 18-25 of Latino/Hispanic descent. It is mandatory for the intern to attend the conservation training scheduled to take place in California in February 2014. All expenses for the training will be covered.

How to apply:

Application Process:  Fill out online application

Applications are reviewed on a rolling basis.

Jan 25 / BARD CEP

Director of Collaborative Services-Richmond, CA

Organization: Building Blocks for kids  

Position Title: Director of collaborative services  

Location:Richmond, CA, US

Hours & Compensation: Full time. 62,000 – 68,000/year

Application Deadline: Not listed



In 2005, non-profit and county agencies in Richmond, CA, —local, state and federal government representatives, community members, and foundations—joined forces to become the Building Blocks for Kids Collaborative (BBK Collaborative). The BBK Collaborative is committed to doing whatever is needed to reverse the present reality of poor health, low academic achievement, violence, crime, and persistent poverty for children and families living in the BBK “zone.” The Collaborative comprises a couple dozen government agencies, community based organizations, and local leaders, all creating change in Richmond’s Iron Triangle neighborhood. Our members share similar philosophies on how best to achieve our mission of ensuring Iron Triangle residents are happy, healthy, successful, engaged and informed. We recognize that no single agency or person can address the myriad needs facing residents of the BBK Collaborative Zone and surrounding neighborhoods, therefore, while each individual member provides valuable social, health and/or academic supports to the Iron Triangle children and families, the Collaborative collectively knits those services together in a more comprehensive and coordinated system. To move the work forward, the Collaborative relies on a backbone team responsible for establishing clear systems, working with members to establish Collaborative goals and convening and facilitating consistent, effective working groups. Additionally, the backbone staff makes certain that the Collaborative members have access to key data for decision-making, learning, continuous improvement and accountability.


This new position is a significant leadership position for an experienced leader in Collective Impact efforts and organizations. A member of the backbone staff, the Director of Collaborative Services (DCS) is the leader responsible for enhancing the internal organization and infrastructure necessary for BBK Collaborative’s continued success and growth.

The DCS will be a thought partner to the Chief of Operations and other members of the backbone staff. An ideal candidate should be able to think broadly and strategically about our work and be detail oriented and organized about the implementation and structures necessary to move our vision into reality. The DCS will be charged with the day-to-day management of Collaborative backbone staff, facilities, grant and contract administration, human resources, information technology and special events functions. Additionally, the DCS will be accountable for getting things done between meetings and partners with other backbone staff to guide the Collaborative’s working groups, with a specific eye towards moving the groups to consensus and action. This person has deep skills related to strategic planning, process improvement, and stakeholder management.


Organizational Leadership

  • Work with Chief of Operations to pace and drive backbone and Collaborative development, including analysis and implementation of priorities, partnerships and infrastructure needs.
  • Coordinate and facilitate Collaborative members’ continuous communication and collaborative work.
  • Partner with other backbone staff to convene partners and key external stakeholders.
  • Provide support to build management and administrative capacity of backbone staff
  • Create paths for, and recruit, new Collaborative members.
  • Seek out opportunities for alignment with other local and national efforts.
  • Serve as a senior-level thought partner, mentor, and bridge builder for Collaborative as a whole.
  • Supervise Community Engagement and Advocacy staff, providing ongoing coaching, feedback and support to build their capacity to elevate the voice of BBK Zone families seeking to support their children’s success from cradle through college
  • Supervise staff and consultants as determined.


  • Partner with other backbone staff to develop and implement social and new media strategies.
  • Supervise communications consultants.
  • Stay current with emerging tools and technologies that may help grow the community of practice around collective impact; proactively look for strategic platform enhancements for the BBK Collaborative website

Human Resources

  • Oversee human resources, facilities and technology.
  • Oversee human resource functions and policies and maintain BBK Collaborative as a great place to work and grow professionally.



  • Excellent communicator and writer with experience as a spokesperson who can articulate messages and has experience working across sectors (nonprofit, philanthropy, business, government, community residents)


  • Planning and organizational skills, including project management.
  • Effective problem solving skills and results oriented.
  • Ability to work independently and make appropriate decisions with limited direction.
  • Creativity and innovative thinking skills.
  • Ability to communicate in Spanish preferred


  • Five plus years in senior management roles including staff supervision, human resources, engaging and activating community based organizations and operations in a social justice nonprofit context.
  • High-level, strategic understanding of Collective Impact backed by direct experience with collaborative efforts.
  • Commitment to the mission, values and aspirations of Building Blocks for Kids Collaborative.
  • Committed to loving engagement and community healing as an essential component of community development.
  • Experience and cultural competence working in African American and Latino communities in a social change context.
  • Past success designing and leading collaborative efforts, organizational development and capacity building.
  • Field and large-scale initiative building experience; experience facilitating strategic planning important.
  • Ability to implement vision, think strategically, creatively problem solve, exercise good judgment and lead change.
  • Proven track record of attracting partnerships and managing external relations.
  • Facilitative and collaborative leadership style.
  • Proven ability to work in a dynamic team and build nurturing, productive working partnerships. Can flexibly share leadership and build consensus.
  • Success supervising and mentoring staff and supporting professional and leadership development.
  • Excellent people skills.
  • Ability to work flexible hours and travel.
  • This position necessitates an in-depth knowledge of Microsoft Office Products (Word, Excel, PowerPoint), and web-based communication and storage tools (Facebook, Linkedin, Mail Chimp, Dropbox, Google Docs, etc…)
  • Master’s Degree preferred; Bachelor’s degree or equivalent work experience required.


  • A current California driver’s license, current vehicle insurance certificate
  • Fingerprinting, background check


  • Evening and weekend hours required often
  • Occasional lifting of 30-50 lbs
  • Requires computer use each day, including typing for several hours per day
  • Requires ability to use a keyboard, monitor and calculator
  • Requires the ability to communicate verbally, both in person and on the telephone.


  • Occasional outdoor activities

Building Blocks for Kids is an equal opportunity employer.

To apply: 

Please send cover letter and resume to:

Subject: Director of Collaborative Services

Please make sure to address the following within the body of your cover letter:

  1. Please describe your experience supporting and facilitating Collective Impact efforts.
  2. 2. Please describe your experience as a senior manager operating in a nonprofit context.




Jan 25 / BARD CEP

Intermittent Part-time Administrative Coordinator-Watertown, MA

Organization: Pathfinder International

Position Title: Intermittent Part-time Administrative Coordinator   

Location: Watertown, MA.

Hours & Compensation: Part-time 

Application Deadline: Not listed 


Pathfinder Overview

Pathfinder International is a global leader in sexual and reproductive health. We place reproductive health care at the center of all that we do—believing that it is not only a fundamental human right, but is critical for expanding life opportunities for women, families, communities, and nations, and paving the way for transformations in environmental stewardship, decreases in population pressures, and innovations in poverty reduction. Pathfinder provides women, men, and adolescents with a range of quality health services—from contraception and maternal care to HIV prevention and AIDS care and treatment. Pathfinder strives to strengthen access to family planning, ensure availability of safe abortion services and post-abortion care, advocate for sound reproductive health policies, and, through all of our work, improve the rights and lives of the people we serve.

Program Overview

Pathfinder’s Technical Services Unit (TSU) provides guidance and expertise in a variety of technical areas to strengthen Pathfinder field offices and government and Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) partners, who develop and implement Pathfinder projects. These areas of technical expertise include contraception, abortion and post abortion care, maternal and newborn health, HIV/AIDS, adolescent and youth sexual and reproductive health, technical documentation and communications, and knowledge management. TSU staff provide overall programmatic direction in their key areas, technical support to field offices, document programmatic activities, and produce curricula and technical tools.

Position Purpose

The Administrative Coordinator is responsible for providing overall coordination of the Implementing Best Practices consortium (IBP) biannual meeting logistics, support during meetings, and follow-up as needed. IBP is a group of international partners working on best practices in family planning for which Pathfinder is currently serving as chair.

Please note: This is an intermittent part-time position that is estimated to average about 20% time. Work hours will vary according to the biannual meeting schedule.

Key Responsibilities

Meeting preparation

  • Identify and secure venue ensuring that all necessary equipment, IT provisions, set-up, table arrangements will meet the needs of presenters and participants.
  • Select menu for meals and break refreshments within specified budget, identifying caterer if required.
  • Provide general logistics support, including invitation development and distribution, name tags, venue instructions, parking/Metro instructions, etc.
  • Assist in planning meetings; distribute meeting agendas.
  • Anticipate and plan alternatives for possible last minute changes.

During meetings

  • Attend meetings and provide logistical and administrative support so meetings run smoothly.
  • Serve as go to person for any challenges that may interrupt progress of meeting.
  • Assist presenters with set-up and distribution of materials.
  • Take notes and prepare meeting minutes.

Post meetings

  • Distribute minutes to full list of attendees according to established timetable.
  • Follow up on any meeting discussions and directives taking action as appropriate or informing others of need for their action.

Other responsibilities

  • Provide support for IBP communications between meetings.
  • Time permitting, provide support for IBP activities.

Basic Requirements

  • Bachelor’s Degree and at least six months of relevant office experience.
  • Experience with event planning and logistics.
  • Strong writing skills.
  • Able to work effectively in a team environment with ability to organize own duties and take initiative.
  • Excellent English written and verbal communication skills.
  • Excellent interpersonal skills and demonstrated ability to interact professionally with a culturally diverse staff, clients and consultants.
  • Must possess good judgment, flexibility, patience, diplomacy.
  • Strong problem-solving skills including the ability to anticipate needs and plan for alternatives.
  • Excellent computer skills including Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, Excel, email, and internet programs.
  • Flexibility to travel to off-site locations and work additional hours during biannual meetings.
  • Strong organizational skills and attention to detail, with ability to prioritize deadlines while maintaining accuracy.

Preferred Qualifications