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Oct 28 / BARD CEP

Coastal Alabama GLOBE Intern- Alabama

Organization: Nature Conservancy

Position Title: Coastal Alabama GLOBE Intern

Location: Mobile, Alabama

Hours and Compensation: 

  • This is a full-time, temporary internship position with a position term of June 1, 2014 – August 8, 2014.
  •  Housing is provided.
  • $12.00/hour for undergraduate students; $14.00/hour for graduate students and above

Application Deadline: January 7, 2014


Organization Overview

The Nature Conservancy is the leading conservation organization working to make a positive impact around the world in more than 30 countries, all 50 United States, and your backyard. Founded in 1951, the mission of The Nature Conservancy is to conserve the lands and waters on which all life depends. Visit to learn more.

Through the GLOBE (Growing Leaders on Behalf of the Environment) internship program, The Nature Conservancy hires students and recent college graduates to fill paid internship positions during a 10-week summer internship. This is a unique opportunity for students and recent graduates to bridge the gap between what is learned in the classroom and on-the-ground work in the world of conservation. Additionally, the GLOBE program provides interns with the chance to directly work toward a sustainable future for our planet on the side of the Conservancy, the world’s largest environmental organization.

The Nature Conservancy offers GLOBE internships in the following areas: Conservation/Environmental Studies, Science, Information Technology (Computer Science), Marketing/Business, Marketing (Photo editing/Production Assistant), Communications, MBA Finance, Policy, Government Relations, Audit, and Philanthropy. TNC


It is a high priority in Alabama to connect citizens to the landscape and to educate them on why conservation is important in the most biologically diverse state in the eastern U.S.  The intern will assist conservation staff with coastal restoration projects by conducting pre- and post-monitoring activities associated with the upcoming and ongoing projects, including seagrass surveys, oyster reef monitoring, shoreline mapping, vegetation surveys, finfish and shellfish counts, topical research and community outreach.

Similar coastal conservation and restoration efforts are underway in the Mississippi Field Office and they are also applying for a GLOBE intern.  If both ALFO and MSFO are awarded interns, we have already discussed collaborations with the interns assisting each other with their duties and gaining a broader understanding of how whole systems conservation is applied on the ground.  The intern would work both independently and side-by-side with staff and partners to reach our goals.

Coastal restoration project goals include collecting and summarizing data at future restoration sites for permit submission or comparing and summarizing shoreline protection trends at ongoing oyster reef restoration sites. The intern will likely be involved in field activities including biological/physical monitoring, using advanced pieces of equipment/technology for these activities (such as Trimble GPS units), developing summaries and/or project fact sheet materials, and conducting general administrative duties as simple as filing or as complex as drafting Standard Operation Procedures for various activities. The intern will also participate in partnership building activities that include meetings, presentations, coordination with partners and other outreach. TNC



  •  Graduate student with course work in biology, environmental studies, marketing and/or public policy.
  • The intern should have advanced experience with basic computer software including Microsoft Windows programs.
  • Valid driver’s license (may include a review of the prospective employee’s motor vehicle record)
  • The intern may work in variable weather conditions, at remote locations, on difficult and hazardous terrain, and under physically demanding circumstances.
  • The intern should be able to perform field activities under stressful environmental conditions including high heat and humidity, snorkeling, hiking, and transporting field equipment weighing less than 25 pounds.
  • These conditions may require occasional physical exertion, muscular strain, long hours in isolation, frequent travel, evening and weekend hours.
    1. The Nature Conservancy’s GLOBE program candidate should demonstrate at least one of the following:
    2. Contribution to The Nature Conservancy’s diversity.Applicant has circumstances, experiences, skills or talents that would benefit others and would enhance the diversity of the organization.
    3. Commitment to diversity.Applicant has shown and can demonstrate a deep and active commitment to the issues of conservation and human diversity.

    Other Eligibility Requirements:

    1. Applicant has exceptional academic aptitude and record;
    2. Applicant is able to demonstrate a commitment to conservation of the natural world;
    3. Applicant must be enrolled in an undergraduate or graduate program. Recent graduates applying for internship positions should be graduates of the past 2 years.

    Intern Selection Process

    • Applications will be screened for eligibility, qualifications, experience level related to the project
    • Applicants will be notified of next steps in the process (within 4 weeks after posting date ends)
    • 2-3 phone interviews will be conducted for applicants selected to interview
    • Additional information may be required before making a final decision
    • All applicants will be notified of final selection by mid-March.

How to Apply

To apply to position number 41507, submit resume and cover letter as one document. Resume, cover letter, and 3 references are required for each position. All applications must be submitted in the system prior to 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time on January 7, 2014.
Failure to complete all of the required fields may result in your application being disqualified from consideration. The information entered in the education and work experience sections are auto screened by the system based on the basic qualifications of the position.
You must click “submit” to apply for the position. You may select “save for later” if you prefer to create a draft application for future submission. Once submitted, applications cannot be revised or edited.

If you are experiencing technical issues, please refer to our applicant user guide or contact [email protected].


Oct 28 / BARD CEP

Local Food Fellowships- Monterey, VA

Organization: Allegheny Mountain School

Position Title: Local Food Fellowships

Location: Monterey, VA

Hours and Compensation: Allegheny Mountain School is seeking seven to nine inspiring individuals to participate in the fourth cohort of our 18 month fully-funded fellowship program. 

Application Deadline: December 15, 2013


Organization Overview

Allegheny Mountain School (AMS) was founded in 2011 as a not-for-profit experiential fellowship program designed to serve communities in developing a more secure food system.  The fiscal agent for AMS is The Highland Center (THC), a non-profit organization located in Monterey, Virginia.

Our intention at AMS is to assemble a cohort of highly curious, hardworking individuals, with complementary skills and experiences, in order to create a cohesive and cooperative team for living, working and studying.

Our goal is to build skills to help communities create a vibrant and accessible local food economy.


AMS is an intensive, hands-on, cooperative, experiential learning, two-phase program, designed to teach others to grow and prepare their own food, and to understand the nutritional benefits of eating seasonally.  AMS Fellows work on local food projects as community builders and leaders.

In Phase I (April 27 – November 1, 2014), AMS Fellows live in Highland County, Virginia.  They study sustainable food production, whole foods management and preparation, wellness and nutrition, land stewardship, and community development to become ambassadors for a healthier food culture.

In Phase II (January 1st through December 31st, 2015), AMS Senior Fellows work in the service of Partner Organizations throughout the Shenandoah Valley and Highlands of Virginia.  AMS Fellows are focused on activities such as: building community gardens, developing school gardens and site based curriculum, advocating sustainable land use, teaching nutrition and cooking for a healthy lifestyle. The cohort meets regularly for Leadership Development, as they join and are supported by the entire AMS Fellowship network in their endeavors.

AMS Fellows are provided room and board during Phase I and there are no program fees (other than to apply).  AMS provides basic kitchen staples and the Fellows grow much of their own food.  At the end of the six months, AMS Fellows receive a $1,000 stipend for successful completion of this portion of the program.

During Phase II, Fellows receive a $1,250 monthly stipend for their work for the duration of 12 months and are expected to help build capacity in our Partner Organizations as they share and teach the skills they have learned during their first six months in the program.

How to Apply

Applications are available on our website,

The deadline to submit your application is December 15, 2013.

Interviews begin January, 2014.

For more information, visit or email us at [email protected].

Oct 28 / BARD CEP

Executive Director- Sacramento, CA

Organization: California Urban Water Conservation Council

Position Title: Executive Director

Location: 716 10th Street, Suite 200, Sacramento, CA, 95814, US

Hours and Compensation: full time, $100,000-$125,000

Application Deadline: Priority review will begin November 8, 2013, and continue until the position is filled


Organization Overview

The California Urban Water Conservation Council (Council), located in Sacramento, CA, is seeking applicants for the position of Executive Director. The Council was created to increase efficient water use statewide through partnerships among urban water agencies, public interest organizations, and private entities and has as its goal to integrate urban water conservation Best Management Practices into the planning and management of California’s water resources.

Reporting to the Board of Directors, the Executive Director is the chief executive officer of the Council and is responsible for program implementation, fiscal oversight, and personnel management. These responsibilities include partnering with the Board and Council members to effectively develop and implement the Council’s strategic water conservation initiatives, programs, and projects, and working with regional, state, and federal agencies to ensure success. The Executive Director oversees a full-time staff of six and two part-time employees providing leadership direction and organizational responsiveness to the Council’s various constituencies.


  • Defining the Council’s role given Senate Bill X7-7, the state’s plan to reduce per capita water use 20 percent by 2020 (“20X2020”).
  • Helping the diverse board and membership reach a shared vision.
  • Providing value to ALL members.
  • Ensuring member satisfaction and increasing customer service.
  • Expanding funding sources.
  • Promoting the image of the Council.
  • Increasing participation by members in all Groups and, in particular, growing membership in Group 2 (Public Advocacy Organizations).
  • Ensuring staff performance and morale.
  • Managing the Council’s volume of activity to ensure timely, accurate completion of work.


Successful candidates will have the following combination of knowledge, skills, and work style that will allow them to be an effective leader who can partner with the Council in pursing a long-term vision for the organization.


  • Deep understanding of nonprofit management including functions, financing, and staff/board roles and responsibilities.
  • Knowledge and understanding of the Council and its dynamics with the board and member committee structure and contributions.
  • Understanding of the complex issues and concerns associated with water that are faced by both public advocacy organizations and water sector members.
  • Understanding of water issues, policies and challenges in California, as well as water conservation and water-use efficiency.
  • Cognizant of the Council’s evolving role given the implementation of state-law with SB X7-7 (“20X2020”).
  • Familiarity with the role state and federal agencies play in the Council’s work.


  • Leadership:
  • Able to help the board articulate a long-term vision for the organization
  • Able to collaborate with the Board on the development of the Strategic Plan and then effectively implement the Plan, staying consistent with the board’s vision
  • Able to understand a variety of viewpoints and perspectives, identify commonalities, propose options and then guide the board through an effective discussion and decision-making process, even on difficult issues.
  • Excellent and effective communication skills who is able to effectively represent the Council’s position before governmental agencies, the legislature and DWR


  • Member Service:
  • Able to provide high-quality customer service for all members.
  • Able to develop and sustain memberships in all membership categories.
  • Effectively promote the Council’s relevancy and value to the membership.
  • Actively build positive member-to-member relationships and support collaboration both internally and externally.
  • Properly recognize the efforts of members and celebrate accomplishments.


  • Outreach and Partnerships:
  • Actively build and sustain positive relationships and support collaboration with partners.
  • Able to develop partnerships with key institutions, organizations, and foundations that can effectively promote conservation.
  • Foster collaborative relationships with a wide variety of organizations, utilities and agencies including the Alliance for Water Efficiency, DWR, CALWEC, CUWA, CWA, CPUC, ACWA, USBR, SWRCB/RWQCB’s, State Water Resources Control Board (and the Regional Water Quality Control Boards), and water related NGO’s.
  • Able to deliver expert, unbiased testimony before the state legislature, regulatory bodies or organizations on behalf of the Council, when requested.


  • Funding:
  • Able to Identify potential funders including state, federal and other funding resources.
  • Able to develop project ideas and initiatives that are attractive to funders and secure funding.
  • Develop and sustain positive working relationships with funders.
  • Manage the various funding resources through CUWCC publications and volunteer membership contributions for the benefit of the CUWCC and all its members.


  • Technical:
  • Able to understand and effectively communicate technical water use and water use efficiency issues to a wide range of audiences, both technical and non-technical.
  • Able to collaborate and effectively manage projects with technical staff, consultants and other subject matter experts.
  • Understand the benefits and role of statewide research and provide or delegate technical review effectively.
  • Basic understanding of technical aspects of water use efficiency and the associated programs and implementation.


  • Organization Management:
  • Effectively oversee budget and financial management ensuring timely and thorough reporting.
  •  Strong project management capability including prioritizing and managing the overlapping deadlines and activities of the Council’s board and programming committees in order to meet deadlines.
  • Supervisory skills to hire, train, and motivate employees along with setting realistic expectations and holding employees accountable while also supporting employee development.
  • Able to develop and maintain a cohesive and effective project team, and to foster a positive work environment.
  •  Program planning, implementation and evaluation.
  • Able to manage administrative functions of the organization including financial bookkeeping, IT, HR and risk management.

Work Style

  • Passion for the Council’s mission and the role it can play in improving water resource management and water-use efficiency.
  • Visionary leader who can serve as an advisor to the board bringing ideas, alternatives and options without being wed to a particular direction.
  • Consensus builder, neutral and credible facilitator who can pull stakeholders together in a unified vision for the organization.
  • Welcomes and values diversity of voices, opinions, perspectives, and backgrounds and fosters an environment for discussion where all viewpoints are appreciated.
  • Professionally mature and confident in his/her knowledge and skills.
  • High integrity, personal accountability, and able to earn respect from all stakeholders.
  • Transparent and honest communicator.
  • Politically savvy; understanding of the internal and external dynamics within which the Council operates.
  • Energetic, positive, upbeat with a good sense of humor.
  • Organized
  • Collaborative
  • Patient
  • Calm under pressure

Required Experience and Education:

A minimum of 10 years in a water-related field, natural resources field or environmental field, with at least five years involved with managing the same or similar function required. Bachelor’s degree is required, Master’s degree preferred, or equivalent combination of professional experience and education. Must be able to drive, with a valid driver’s license and be able to travel occasionally to meetings throughout California.

How to Apply

Priority review of applications will begin Friday, November 8, 2013 and will continue until the position is filled. To ensure full consideration, please submit a letter of interest, resume and three work-related references directly to:

Andrea Weiss, MS, NCC, MCC

Recruitment Consultant

[email protected]


Oct 28 / BARD CEP

Director of Finance and Administration- Washington DC

Organization: American Farm Land Trust

Position Title: Director of Finance and Administration

Location: Washington DC

Hours and Compensation: not given

Application Deadline: not given


Organization Overview

Founded in 1980, American Farmland Trust’s mission is preserve the nation’s working lands.  We do this by assisting in the preservation of farmland, promoting environmentally-sound farming practices, and expanding opportunities for family farmers.  For more information, please visit


The Director of Finance and Administration will be a strategic thought-partner, and report to the CEO. The successful candidate will be a hands-on and participative manager and will lead and develop an internal team to support the following areas: finance, business planning and budgeting, human resources, administration, and IT.

The Director of Finance and Administration will play a critical role in partnering with the senior leadership team in strategic decision making and operations as AFT continues to enhance its quality programming and build capacity. This is a tremendous opportunity for a finance and operations leader to maximize and strengthen the internal capacity of a well-respected, high-impact organization.


Financial Management

  • Analyze and present financial reports in an accurate and timely manner; clearly communicate monthly and annual financial statements; collate financial reporting materials for all donor segments, and oversee all financial, project/program and grants accounting.
  • Coordinate and lead the annual audit process, liaise with external auditors and the finance committee of the board of directors; assess any changes necessary.
  • Oversee and lead annual budgeting and planning process in conjunction with the CEO; administer and review all financial plans and budgets; monitor progress and changes and keep senior leadership team abreast of the organization’s financial status.
  • Manage organizational cash flow and forecasting.
  • Implement a robust contracts management and financial management/ reporting system; ensure that the contract billing and collection schedule is adhered to and that financial data and cash flow are steady and support operational requirements.
  • Update and implement all necessary business policies and accounting practices; improve the finance department’s overall policy and procedure manual.
  • Effectively communicate and present the critical financial matters to the board of directors.

Human Resources, Technology and Administration

  • Further develop AFT’s human resources and administration, enhancing professional development, compensation and benefits, performance evaluation, training and recruiting.
  • Ensure that recruiting processes are consistent and streamlined.
  • Work closely and transparently with all external partners including third-party vendors and consultants.
  • Oversee administrative functions as well as facilities to ensure efficient and consistent operations as the organization scales.


  • Minimum of a B.A., ideally with an MBA/CPA or related degree
  • At least 7-10 years of overall professional experience; ideally 6+ years of broad financial and operations management experience
  • The ideal candidate has experience of final responsibility for the quality and content of all financial data, reporting and audit coordination for either a division or significant program area, and has preferably overseen a human resources function previously
  • Ability to translate financial concepts to – and to effectively collaborate with — programmatic and fundraising colleagues who do not necessarily have finance backgrounds
  • A track record in grants management
  • Technology savvy with experience selecting and overseeing software installations and managing relationships with software vendors; knowledge of accounting and reporting software
  • A successful track record in setting priorities; keen analytic, organization and problem solving skills which support and enable sound decision making
  • Excellent communication and relationship building skills with an ability to prioritize, negotiate, and work with a variety of internal and external stakeholders
  • A multi-tasker with the ability to wear many hats in a fast-paced environment
  • Personal qualities of integrity, credibility, and dedication to the mission of AFT

How to Apply

Please email materials to [email protected].

Please let the employer know that you are responding to the environmental job posting in

Oct 28 / BARD CEP

Project Manager, Governance of Forest Initiative- Washington DC

Organization: World Resources Institute

Position Title: Project Manager, Governance of Forest Initiative

Location: 10 G Street NE, Suite 800, Washington, DC, 20002, US

Hours and Compensation: full time

Application Deadline: not given


Organization Overview

The Governance of Forests Initiative (GFI) is a project housed in WRI’s Institutions and Governance Program (IGP). However, as a cross topic project (forests, governance, and climate) we work closely with our colleagues both in other projects in IGP and across the institute, including in the People and Ecosystems Program and in the Climate and Energy Program.

GFI’s goal is to strengthen land use laws and practices that impact forests to reduce deforestation and forest degradation and increase communities’ rights to natural resources. We seek to improve the participation, transparency, and responsiveness of government practices that impact forest land allocation and use in Brazil, Cameroon, and Indonesia, as well as globally though international instruments. We produce knowledge on pressing forest governance challenges; generate constructive dialogue on how to improve governance of land and forests; and advance reforms from local to global arenas. The GFI’s theory of change involves two major strategies:

  • International Strategy: GFI seeks to influence international policy processes and financial flows in order to generate increased demand and support for good governance of forests at the global level. Key influence targets include the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC); the World Bank’s Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (FCPF) and Forest Investment Program (FIP); the UN Collaborative Programme on REDD (UN-REDD); and the currently diffuse network of international practitioners and experts working on issues relating to forest governance.
  • Country Strategy: GFI seeks to empower civil society in forest-rich countries to carry out evidence-based research and advocacy for needed governance reforms at the national and subnational level. The project is currently supporting civil society partners in Brazil, Indonesia, and Cameroon. Additional countries may be considered in the future.

The analytical foundation of both strategies is the GFI Framework of Indicators (GFI-FI), which provides a generic methodology for assessing and monitoring forest governance on the ground.


Project Leadership/Planning

  • Lead project administration activities including budgeting, staffing and planning.
  • Identify fundraising opportunities, proposal development, grant reporting, and donor relationship management.
  • Supervise GFI staff including day-to-day management and annual reviews.
  • Provide overarching quality control for GFI publications and other outputs, as well as input to other WRI projects working on issues or in countries related to GFI.
  • Work with other projects and programs in the institute, such as The Access Initiative’s Forestry Commission, Global Forest Watch, and the Land and Resource Rights project to increase collaboration and effectiveness of all governance, climate and forest related activities.

Country Strategy Implementation

  • Help develop and implement country-specific strategies for Brazil, Indonesia, and Cameroon.
  • Designate and oversee “country leads” to implement country-specific strategies and manage partner relationships.
  • Provide strategic guidance and decision-making on expanding GFI.
  • Manage the expanding global network of GFI partner organizations and collaboration with partners in other relevant projects, such as TAI and Global Forest Watch.
  • Lead global research and analysis that ties together experiences and lessons from the different GFI countries.

International Strategy Implementation

  • Provide leadership for the development and implementation of work focused on international and multi-lateral processes, such as UNFCCC, Forest Carbon Partnership Facility, Forest Investment Program, UN-REDD Programme, and the REDD+ Partnership.
  • Work with other groups in WRI, as well as partners, to develop and implement a coherent vision and outputs relating to international processes, e.g., UNFCCC, FCPF, etc.

GFI Tool Development

  • Provide conceptual leadership for the development of new analytical tools, frameworks and/or research stemming from the GFI-FI.
  • Cultivate and engage with a growing international community of experts and practitioners interested in forest governance assessment and monitoring.
  • Convene strategic meetings with regional partners to advance a governance agenda.


  • Advanced degree in public policy, environmental resource management, law, economics, development studies, or other relevant field.
  • Minimum 5 years relevant experience working on issues related to forest governance and policy processes in developing countries. Direct in-country experience is preferred.
  • Experience engaging with and convening civil society in developing countries.
  • A sound understanding of international processes relating to REDD+, especially those relating to the UN and the World Bank.
  • Excellent writing, research and qualitative analytical skills
  • Proven ability to manage a team and a project including to:

Develop and implement project strategies and adapt as opportunities and circumstances unfold; Motivate staff, manage contractors, and ensure that expected deliverables are completed on time; and Deliver on-the-ground results on time and on budget.

  • Strong interpersonal skills and the ability to work with teams of individuals and colleagues at all levels inside and outside the organization.
  • Fluent in English. Ability to communicate in Portuguese, French and/or Bahasa Indonesia is a plus.
  • Willingness to travel extensively.

Salary and Benefits

Commensurate with qualifications and experience.

How to Apply

Qualified applicants should apply online at All applications must be submitted online through this career portal in order to be formally considered.

Oct 28 / BARD CEP

CGI America 2014 Working Group Associate- NYC

Organization: Clinton Global Initiative

Position Title: CGI America 2014 Working Group Associate

Location: 1271 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY, 10020, US

Hours and Compensation: contract (February 2014- July 2014)

Application Deadline: November 22, 2013 (rolling, encouraged to apply by Nov 15)


Organization Overview

CGI America is a program of the Clinton Global Initiative (CGI) that convenes the public, private, and not-for-profit communities to address economic growth, long-term competitiveness, and social mobility in the United States. Each year, CGI America convenes 1,000 thought leaders and doers (“attendees”) in a two-day conference. Attendees self-select into one of ten Working Groups, which aim to identify opportunities for engagement, largely through CGI’s Commitments to Action model. Each Working Group convenes three times during the two-day conference and consists of approximately 100 attendees. These sessions are designed to maximize participant interaction with an emphasis on creating solutions and driving Commitments to Action. A list of the Working Groups, which convened in 2013, can be found here. CGI America’s 2014 meeting will be held on June 23 – 25 in Denver, CO.

With guidance from a Working Group Manager, the Working Group Associate (“Associate”) will be responsible for overseeing one Working Group from February to July 2014. The Associate will help to implement the vision for the Working Group in the months directly preceding the CGI America 2014 meeting, and will be the on-site lead for the Working Group during the two-day meeting in Denver. Specifically, the Associate will be responsible for recruiting relevant attendees, establishing the program for Working Group sessions at the 2014 meeting, and developing new Commitments to Action. The Associate also will collaborate across the greater CGI team, including Program, Membership, Sponsorship, Marketing, and Communications departments to execute Working Group responsibilities.


The CGI America team will be hiring four Working Group Associates, each of whom will be responsible for one of the Working Group topics listed below. CGI is seeking candidates with a background in project management, policy, and/or business development related to his/her Working Group of interest. Those with experience in low-income and under-resourced communities also are encouraged to apply. Applicants should indicate a Working Group of interest in his/her cover letter.

  1. Sustainable Buildings
  2. Infrastructure Financing for Cities*
  3. Early Childhood Education*
  4. Reconnecting Youth*

Topics with an asterisk (*) convened at the 2013 meeting. You can find a brief description of 2013 Working Groups here.


Recruit and manage attendee relationships

  • Work with CGI America colleagues, as well as the Membership and Commitments departments, to develop a priority recruitment list for assigned Working Group
  • Conduct strategic outreach (i.e. emails, phone calls) to recruit paying and non-paying attendees
  • Serve as the main point of contact for Working Group attendees by disseminating information related to logistics, media opportunities, and potential partnerships
  • Coordinate and collaborate with the Membership and Commitments departments in outreach to CGI Annual Meeting members
  • Adhere to information management processes related to recruitment

Develop program content

  • With Working Group Manager and external advisor(s), develop the goals and objectives of the Working Group and create three sessions (six hours of programming) for the two-day conference
  • Conduct pre-meeting call(s) with Working Group attendees
  • Work with the Marketing and Communications departments to message the Working Group topic to wider audience
  • Provide suggestions for relevant plenary-level and breakout-level speakers as needed
  • Summarize Working Group outcomes and develop post-meeting plan with Working Group Manager for follow up with attendees

Develop and Manage Commitments to Action

  • Collaborate with Working Group Manager and attendees to identify and develop Commitments to Action
  • Become familiar with 2011-2013 commitments portfolio related to Working Group
  • Propose outstanding commitments for featuring opportunities at the CGI America meeting and for other exposure, including CGI online stories, pitches to press, and briefing documents
  • Adhere to information management processes related to commitment development

Execute on-site responsibilities

  • Determine appropriate room set-up and AV requirements
  • Prepare meeting materials, including agendas, commitment examples, relevant handouts, etc.
  • Ensure program participants (i.e. moderator, table facilitators) are informed and prepared for designated roles
  • Manage flow of sessions and facilitate as necessary


Minimum requirements

  • Bachelor’s degree required; Master’s degree preferred (MBA/MPP/MPA)
  • Minimum of two years of experience in project management, policy, and/or business development related to social, economic, and/or environmental issues in the United States
  • In relation to applicant’s preferred Working Group, knowledge of successful or innovative programs and policies in the U.S., relevant stakeholders from both the non-profit and for-profit sectors, and key constituencies
  • Experience working on issues of social mobility and economic inequality preferred
  • Experience in developing and managing relationships with diverse groups and individuals
  • Knowledge of Microsoft Office tools required; knowledge of Raiser’s Edge or other relational databases preferred
  • Event planning experience preferred

Other desired competencies

  • Exceptional relationship management skills
  • Strong oral and written communication skills
  • Ability to adapt and work within a multidisciplinary environment
  • Demonstrates ability to acquire understanding and absorb new information rapidly
  • Entrepreneurial spirit, with the flexibility to cooperate with individuals with varying work styles
  • Plans, organizes, schedules, and budgets in an efficient, productive manner
  • Self-driven, results-oriented with a positive outlook
  • Willingness to work in an “all hands on deck” environment and engage in a variety of tasks

Physical requirements

  • May require travel, which may require walking distances, lifting, and carrying luggage and boxes, and prolonged periods of sitting in tight quarters
  • Significant computer work, which may require repetitive motion, prolonged periods of sitting, and sustained visual and mental applications and demands
  • Occasional lifting (> 15 lbs), bending, pulling, collating/filing, and occasional lifting, carrying, and/or moving boxes, files, etc., some of which could be heavy or require the use of carts

How to Apply

Please apply on our website at

The Clinton Global Initiative maintains a strong policy of equal opportunity in employment. It is our objective to recruit, hire, and retain the most qualified individuals without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation or identity, national origin, age, disability, veteran status, or any other characteristic or status protected by applicable federal, state, or local law. Our equal employment philosophy applies to all aspects of employment, including recruitment, compensation, benefits, training, promotions, transfers, job benefits, and terminations.

This job description is intended to convey information essential to understand the scope of the position. It is not intended to be an exhaustive list of skills, efforts, duties, or responsibilities associated with the positions.

Oct 28 / BARD CEP

Greenlining's Leadership Academy Coordinator- Berkeley, CA

Organization: The Greenlining Institute

Position Title: Greenlining’s Leadership Academy Coordinator

Location: 1918 University Avenue, 2nd Floor, Berkeley, CA, 94704, US

Hours and Compensation: full time, $33,000-$34,000

Application Deadline: Start date: October 28, 2013 (no deadline given, position still open as of October 28, 2013)


Organization Overview

The Greenlining Institute works to bring the American Dream within reach of all, regardless of race or the zip code one is born into. In a nation where people of color will make up the majority of our population by 2050, we believe that America will prosper only if communities of color prosper.

Founded in 1993, The Greenlining Institute is a policy, research, organizing, and leadership institute working for racial and economic justice. We work on a variety of major policy issues, from the economy to environmental policy, civic engagement and many others, because we recognize that economic opportunity doesn’t operate in a vacuum. We work to ensure that diverse communities are participating in all major policy debates and discussions, to ensure our communities are “at” rather than just “on” the tables of policymaking.

As part of our mission, we strive to promote leadership in students who want hands on public-policy and advocacy experience through our multi-ethnic leadership training Academy.  The Academy provides high school, college and graduate students the opportunity to acquire skills and build vital social networks that will enhance their effectiveness as future social justice leaders.  Honing the unique skills and abilities of each participant, the Academy also provides opportunities for networking, exploration on new career fields, and the opening of strategic pipelines to work in the pursuit of justice.  Greenlining places the training of Academy participants among the organization’s highest objectives.  Academy participants are integrated immediately as part of the Institute staff and participate actively in the development, planning and implementation of the Institute’s projects.


The Greenlining Institute is seeking a full-time Program Coordinator for the Greenlining Academy.  The Program Coordinator will work closely with the Academy Director and other Academy staff to insure the successful coordination of Academy Programs and to support the advancement of the mission and vision of the Greenlining Academy.


Under the direction of the Academy Director, the Program Coordinator performs a variety of logistical and supportive duties for all Academy programs and assists with Academy fundraising and outreach.

  • Effectively models collective and supportive leadership with participants and staff through coaching, actions and constructive language.
  • Assists in facilitating leadership and development discussions with participants to encourage opportunities for growth and reflection.
  • Creates an intentional learning environment for individual programs and facilitates learning and mentorship across programs.
  • Assists in recruiting a diverse pool of applicants for the five established programs within the Academy: Fellows, Associates, Legal Academy,  Casa and Interns. Outreach to a wide variety of California colleges and universities including, state, community and private colleges, as well as universities across the country. Conducts presentations on Academy programs as requested. Answers inquiries from students, corporate partners, foundations and community members.
  • Supports the admissions/hiring process for the Fellows, Associates, Legal Academy, Casa and Academy Interns (350—450 applicants annually)
  • Assists in the management and cultivation of strategic partnerships with external leadership programs, universities, foundations and other organizations.
    • Assists in the development of innovative scaling projects and curriculum evaluations and adaptation.
    • Assists in the management and operation of individual Academy programs including supervision and evaluation of Academy participants; provides oversight to Casa residential facility
    • Assists in the development and implementation of long-term fundraising plan for the Academy, including proposal writing and research.
    • Keeps abreast of current literature and developments in related professional organizations and fields.  Attends pertinent conferences and conventions; present information to staff for shared development.
    • Participates in related program, organization and community meetings as assigned


  • Committed to championing causes that serve low income and diverse communities
  • Bachelor’s Degree required. Additional coursework in counseling, leadership development, public policy and/or education administration are a plus
  • A positive attitude and strong sense of teamwork
  • Motivation to complete tasks and report back during projects
  • Ability to communicate and work with diverse audiences
  • Ability to prioritize tasks, strong organizational skills, and an ability to work independently
    • Detail-oriented approach including strong time and project management skills
    • Ability to travel up to 10% of the time
  • Flexibility in meeting tight deadlines and able to work unscheduled overtime as needed
  • Minimum of 2 years work experience in counseling, secondary education/ leadership development,  public policy analysis or management

This job is demanding, and requires common sense, warmth, humor, and the ability to work independently, responsibly and efficiently.  Candidates should be able to multi-task in a dynamic environment.

Salary: Salary based on experience. Excellent benefits including paid vacation, health, vision and dental insurance, and 401(k) retirement plan. Greenlining is committed to building and maintaining a diverse staff and a welcoming workplace. We encourage women and people of color to apply.



  • · Provides leadership and guidance in all aspects of the job description.
  • · Grows long-term relationships with coalition members, private sector executives, and government officials.
    • · Involves, as appropriate, the management team in order to achieve organizational goals.
    • · Champions change and the implementation of new ideas.
    • · Enforces standard policies and procedures.
    • · Actively participates in staff meetings and retreats.
    • · Actively supports the Annual Economic Summit as required.
    • · Champions and supports the Greenlining Academy and academy participants.


  • · Champions the leadership Academy and actively supports all Academy functions.
  • · Commits to mentoring and coaching participants of the Academy.


  • · Develops annual budget and work plan as necessary.
  • · Develops and meets revenue and other financial goals for program.
  • · Champions cost cutting approaches.
  • · Manages the development of project managers and senior managers.
  • · Assigns tasks to practice management that give others an opportunity to grow.


  • · Ensures that team members are well informed, at all times, of changes and news worthy events within the field.
  • · Effectively communicates relevant information to supervisor, staff, the board of directors, and the coalition.
  • · Handles difficult personnel situations directly, using appropriate discretion, HR advice, and respect for the individual.
  • · Promotes Greenlining through speaking engagements at conferences and involvement in other organizations.


  • · Reinforces team approach throughout practice both on projects and internal initiatives.
  • · Supports and solicits input from team members at all levels within the organization.
  • · Lends expertise to internal teams and task forces as necessary.


  • · Actively participates in evaluation and performance evaluations.

How to Apply

How to Apply: Email Cover Letter and Resume to Claudia Paredes ([email protected])

Deadline: Would like to hire ASAP and position will remain available until filled

Oct 28 / BARD CEP

Community Organizer- Oakland, CA

Organization: Asian Pacific Environmental Network

Position Title: Community Organizer

Location: 310 8th Street, Suite 309, Oakland, CA, 94607, US

Hours and Compensation: full time, salary dependent on experience

Application Deadline: open until filled

Languages: Cantonese (fluency required), Mandarin (proficiency preferred), English


Organization Overview

The Asian Pacific Environmental Network (APEN) is looking for a motivated and driven community organizer to build the power of grassroots Asian and Pacific Islander communities to advance environmental, social and economic justice. APEN was founded in 1993 to bring together a collective voice among diverse API communities to fight for the right of all people to a clean and healthy environment in which to live, work and play. Currently, the organization is embarking on an exciting and important member-driven statewide campaign to ensure that API immigrants and refugees most impacted by climate change are at the forefront in fighting for local clean renewable energy. APEN’s key strategies are designed to build power necessary to make progressive change – base building and leadership development in Oakland Chinatown and the City of Richmond, leading a statewide climate coalition, building statewide electoral infrastructure, and waging campaigns to advance our environmental justice agenda.


The community organizer is a member of our organizing team who supports Chinese community members to lead campaigns for clean renewable energy and jobs. The organizer plays a crucial role in leading our policy and campaign work, developing the leadership of our members to engage in advocacy, campaign, and electoral actions, and providing interpretation and translation to make these processes accessible to monolingual members. This position is full-time, primarily based in our Oakland, CA office with potentially some time spent in our Richmond, CA office. The Campaign & Organizing Director will be the direct supervisor of this position; however, the organizer will work closely in a team with other staff organizers.


1. Organize low-income, immigrant Chinese community members

  • Contribute to setting organizing goals and plans for recruitment
  • Conduct outreach and various activities to gain new members and new constituencies
  • Ensure member participation in various leadership development and campaign activities
  • Contribute to developing organizing systems and methods
  • Interpret and translate activities & materials when necessary
  • Coordinate & implement logistics for various activities, including providing transportation, arranging childcare
  • Document & track the participation of members

2. Develop the leadership of members

  • Support members to improve needed skills (e.g. public speaking, grassroots fundraising, critical thinking & analysis, campaign strategy, electoral phone-banking)
  • Work with members to deepen political consciousness (e.g. critical analysis of political context; understanding of the importance of transformative organizing; shared commitment to vision; exposure to different social justice issues)

3. Craft campaign, political, and alliance building strategy

  • Lead local and state campaigns, including political strategy development and alliance building
  • Conduct research and analysis of policy/legislative changes that are needed
  • Work with members to identify counter-hegemonic campaign demands
  • Plan and implement campaign goals & activities
  • Support members to lead campaign strategy & implementation
  • Build relationships, alliances and coalitions to move campaigns
  • Share, learn and exchange with other social justice allies

4. Support building the strength of the overall organization

  • Contribute to overall planning processes, including yearly & strategic planning
  • Participate in grassroots & foundation fundraising


  • Commitment to the mission and principles of APEN and social justice
  • Fluency in Cantonese required, Mandarin proficiency also preferred. Confident with ability to interpret & translate
  • Experience working in the API community and social justice movement; community organizing experience preferred
  • Experience working on campaigns and conducting advocacy strongly desired
  • Experience working with labor unions and/or on worker’s rights issues strongly desired.
  • Strong English communication skills (written & verbal)
  • Self motivated, responsible, proactive, and disciplined
  • Team-oriented, with a commitment to principled struggle
  • Willing to work some evenings and weekends
  • Willing to travel
  • Must have a valid driver’s license and access to a car with valid insurance

How to Apply

Applications are due electronically to Mariko Masaoka-Drew, Operations Coordinator at [email protected] with the title “Community Organizer” in the subject line and must include:

  • Resume including chronological employment history
  • Cover letter describing interest in the position, qualifications, salary history, and expectations
  •  Three references

Incomplete applications will not be accepted.

APEN is an equal opportunity employer. Women, people of color, queer, and gender non-conforming people strongly encouraged to apply.

Oct 28 / BARD CEP

Attorney- Tucson, AZ

Organization: Center for Biological Diversity

Position Title: Attorney

Location: PO Box 710, Tucson, AZ, 85702-0710, US

Hours and Compensation: full time

Application Deadline: not given


Organization Overview

The Center for Biological Diversity works through science, law, and creative media to secure a future for all species, great or small, hovering on the brink of extinction.


Attorney — Public Lands Program
Full Time
Tucson, Arizona preferred. Portland, Oregon, San Francisco, California, or other location may be considered.

The Center for Biological Diversity seeks a full-time experienced Attorney to help lead the litigation work of our very active national Public Lands program. The Attorney will work on litigation, administrative and policy advocacy, and media outreach designed to protect public lands and wildlife from a range of threats, including — but not limited to — logging, mining, oil and gas extraction, water diversions, off-road vehicles, and grazing. The Attorney will be supervised by the Public Lands Director and work closely with conservation and communications staff.


  • Litigation of cases under state and federal laws, including the National Environmental Policy Act, National Forest Management Act, Federal Lands Policy and Management Act and Endangered Species Act.
  • Administrative advocacy, such as commenting on proposed projects and rulemakings and the preparation of petitions for rulemaking.
  • Analysis of and advocacy regarding pending state and federal legislation.
  • Preparation of communications such as press releases, fact sheets and white papers.
  • Some travel required.


  • Five to eight years civil litigation experience.
  • Experience with environmental statutes, including the Endangered Species Act, National Environmental Policy Act, Clean Water Act, National Forest Management Act, and Federal Land Policy and Management Act.
    Scientific literacy.
  • Excellent research, writing and oral advocacy skills.
    An ability to manage a litigation docket and work well independently and with others as part of an effective team.
  • A demonstrated commitment to environmental protection.

How to Apply

Salary is commensurate with experience. The Center offers an excellent benefits package, including vacation time, employer-paid medical, dental, vision, life and disability insurance, as well as a 403(b) retirement savings plan with employer match. Preferred location is the Center’s Tucson, Ariz. office. Portland, Ore.; San Francisco, Calif.; or other locations may be considered.

Application process:
To apply, please send a cover letter, a résumé, references and a writing sample via email (no paper) to [email protected]. The position will remain open until filled. No telephone calls, please. Only candidates selected for interviews will be contacted. Learn more about the Center’s Public Lands Program.

Oct 28 / BARD CEP

Planning and Effectiveness Manager- Little Rock, AR

Organization: Heifer International

Position Title: Planning and Effectiveness Manager

Location: 1 World Ave, Little Rock, AR, 72202, US

Hours and Compensation: Full time, salary based on experience

Application Deadline: November 8, 2013 (Start date: November 18, 2013)


Organizational Overview

Heifer International has a unique and successful approach to ending hunger and poverty. Since 1944, Heifer has provided food- and income-producing animals and training to millions of resource-poor families in 115 countries.

Giving microcredit in the form of livestock promotes self-reliance, which builds self-esteem and helps families lift themselves out of poverty.

Milk, eggs, wool, draft power and benefits from the animals provide families with food and income. Selected appropriately and managed well, animals improve nutrition and help families earn money for education, clothes, health care, better housing and starting a small business.

Heifer’s grassroots approach lets people make their own decisions about how to improve their lives. As partners work together to overcome obstacles, they strengthen their communities and foster democracy.

By training partners in environmentally sound, sustainable agriculture practices, Heifer makes lasting change possible. At the heart of Heifer’s philosophy is the commitment families make to “pass on the gift,” by sharing one or more of their animal’s offspring with other families in need. Helping others ensures dignity and multiplies the benefits of the original gift from generation to generation.

Heifer’s time-tested approach helps build stronger families,gender equity, vibrant communities and a healthier planet.


The Seeds of Change Planning and Effectiveness Manager is a key contributor in building Seeds of Change into a high performing, self-managed social enterprise in collaboration with Heifer International. The goal of the Seeds of Change Enterprise is to build local food systems through organizing smallholder farmers in wealth creation value chains, connecting them to diverse markets, and improving access to infrastructure, capital, and entrepreneur support services. The Planning and Effectiveness Manager will provide direct support to the Seeds of Change entrepreneurs and lead coordination across Heifer International integrating with all functions: finance, legal, human resources, program development, monitoring and evaluation, fundraising, communications, public relations, and business analysis.  As well as ensuring support for and advancement of the Seeds of Change Initiative, the position will represent the needs/realities of the Seeds of Change team in the development of relevant institutional policies and procedures.


  • Support the programmatic development and field work of Seeds of Change entrepreneurs and coordinate on their behalf with all Heifer Headquarters functions.
  • Be the first point of contact to Heifer functions for Seeds of Change: coordinate and trouble-shoot Seeds of Change needs, questions and issues; and provide accurate information and representation of Seeds of Change team to Heifer International stakeholders.
  • Ensure support for the development of business and management plan for Seeds of Change with clear framework and practices to enable high performance, timely and accurate business information and analysis for decision making, and an agile and accountable environment.
  • Work with the Seeds of Change entrepreneurs and Heifer’s Finance and Administration Division to coordinate the oversight and implementation of a multi-million dollar annual budget, including fulfillment of Heifer processes in budget development and management, expenditure approval, audit support and business analysis.
  • Coordinate with Heifer teams and legal compliance in the development and application of appropriate business development tools and innovative financing mechanisms for the emerging enterprise.
  • Ensure support in efficient disbursement of funds to partners and associated reporting processes.
  • Work with Seeds of Change team and Heifer’s Legal Services team to develop and maintain legal contracts with partners and consultants.
  • Ensure clear timely and accurate information and communication to all Heifer’s internal stakeholders and for external audiences on the program and operations of Seeds of Change.
  • Represent Seeds of Change team to external stakeholders including government officials, partners, funders, and local and national media.
  • Support fundraising efforts, including coordinating program development and reporting information requirements for donor accountability and stewardship.
  • Assist in the design and implementation of impactful, market-driven strategies to combat hunger, poverty, environmental degradation and social injustice.
  • Develop and review diverse, innovative social enterprise business plans, including those specifically related to the exploration and potential launch of the Seeds of Change Initiative as a fully functioning social enterprise.
  • May perform other job-related responsibilities as assigned.


Minimum Requirements:

  • Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration, International Management, Finance/Accounting and/or other related area of study required, preferably with focus on these areas as applied to non-profits, plus seven (7) years of related experience.
  • Operational experience in a start-up or growth phase enterprise—especially social enterprise.
  • Minimum of three (3) years in a supervisory or leadership capacity.

Preferred Requirements:

  • Master’s degree preferred.
  • Additional education or experience in human resource management or organizational development preferred.
  • Direct experience in budget development and monitoring required.
  • Entrepreneurial experience, including a leadership or management role in startup/growth-phase businesses.

Most Critical Proficiencies:

  • Strong personal and professional commitment to social justice and service leadership.
  • Collaborative, team-builder with strong systems thinking, organization and management skills.
  • Flexibility and ability to balance entrepreneurialism, creativity and innovation, with policy and procedural compliance to advance enterprise and organizational objectives.
  • Experience with financial and business management.
  • Knowledge and experience in good communication practices for getting work done and to support external communications and public relations.
  • Knowledge of, and skilled in setting up effective planning and management systems for tracking measurable change in results.
  • Skilled facilitator with capability in training adults of diverse educational backgrounds.
  • Knowledge of the non-profit sector with awareness of the context in which non-profit organizations operate.
  • Proficiency in Microsoft Office Suite (Access, Excel, Outlook, PowerPoint, Word) and financial/accounting software.
  • Working knowledge of sustainable agriculture and rural community development.
  • Strong analytical and practical problem-solving skills.

Essential Job Functions and Physical Demands:

  • Exceptional interpersonal skills required, with the ability to work cooperatively, tactfully and diplomatically with a culturally diverse group of people.
  • Ability to communicate clearly to a variety of colleagues and constituents at all levels, in both oral and written communication via phone, email or in person.
  • Willingness and ability to work occasional weekends, after hours and holidays as required.
  • Ability to work under pressure, to multi-task and manage consistently competing priorities.
  • Must be comfortable in a rapidly changing environment.  Must be flexible and able to improvise to handle a variety of situations.
  • Produce and present critical, analytical reports in a well-designed and attractive format with superior attention to detail.
  • Highly motivated with a willingness to work closely in a team as well as independently for extended periods of time.
  • Ability to work with sensitive information and to maintain confidentiality.
  • Willingness and ability to travel extensively throughout the United States.
  • Ability to lift from floor to waist and carry up to 30 pounds (14 kilograms) at various locations/project sites.
  • Ability to work in outdoor temperatures and various weather conditions as needed.
  • May require constant sitting; working at a computer and focusing for extended periods of time and performing office environment activities while on the road and/or in remote conditions.

How to Apply

To apply for this position, please visit Heifer International is an AA/EOE.

Oct 28 / BARD CEP

Executive Director, Sacramento Housing Alliance- Sacramento, CA

Organization: Sacramento Housing Alliance

Position Title: Executive Director

Location: 1800 21st St., Suite 100, Sacramento, CA, 95811, US

Hours and Compensation: This is a full-time salaried position. Salary is based on experience.

Application Deadline: not given


Organization Overview

View the Executive Director Position Description

Affordable housing in Sacramento faces great challenges and opportunities. As the economic downturn caused home ownership to decline and rent prices to increase, working families struggled to stay afloat. The Sacramento Housing Alliance (SHA) seeks an effective and visionary Executive Director with innovative solutions for this recovering housing environment. The Executive Director will lead the organization’s advocacy and education efforts around affordable housing, homelessness, land use and transportation. The ideal candidate will have a strong affordable housing policy background which will inform the way current challenges are addressed, as well as a solid commitment to the Sacramento community.

SHA, a 25 year-old organization with strong community partnerships, has been the Sacramento area’s voice for affordable housing and regional equity in policy decisions and community planning. The mission of SHA is to promote quality affordable and accessible housing and enhanced opportunities for lower income households and homeless individuals. SHA is an advocacy, coalition building and education organization focused on improving local and regional public policy for people at the lowest incomes. Future challenges include preserving the Mixed Income Housing Ordinances in both the City and County of Sacramento, helping to reshape the Sacramento Housing and Redevelopment Agency and building on the regional equity initiatives of the recent past. The organization is seeking a leader with a blend of political, organizing and affordable housing policy knowledge to successfully address these challenges.


The Executive Director will serve as Chief Executive Officer of the corporation and represent the organization in public settings. Under the supervision of the Board of Directors, the Executive Director will be responsible for all aspects of operating the organization, for administering an annual operating budget of $500,000, supervising staff, directing key programs, policy initiatives, and member services, as well as overseeing fund raising, marketing and communication functions.

The Executive Director will play an inspirational role in the struggle not only for affordable housing, but also for healthy, environmentally sustainable communities. He or she will guide the Sacramento Housing Alliance, a long-established organization, into its next chapter of success with patience, dedication, a vision for productive change and strategic planning skills. SHA’s diverse Board of Directors provides an exceptional support network for the Executive Director, offering expertise, guidance and collaboration.

How to Apply

Please read the position description at and submit a resume, cover letter and salary requirement or range to [email protected].

Oct 28 / BARD CEP

Associate Director, Resilience- NYC

Organization: The Rockefeller Foundation

Position Title: Associate Director, Resilience

Location: 420 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY, 10018, US

Hours and Compensation: Full time

Application Deadline: December 2, 2013


Organization Overview

The Rockefeller Foundation’s mission to promote the well-being of people throughout the world has remained unchanged since its founding in 1913.  Our vision is that this century will be one in which globalization’s benefits are more widely shared and its challenges are more easily weathered.  To realize this vision, the Foundation seeks to achieve two fundamental goals in our work.  First, we seek to build resilience that enhances individual, community and institutional capacity to survive, adapt, and grow in the face of acute crises and chronic stresses.  Second, we seek to promote equitable growth in which the poor or vulnerable have more access to opportunities that improve their lives.  In order to achieve these goals, the Foundation constructs its work into time-bound initiatives that have defined objectives and strategies for impact.

In addition, there are several strategic principles that guide the Foundation’s work.  We seek to mobilize systemic transformations by integrating policy, financial, social, and technological solutions.  We test pilot projects, spin them off, or join others to help implement successful demonstrations on a wider scale.  We aim to inform public policy through support for research, advocacy, and coalition-building.  Many of our interventions take advantage of tipping points and break bottlenecks that are impeding progress.  We also seek to create an enabling environment for our work by fostering innovation, convening partnerships, and building networks.

The Foundation currently maintains offices in New York, a study and conference center in Bellagio, Italy, and regional offices in Bangkok and Nairobi.

The Foundation has contributed in significant ways to resilience building in the US through policy support on climate change resilience building at the federal and state level.  In particular, though, the Foundation has invested in the Post-Katrina and Post-Sandy resilience building needs of the City of New Orleans, the State of Louisiana, New York State, and cities in the NY and NJ area.  The related on-going work supported by the Foundation falls under a body of work we call Resilience by Design.  This pillar of work aims to demonstrate new paradigms for how public institutions and their partners can promote resilience at the landscape scale.


This is an opening for an Associate Director in the program team at the Rockefeller Foundation.

Associate Directors have a mix of project management and foundation-wide strategic responsibilities.  The Foundation works in a matrix structure, and therefore the AD may be assigned to any of the Foundation’s initiatives based on organizational needs.

The Associate Director will play a key role in strategizing and supporting the Foundation’s efforts in building resilience to acute shocks and chronic stresses, in two ways: by identifying and engaging with grantees and other stakeholders on specific resilience efforts of the Foundation, and by increasing the capacity of the Foundation to incorporate a resilience lens in throughout its programmatic work.  On the first, this post holder will be the primary thought partner and link to those implementing the foundation’s Resilience by Design effort, and  capacity building on coastal resilience On the second, the position will  support cross-foundation learning, action and coordination among the different areas of the foundation’s resilience work, incorporating our real-time learning and experience on resilience and enabling consistency of approaches and communications.


For the Resilience by Design work:

  • Contribute strategic planning and project development, execution, and leadership to entire resilience framework.
  • Provide strategic direction to and coordination of resilience grant making and other activities in the US, and particularly the Sandy-affected region, including the HUD Rebuild by Design partnership grants, the Science and Resilience Institute at Jamaica Bay and potentially others,  the US Army Corps of Engineer-related grants,  and associated grants to RAND and Princeton.  Structure and manage grants and budgets.
  • Network building and connecting grantees and other stakeholders.
  • Contribute feedback and thought to grantees’ articles, events, and other activities.

For coordination, internal capacity building, and thought leadership on resilience across the foundation:

  • Under the direction of the Managing Director, Resilience, help link and at times coordinate activities between different areas of the foundation’s resilience work.  Identify connections, interdependencies, and potential disconnects.  Ensure engagement of office of grants management, legal, and other internal foundation stakeholders, as needed.
  • Coordinate work with RF strategy, research, M&E, communications and other teams to establish process for building resilience thinking and reviews into ideas and opportunities moving through the foundation’s initiative pipeline.
  • Set agendas for Resilience Integration Meetings, identify pre-reads and keep track of follow-up.
  • Work with RF communications office to coordinate communications strategy and implementation  vis-à-vis RF’s resilience work
  • Manage any related grantee and vendor relationships as needed to support adoption of resilience principles in development of RF work.



  • Execution:  Strong project management skills, deadline management, sense of responsibility and accountability (hands on mentality) and the ability to effectively multi-task.
  • Strategic Ability: Ability to see opportunities, design innovative approaches backed by strong analysis and planning.
  • Decision-Making: Able to evaluate risks and opportunities, analytical and strong problem-solving skills. Strong analytical capability.
  • Leadership: Vision, innovation, thought leadership, collaboration, integrity, accountability and emotional intelligence. Strategically strong and robust demonstration of leadership skills.
  • Partnership and relationship Building: Strong professional representation of the Foundation, interpersonal relationship abilities, intercultural knowledge and appreciation, strategic partnership building.
  • Flexibility: Flexible adaptive with the professional capacity to innovate and change through interactive and complex processes.
  • Integration: Ability to demonstrate inclusiveness, collaboration, respect and broad organizational interests.
  • Communication: Strong interpersonal and communication abilities; exceptional listening written and verbal skills. 
  • People Management: Skills in team building, coaching, mentoring, delegating, inspiring and motivating.


Successful applicants will demonstrate:

  • An action-oriented, entrepreneurial person who is a self-starter, and can work independently as well as in teams
  • Exemplary communication skills
  • Sound, mature judgment and integrity
  • Commitment to the Rockefeller Foundation’s mission and Core Values – effectiveness, equity, integrity, innovation and leadership

Education, Training and Experience:

  • Masters required plus at least 6 years of experience
  • Deep understanding of urban resilience and sustainability issues, policy and practices
  • Strategy and project planning and management experience, including complex, high-stakes, and time sensitive collaborations
  • Experience managing internal and / or external teams, including coordination of peers and more senior colleagues
  • Experience engaging with actors and organizations across sectors (public, private, non-profit)
  • Demonstrable high quality communications skills for internal and external audiences in various media
  • Knowledge of and experience with common approaches for project management and monitoring tools & processes, and results-based management approaches.

How to Apply


The Rockefeller Foundation offers a competitive salary commensurate with experience.  The Foundation provides a very generous package of benefits.

Please submit in confidence a resume through the Foundation’s Website application.

The Rockefeller Foundation is committed to the principles of equal employment opportunity and to compliance with all federal, state, and local laws concerning employment discrimination, including the Americans with Disabilities Act.  To this end, the Foundation ensures equal opportunity to all employees and applicants regardless of race, color, age, gender, sexual orientation, religion, marital status, national origin or ancestry, citizenship, lawful alien status, physical, mental, and medical disability, veteran status or liability for service in the United States Armed Forces.

The Rockefeller Foundation is an Equal Opportunity Employer

Oct 28 / BARD CEP

Environmental Health Policy Intern- Chicago, IL

Organization: Respiratory Health Association

Position Title: Environmental Health Policy Intern

Location: 1440 W. Washington, Chicago, IL, 60607, US

Hours and Compensation: approximately 20 hours/week, paid, up to 6 months

Application Deadline: December 25, 2013


Organization Overview

The mission of Respiratory Health Association is to fight lung disease and promote healthy lungs through research, advocacy and community based education. Respiratory Health Association (RHA) is seeking an Environmental Health Policy Intern to work primarily on climate policy development. Reports To: Director of Environmental Health Programs


Environmental health intern will be responsible for researching, compiling and presenting information pertinent to RHA’s climate initiatives, which aim to highlight the connection between increasing global climate disruption and lung health.


  • Researching and compiling medical/scientific research on lung health effects of climate disruption and drafting written materials to communicate information to varied audiences;
  • Communicating the co-benefits of reducing global warming emissions in addition to conventional air pollutants incorporated in RHA air quality policy priorities;
  • Completing a detailed white paper and supplemental advocacy materials summarizing relevant policy options;
  • Participating in discussions with partner organization on targeted activities regarding climate change and lung health; and
  • Additional research and writing projects on related RHA environmental health priorities.


The ideal candidate is personable, well-organized, detail-oriented, self-directed, and possesses excellent research, writing, communication and computer skills.  Graduate students are encouraged to apply.  Background in public policy or environmental health is helpful but not required.  Internships are paid and approximately 20 hours/week for up to six months.

Please note: Respiratory Health Association is fully committed to equal opportunity in employment in accordance with all applicable laws and regulations.  Respiratory Health Association is an Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action employer.  The Association does not hire persons who smoke, and forbids smoking in the workplace.

How to Apply

Email resume and cover letter to: [email protected].  Please include the job title and your name in the subject line.

Oct 28 / BARD CEP

Associate Professor Environmental Policy & Sustainability Management- NYC

Organization: The New School

Position Title: Associate Professor Environmental Policy & Sustainability Management

Location: 79 5th Avenue, 18th Floor, New York, NY, 10003, US

Hours and Compensation: Full time

Application Deadline: Priority given to applications received before December 15, 2013


Organization Overview

The New School invites applications for a full-time faculty position in Environmental Policy and Sustainability Management at the level of Associate Professor, beginning July 1, 2014. The person in this position will serve as a member of the full-time faculty at the Milano School, a school housed within The New School for Public Engagement, a division of The New School. She or he will join a vibrant, diverse community of 35 full time and 60 part-time faculty and 750 students from 60 countries generating solutions to address the most pressing environmental challenges facing urban areas worldwide. He or she will teach courses and provide intellectual leadership in our new and rapidly growing master’s degree program in Environmental Policy and Sustainability Management, as well as environment related courses in international affairs, management, and urban policy across the Milano School. Although the teaching is primarily at the graduate level, she or he may also teach undergraduate courses.


Climate change, urban resilience, environmental justice, rapid urbanization of poverty, and sustainable development solutions are now receiving unprecedented global attention. Yet at the New School these are not new issues. Following on our legacy of action on the forefront of many such transformational times, we have been innovating in the environmental space for many years. We engage with the environment in its broadest sense, considering the interconnection of ecological, economic, and social elements. Our imaginative approach to ideation and action transcends traditional academic silos, opening up possibilities distinguished by our interdisciplinary emphasis. We co-create with community partners worldwide to carry out action-oriented, inclusive projects. We integrate design and social science approaches in the service of a more just and equitable world.


We seek a candidate who:

• Is actively engaged in shaping 21st century environmental and sustainability issues, internationally and/or domestically.

• Has a research and/or practice record in the environmental or sustainability field with a focus on policy, management, or international affairs.

• Shares our strong commitment to a diverse educational and creative community, and brings inclusive approaches to their work.

• Has demonstrated experience in highly effective teaching and student advising.

• Is able to develop emerging directions for curriculum across Milano, as well as enhance public programming and fundraising.

• Can build and maintain strong connections to the professional field.

Milano offers masters degrees in International Affairs, Nonprofit Management, Urban Policy Analysis and Management, Organization Change Management, and Environmental Policy and Sustainability Management, a PhD in Public and Urban Policy, and professional certificates.

Applicants with accomplishments commensurate with tenure (or tenure track) should hold a Ph.D. or other terminal degree in a relevant field and a career trajectory of scholarship and/or creative practice. Candidates with careers formed outside the academy, or with more practice-based portfolios, who hold an advanced degree will be considered for a renewable term appointment. This position is approved at the rank of Associate Professor; candidates at other levels with appropriate accomplishments and reputations will be considered. Standard faculty positions involve teaching five courses a year. Course reductions can be granted for funded research, administrative work, or other factors. Salary is competitive and commensurate with experience and qualifications.

The New School is committed to maintaining a diverse educational and creative community, a policy of equal opportunity in all its activities and programs, including employment. The University is engaged in a diversity initiative and we encourage individuals from groups underrepresented in U.S. higher education to apply. We do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, ethnicity, national or ethnic origin, citizenship status, religion, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, disability, veteran or marital status.

Preferred Qualifications:

We seek faculty candidates who share our passion for change, and who have a record of imaginative, innovative thinking about environmental policy and sustainability management, with interest in one or more of the following areas: sustainability change leadership, urban ecosystems, environmental equity, sustainable production and consumption, spatial environmental analysis, environmental justice and advocacy, urban environmental planning and design, environmental information and communications technology, environmental economics and finance, and environmental science and green chemistry. The Milano faculty is interdisciplinary, drawing on an array of fields including economics, anthropology, sociology, political science, psychology, design, law, and urban planning. The ideal candidate will have a strong grounding in at least one of these disciplines and be animated by the opportunity to work across disciplines. She or he will work closely with faculty across the school and division, and collaborate on activities across the university, including the Tishman Environment and Design Center, an undergraduate environmental studies program, and an array of programs at Parsons The New School for Design. Candidates with appropriate administrative backgrounds and interests may also be considered to serve in a leadership role in further advancing the environmental focus of Milano.

How to Apply

Apply with us and discover the rewards and opportunities in working for a world-class, urban university.

Interested candidates must apply online at:

Applications should include a cover letter, c.v., and the names and contact information for at least three references from which the committee may solicit letters. Applications will be reviewed as received and until the position is filled, and those arriving before December 15, 2013 will receive priority.

In addition to a dynamic and progressive work environment, The New School offers a competitive benefits package, including medical and dental insurance, retirement plans, flexible spending accounts and a tuition waiver. We encourage a healthy work/life balance and offer employee assistance services, health and well-being programs and over four weeks of vacation time per year.


For questions please contact Richard McGahey, chair of the search committee at [email protected]

Oct 28 / BARD CEP

Marketing & Communications Intern- Washington DC

Organization: Inscape Publico

Position Title: Marketing & Communications Intern

Location: Washington DC

Hours and Compensation: 

The internship runs October 1, 2013 through December 31, 2013 with possibility to extend into the next year as a paid internship, based on performance.

This is an unpaid, part-time position that requires 20 hours per week.

(This position was still available as of October 26, 2013)

Application Deadline: not given


Organization Overview

Inscape Publico is a 501(c)(3) non-profit architecture firm whose mission is to collaborate with other non-profits to create architecture that reflects their particular vision and serves their clients’ needs.

Inscape Publico provides affordable concept design services to our non-profit clients who want to build a new facility, expand an existing space, or do a complete renovation.

We believe that innovative contemporary design has the power to inspire positive change within communities. We look forward to working with non-profits whose mission it is to foster this change.


Inscape Publico is seeking an intern to support the organization with communications media, marketing and development activities; that effectively will extend the organization’s brand and services to its clients and other stakeholders.

This position, reporting to the Executive Director and Director of Development, allows great flexibility and creativity to expand our reach and delivery of consistent messaging through many channels. The position is responsible for assisting with all communications, including print, web, email, and social networking initiatives.

The ideal intern will be able to take this internship for college credit, or is someone who just graduated college and is looking for relevant experience.


Marketing and Communications Intern

Most projects are done independently with supervisor review. Duties may include, but are not limited to:

Marketing & Communication Duties:

  • Support the implementation of Inscape Publico ‘s marketing and development strategy and serve as the primary point of contact for all Inscape Publico digital promotions, social media outreach, and other coordinated marketing activities.
  • Meet with Inscape Publico leadership and other staff to discuss communication needs and develop and deploy media and non-media materials based on agreed priorities.
  • Writing, editing and proofing web and other marketing collateral.
  • Writing articles for Inscape Publico’s monthly newsletter.
  • Uploading and maintaining the organization’s photo database.
  • Conducting research and compiling data to prepare fact sheets or FAQs on smart and/or green design, low income housing and sustainability.
  • Work with Inscape Publico ‘s web development consultant to update Inscape Publico ‘s external website periodically. Determine updates that are required, work with other Inscape Publico staff to develop the necessary content and interface with web development consultant to implement updates. Make some straightforward updates directly without support from the web consultant.
  • Identify and implement new ways of marketing the Inscape Publico brand (e.g., greater visibility in press, participation in industry events, etc.).

Development Duties:

  • Research potential corporate partners and donors.
  • Update donor database.
  • Communicating and coordinating with potential partners and outside vendors on behalf of the Inscape Publico.
  • Serve as the primary point of contact for specific events, participate in events as requested and assist with coordination of event logistics.

Administrative Duties:

  • Assisting with administrative tasks of staff.
  • Tracking progress of projects and reporting back on results; sharing lessons learned to be applied in the future.
  • Other duties may be assigned as opportunities emerge.


  • Applicants must possess strong writing, research and communication skills.
  • Individuals should be self-motivated and able to work both independently and cooperatively.
  • Individual must possess a strong attention to detail and be able to multi-task effectively.
  • Individual must have effective verbal and written communication skills, as well as, excellent organizational, problem-solving and customer service skills.
  • Must be willing to attend staff meetings as necessary and communicate effectively within the team.
  • Individuals with majors in communications, marketing, graphic design, or related fields, are desired.
  • Computer proficient, especially in Microsoft Word, and Excel.

Applicants must be willing to:

  • Be an energetic, self-starter, with flexible and positive attitude
  • Be a reliable member of the organization during their time here and put forth their best work effort.

Desired Skills and Experience:

  •  A bachelor’s degree Marketing, Communications or Journalism.
  • Current graduate work in journalism, marketing or communications preferred
  • Knowledge of computer and internet based programs for use in communication and grant requirements
  • Entrepreneurial experience and willingness to work in a collaborative space
  • Two to three years writing and editing experience and solid coordination experience
  • Experience with HTML, InDesign, Photoshop, Illustrator, Publisher

How to Apply

To apply, please send your resume and cover letter to [email protected]  Please include your availability in the cover letter.

Oct 24 / BARD CEP

The Wetland Foundation 2014 Travel Grants

The Wetland Foundation is now accepting applications from full-time undergraduate and graduate students enrolled at a university in the United States for funding to assist with travel costs to conferences, field research areas, or field courses. To find more information and descriptions on the various award categories, please visit The Wetland Foundation website . Application submission deadline is November 22, 2013. Check out past years grant recipients !
Society Of Wetland Scientists,22 N Carroll St Ste 300 Madison WI 53703, Phone Number:(608) 310-7855, Fax Number: (608) 251-5941, Email Address: [email protected], Website :

Oct 23 / BARD CEP

Executive Director – Juneau, AK

Organization: Southeast Alaska Conservation Council

Job Title: Executive Director

Location: Juneau, AK

Hours and Compensation: Full time

Application Deadline: November 7, 2013

Posted on: October 21, 2013


Organization Overview:

SEACC’s mission is to protect the special places of the world’s largest temperate rainforest, promote conservation, and advocate for sustainability in human use of natural resources. Inspired by the land, wildlife, cultures, and communities of Southeast Alaska, SEACC strives to ensure this interconnected whole exists for future generations.


Southeast Alaska Conservation Council, one of America’s premiere grassroots conservation organizations, seeks Executive Director to protect key wild lands in Tongass National Forest. Proven non-profit manager, excellent interpersonal skills, track record of success with conservation issues, willingness to travel. Based in Juneau. Salary DOE + benefits. Send resume, references, brief writing sample (and any questions) to [email protected] . Deadline November 7 or until filled. For more information about SEACC see

The Executive Director is responsible for providing effective management and implementation of SEACC’s conservation programs and the organization. This is a full-time chief executive position based in Juneau, Alaska. The Executive Director is an at-will employee, exempt from overtime. Salary depends on experience, with health and leave benefits. The Executive Director will have support of experienced staff and committed Board members.



The Executive Director is responsible for daily management of the organization, including program planning and implementation, finances, fundraising, office management, staff supervision, and complying with legal responsibilities of non-profits. The Executive Director works in close partnership with the Board of Directors to manage the financial health and overall direction of the organization. The Executive Director will be assisted in these duties by a knowledgeable, accomplished staff.

Program implementation

  • Based upon the Strategic Plan approved by SEACC’s Board, prepare Annual Operation Plans in cooperation with the staff, and with final approval by the Board. Base individual staff work plans on the Annual Operating Plan.
  • Oversee development and implementation of legislative, legal, grassroots and other programs. Inform and get direction from the Board about new opportunities and challenges.
  • Engage and influence policy makers at all levels of government in cooperation with other conservation groups.
  • Work with the board to annually review the organization’s effectiveness and performance, and update the Strategic Plan when needed.

Public relations

  • Sustain the strong grassroots element in SEACC’s organization and advocacy through community organizing, volunteer activism, and education that forwards the organization’s mission.
  • Represent SEACC to the public.
  • Maintain strong, cordial connections with other Alaskan and national environmental organizations.
  • Cultivate traditional and social media and other public relations to ensure SEACC is the “go-to” organization for conservation in Southeast Alaska and to convey accurate information about important conservation issues. Oversee SEACC’s website and publications. Ensure publication of SEACC’s newsletter at least 3 times per year and distribution of issue alerts and other products to membership and other audiences. Oversee publication of annual organization reports.

Staff and Contractor Management

  • Supervise staff, contractors, and volunteers in a cooperative, respectful and forthright manner. Maintain a cordial and productive office atmosphere, and delegate tasks to a very competent staff. Emphasize teamwork. Facilitate professional training opportunities for staff. Hire new staff as necessary.
  • Help staff focus on achieving work and strategic plan goals. Annually evaluate each employee.

Fiscal and Membership Management

  • Manage finances, in cooperation with the Board. Develop and monitor the annual budget, oversee income/expenditures and compilation of fiscal reports. Provide the Board Finance Committee with monthly financial reports and provide quarterly financial reports to the full Board. Facilitate the annual audit.
  • With the assistance of fundraising staff and consultants, ensure sufficient funds are raised to meet the annual budget and cash flow needs. Oversee grant and reporting requirements, and SEACC’s membership development, including new and renewing members, major donors, legacy gifts, and volunteers. Establish and maintain good relationships with foundations, major donors and supporters. Provide the Finance Committee and Board a grant status report at least quarterly.
  • Ensure that SEACC members are engaged and informed. Attune to fundamental membership viewpoints regarding the direction and positions of the organization.

Board Relations

  • Work closely with the Board, especially the President, Executive Committee, and Finance Committee. Provide assistance including logistics, and preparation and distribution of full, accurate information concerning issues, programs, and administration. Provide the Board with monthly reports about Executive Director activities and relevant conservation issues. Notify the Board of any developments that may significantly affect the organization.
  • Assist with development for the Board and the organization’s policies and plans.


  • A dynamic leader with excellent interpersonal skills. Experience building robust partnerships, and a proven track record of success with conservation issues within state/federal administrations and/or legislatures. Demonstrates sound strategy, and diplomacy in relations with colleagues, state and federal agencies, the federal administration, the Alaska Legislature, and the U.S. Congress. Knowledge of Southeast Alaska conservation issues.
  • Proven success as a non-profit manager, administrator, and in fundraising. Self-directed, motivated, and innovative. Ability to manage a budget. Excellent written and verbal skills.
  • Experience working in collaboration with Board members and staff, and with partner organizations. Experience making decisions based on Board policy, sound information, and analysis. Experience engaging and empowering a staff and a Board, with a preference for transparency, team decisions, and delegating tasks. Balances the roles of manager, leader, coach and mentor.
  • Willingness to travel.

How to Apply:

Please submit a cover letter, resume, writing sample, and three references to [email protected]. The deadline for applications is Thursday, November 7, 2013(or until the position is filled). Questions regarding the position can be sent to the same email address.

Oct 23 / BARD CEP

Family Living Educator – Bayfield, WI

Organization: University of Wisconsin Cooperative Extension

Job Title: Family Living Educator

Location: Bayfield, WI

Hours and Compensation: $38,000-$46,000

Application Deadline: November 19, 2013

Posted on: October 22, 2013


Organization Overview:

COOPERATIVE EXTENSION VISION: To be a thriving, well-known and sought-out educational resource that reflects the rich diversity of the state.

COOPERATIVE EXTENSION PURPOSE: We teach, learn, lead and serve, connecting people with the University of Wisconsin, and engaging with them in transforming lives and communities.



This is a probationary tenure-track faculty appointment within the University of Wisconsin-Extension’s Department of Family Development. This probationary appointment may be renewed annually for six years, depending on performance during the probationary period. A tenured appointment must be obtained by the tenure date at the end of the sixth year of full-time employment to retain the position, in accordance with UW-Extension faculty policies and procedures.


As a faculty member of the University of Wisconsin-Extension, Cooperative Extension, employed with Bayfield County, the Family Living Educatoris an educational leader in teaching, accessing and applying research findings in family and consumer sciences. The Family Living Educatortakes a scholarly approach in providing local leadership in support of efforts to strengthen the quality of family life, and to increase families’ and communities’ abilities to effectively manage change. Areas of program priority will include Family Financial Security; Human Development and Family Relationships; and Nutrition, Health and Food Safety.


The initial program focus for this position will include: a) family strengthening and parenting education through direct outreach with families (including county jail inmates and their families), and via coalitions that build community capacity for families; b) family financial education that includes increasing access to social and economic resources; and c) food security and safety-related issues including food preservation and local production.


– Design, deliver and teach culturally relevant community-based educational programs through a variety of methods

– Conduct and collect ongoing assessments of community educational needs

– Create a plan of work that integrates research and community needs

– Reach and engage diverse audiences in ways that are inclusive and do not discriminate to ensure full access to programs, facilities and educational services

– Conduct and report on program evaluations to improve program effectiveness and demonstrate value to programmatic and funding partners

– Regularly prepare educational and promotional materials using appropriate technology

– Identify, recruit and develop volunteer leadership necessary to carry out the position’s plan of work

– Write, publish and share articles, curricula and program designs

– Build, strengthen and sustain trust-based relationships to promote cooperative and respectful work environments

– Develop and maintain relationships with programmatic and funding partners in ways that effectively communicate Extension’s value

– Collaborate with program-related community coalitions and partnerships

– Regularly consult with and report to Extension partners at the county and state levels to ensure accountability

– Develop and follow a professional development plan to ensure proficiency in priority content, current research and relevant competencies

– Be responsive to evolving position, program, office and organizational needs; perform adjusted or additional duties as requested

– Contribute leadership, as needed, to ensure effective Extension office operations



– Demonstrated educational program development skills including planning and implementing programs; evaluating learning experiences; and communicating program impact and value to stakeholders

– Demonstrated skills in interpreting, utilizing and applying evidence-based information and research findings

– Knowledge of adult learning principles

– Effective group facilitation skills

– Demonstrated educational program management skills including grant-writing, budget development, and fiscal resources management

– Successful experience developing volunteers and managing volunteer-delivered programs

– Experience developing effective partnerships or coalitions with community partners and local governments

– Successful volunteer or paid experience working with people from diverse backgrounds and experiences

– Demonstrated skills in building and maintaining professional work environments

– Strong interpersonal relationship and problem-solving skills in a team setting

– Experience working with criminal justice-related audiences and their families

– Effective communication and presentation skills using a variety of methods and technologies

– Ability to promote Cooperative Extension and its programs through various media and public relations strategies

– Knowledge of Cooperative Extension’s legacy as part of the U.S. system of land-grant institutions, dedicated to service in the public good


Individuals who demonstrate capacity in the following organizational competencies, as indicated by the examples listed below, are likely to experience higher levels of success within their Cooperative Extension positions:


Inspires respect and trust; Practices strategic, shared and ethical decision making; Clarifies expectations and accepts feedback; Shows personal responsibility and follow through on commitments; Adapts well to change or unexpected events in the work environment; Finds solutions; Is willing and motivated to learn.



Works in ways that support mutually beneficial partnerships, including being tactfully and diplomatically responsive to others and maintaining confidentiality; Understands group and team dynamics; Gives appropriate recognition to others; Chooses appropriate Extension roles in conflict situations; Manages interactions successfully through an awareness of one’s emotions and those of others.



Recognizes, understands and appreciates the culturally different ways in which others express themselves; Treats others with dignity, respect and consideration; Demonstrates active, intentional and ongoing engagement with diversity through programming and outreach efforts.



Listens and seeks clarification; Adapts and varies communication to fit cultural contexts and circumstances; Demonstrates effective communication technology skills and presentation skills; Writes clearly and informatively; Possesses skills to strengthen others’ understanding of Extension’s value.

How to Apply:

1) APPLICATION DUE DATE: To receive full consideration, application materials must be received by 11/19/13 and include all of the following (when uploading documents, pdf format is preferred):

  1. COVER LETTER (up to two pages) that summarizes how you meet the minimum qualifications of this position. Please prepare a paragraph for each of the minimum qualifications and include formal education, training, professional work history, volunteer work, research, and any related life experiences in your response. Please note that your response will be evaluated for content and written communication skills.
  1. PROFESSIONAL RESUME, including related education, professional work history and volunteer experience.
  1. CONTACT INFORMATION FOR THREE (3) PROFESSIONAL WORK REFERENCES, including at least one person who has been your immediate supervisor. For each reference, please indicate the nature of your professional relationship and include the person’s title, e-mail address and telephone number.
  1. FINAL COLLEGE TRANSCRIPTS for each of your degrees. Unofficial copies of final college transcripts are acceptable when applying for this position. Official final college transcripts are required upon hire.

Please upload only the materials requested above. Any documents, other than those requested, will be deleted from your application. Application materials that do not comply with these instructions are incomplete and will not be considered. Applications received after the application due date will be accepted through the conclusion of the initial application screening process.

2) Optional Confidentiality Form: Under Wisconsin Statutes, if asked, UW-Extension is required to provide a list of all nominees and applicants who have not requested in writing that their identities remain confidential. The identities of all finalists must be released upon request. Please upload this document along with your other materials. The form can be accessed by copying and pasting the following URL into your browser:

3) A criminal records review will be conducted prior to employment. Completed consent forms will be requested at the time of final interviews. In compliance with the Wisconsin Fair Employment Act, convictions and pending charges will be considered only as they relate to this position.

4) How to apply. Please submit application materials to Cooperative Extension Human Resource Development Office online using the URLs below. Once you are in the Candidate Gateway, please make sure to click on the Advanced Search link and enter 9364 into the Job Opening ID field.

  1. Before you get started with the online application process, we recommend you preview the frequently asked questions (FAQs). To do so, please copy and paste the following URL into your browser. External applicants can also view the FAQs after accessing the online system by clicking on the “Help” link in the upper right corner.
  2. If you are applying as an applicant who is NOT currently employed by the University of Wisconsin System, please copy and paste the following URL into your browser:
  3. If you are applying as a current employee of the University of Wisconsin System, please copy and paste the following URL into your browser:
Oct 23 / BARD CEP

Citizen Science Coordinator – Edgewater, MD

Organization: Smithsonian Environmental Research Center

Job Title: Citizen Science Coordinator

Location:Edgewater, MD

Hours and Compensation: $42, 209/yr

Application Deadline: open until filled

Posted on: October 22, 2013


Organization Overview:

Based at the Smithsonian Environmental Research Center (SERC), a research institute of the Smithsonian Institution located in Edgewater, MD, approx. 26 miles east of Washington DC and 5 miles south of Annapolis at a modern laboratory and office complex on 2,650 acres of land surrounding the Rhode River subestuary of Chesapeake Bay.



The Coordinator will develop and establish Citizen Science program requirements, annual operating budgets, and to recruit, train, and manage public participants in environmental research projects


    • ? Coordination and conduct of onsite and off-site programs for the general public. Incumbent will conceive, design, implement and evaluate specific outreach programs within the overall framework of the Citizen Science Program, including distance learning programs, demonstrations, and exhibitions for the general public which interpret and communicate current ecological issues and environmental research conducted at SERC. Serves as the interface with scientific researchers to interpret and coordinate environmental science concepts and methods for non-scientists of various ages and backgrounds.
    • ? Assists with conduct of various environmental science projects to facilitate research conducted by citizen volunteers, interns and students, and teams of scientists and educators. This includes prolonged field work in various ecosystems from urban and agricultural systems to forests, wetlands, and estuaries.
    • ? Coordination and organization of workshops and conferences to analyze, evaluate, and synthesize aspects of issues in environmental science. This includes attending workshops, conferences and fairs to disseminate SERC’s materials and program information, as well as communicating with various other organizations.
    • ? Coordination of various promotional events and activities, such as tours, lectures, open house, demonstrations & exhibits, designed to increase program visibility and strength as well as to engage, recruit and train participants in Citizen Science and other education or outreach projects.
    • ? Assisting the SERC Directorate in assuring that there is adequate funding to support the Citizen Science Program. This is accomplished by providing assistance in the setting of participant fees and/or in the preparing of grant proposals and fund-raising materials. Assures that Citizen Science Program projects and goals are closely coordinated and aligned with the Directorate’s administrative objectives and strategic plan for public outreach and for scientific research.


    In addition to working closely with the public across a diverse range of ages and socio-economic backgrounds, the position requires working with a team of principal investigators, educators, technicians, undergraduate interns, graduate students, post-doctoral fellows, and visiting scientists.


    Major projects of environmental science include such diverse topics as: Urban ecology; watershed dynamics, wetlands and water quality; forest ecology; estuarine and fisheries ecology; and archaeology.


      • Master’s degree in conservation biology and policy, or similar education and training in environmental sciences, with formal understanding of the principles of environmental sciences, including but are not limited to such areas as biology, chemistry, ecology, aquatic and marine sciences, geology, geography, and anthropology.
      • Ability to relate to people of diverse backgrounds to promote volunteerism – “a people person”.
      • Experience in techniques of planning, directing and coordinating public outreach programs.
      • A professional commitment to program development and administration for citizen science.
      • Knowledge of educational teaching methods and strategies for various age levels.
      • Working knowledge of computer programs for word processors, data files, email access, and web browsers is necessary.
      • Skill in English composition and editing of written materials.
      • Ability to work as team member.
      • Demonstrated initiative, independence and responsible maturity.

How to Apply:

Applications should include: (1) cover letter that clearly describes your work experience, education and training as it relates to the desired qualifications and of this announcement; (2) a resume; and (3) photocopy of college transcripts.

Applications should be sent by email to [email protected] or by postal mail to Citizen Science Coordinator, PO Box 28, 647 Contees Wharf Road, Edgewater, MD 20137-0028 USA.


Oct 23 / BARD CEP

Staff Scientist – Highlands, NJ

Organization: Clean Ocean Action

Job Title: Staff Scientist

Location:Highlands, NJ

Hours and Compensation: Full time

Application Deadline: October 31, 2013

Posted on: October 22, 2013


Organization Overview:

Clean Ocean Action (COA) is a broad-based coalition of 125 active boating, business, community, conservation, diving, environmental, fishing, religious, service, student, surfing, and women’s groups.  These “Ocean Wavemakers” work to clean up and protect the waters of the New York Bight.  The groups came together in 1984 to investigate sources, effects, and solutions of ocean pollution.  What follows is a description of the network.


Under the guidance of COA’s Board of TrusteesCOA’s staff researches pollution issues affecting the marine environment, then formulates policy and campaigns to eliminate each pollution source. The staff then coordinates and organizes the Ocean Wavemakers (Participating OrganizationsConcerned Businesses, Educators for a Clean Ocean, and Concerned Citizens) to use their individual experience and expertise to help. Press events, rallies, writing letters, making phone calls, testifying at public hearings, and distributing literature are just some of the ways members of the coalition become involved.


The staff scientist is the primary technical expert on ocean pollution issues for Clean Ocean Action (COA), a non-profit marine advocacy coalition. The Staff Scientist investigates issues, identifies solutions, and develops positions and outreach materials. The scientist will oversee the scientific aspects of COA’s programs and will advocate on COA’s behalf. Time allowing, publishing in technical journals and presenting at conferences are encouraged, upon approval. Work produced by COA, including verbal statements, is always factual and research must be documented.


  • In consultation with COA’s Executive Director, plan the direction of the science/policy research and advocacy issues
  • Help to shape regional and national ocean protection policies
  • Monitor issues and respond proactively
  • Investigate and evaluate proposals, regulations, projects and issues, and prepare comments
  • Write, prepare, and collaborate on policy/technical reports and position statements on water quality or related issues
  • Advocate, communicate, and coordinate technical and policy issues with a diversity of people including policy, legal, and outreach experts, coalition members, media, students, and citizens
  • Consult with legal team to define and organize legal positions and actions
  • Network with research scientists to review topics and develop positions
  • Network with the regional community, other groups, and government staff as needed
  • Develop, organize and facilitate workshops and meetings as needed
  • In collaboration with Education Coordinator, coordinate the Sustainable Jersey Blue Star Program
  • Represent COA at local, regional, and national levels and attend scientific meetings
  • Train and advise interns in marine science/public policy
  • Citizen and public outreach, and organizational support:
    • Conduct public presentations on issues.
    • Write newsletter articles and keep website updated on science related matters.
    • Provide citizens with information, as needed.
    • Assist in outreach on water quality topics.
    • Assist with grants proposals and annual reports, as needed.
  • Otherwise act at the discretion of the Executive Director


    • Ph.D. preferred, Master’s degree required
    • Strong communication skills, ability to talk to multiple audiences and clearly express complex science and government processes
    • Desire to protect and improve coastal waters
    • Ability to multitask on multiple, diverse projects
    • Networking skills
    • Knowledgeable about watersheds and coastal oceanography, especially water and sediment quality issues (BEACH Act, dredging, pollution)
    • Team player, desire to be part of grassroots initiatives
    • Familiarity of legal documents, regulations, and compliance issues
    • Familiarity with mapping applications and GIS for marine spatial planning and data analysis
      • Maintain focus and message on pollution prevention
      • Stay current on state/federal policies, regulations and rules
      • Update relevant programs and information on COA’s website
      • Manage “science” email account
      • Support and promote development efforts

How to Apply:

Please send a cover letter, CV, three references with affiliations, one writing sample, and salary expectations to [email protected].