No. A home-quality audio recorder will be sufficient, as will any home-quality digital camcorder for video submissions.
With the obvious exception of works for solo instrument (e.g., Bach Partita, Kopprasch etude), repertoire for the prescreening submission should be accompanied. In addition, appropriate chamber music works may be used as the “work of your choice.”
Prospective students sometimes wish to arrange lessons with Conservatory faculty as part of the process of deciding where to apply. This is a good idea, and the members of our roster are happy to try to make such arrangements if their schedule allows.
The admissions director can help facilitate this, but until a student has actually been admitted to the Conservatory such arrangements have to be made directly between the student and the faculty member, both with respect to scheduling and with respect to payment.
It is certainly possible! If you wish to contact a Conservatory instrumental teacher please email Include the name of the faculty member you wish to contact and a brief musical résumé or biography so that we can make an introduction between you and the teacher.
The application accepts the following file types for uploading recordings and documents:
Videos: .avi, .flv, .m1v, .m2v, .m4v, .mkv, .mov, .mpeg, .mpg, .mp4, .wmv
Audio: .aac, .aif, .aiff, .iff, .fla, .m4a, .mpa, .mp3, .ra, .wav, .wma
Documents: .pdf, .doc
File size: Although we technically support media files as large as 2 GB, please be advised that larger files will take longer to upload from your internet connection and may stall if you are on a wireless connection or one that cannot sustain a connection for the necessary period of time.
All prescreening materials—recordings, scores, and résumés—are due on the application deadline.
International students may apply by DVD if travel to the United States for a live audition is not possible. The live audition repertoire requirements should be used for the audition DVD.
Information about English Language proficiency:
Conservatory internship duties can include helping in the Conservatory office with light administrative duties, for up to 10 hours per week for the 15 weeks of each semester.