All Conservatory applicants are automatically considered for merit-based aid, in addition to any need-based aid for which they may qualify.
U.S. Citizens Applying for Financial Aid
All students who are U.S. citizens seeking financial aid should complete the FAFSA form, available online at or by request from the Bard Financial Aid Office. Bard’s code number for the FAFSA is 002671.
Deadline for submission: March 1
International Students Applying for Financial Aid
International applicants are not eligible for financial assistance from the U.S. government but may qualify for other sources of aid. International applicants seeking financial aid should fill out the International Student Financial Aid Application available online or by request from the Bard Financial Aid Office at 845-758-7526.
Deadline for submission: March 1
Tuition and Fees
*This is mandatory for those students who do not already have health insurance. Those students who have an independent insurance plan may submit a waiver. For more information on this process, please click here. A more detailed information packet will be supplied to incoming students. Please contact Health Services at 845-758-7433 or via email at with any questions.
**This fee is mandatory for all Bard students.
General Information
The conservatory is able to provide financial assistance, in the form of scholarships and fellowships, to students whose personal financial resources are insufficient to meet the expenses of graduate study. Funds for scholarships and fellowships are limited, and awards typically will apply only to tuition and cannot cover living expenses.
Students may also apply for Federal Stafford Loans, and those who are New York State residents may apply to the New York State Tuition Assistance Program. More detailed information about applying for financial aid can be obtained from the Conservatory. Financial aid is administered by the Bard College Office of Financial Aid.
Eligibility Eligibility for financial aid is determined each year by the demonstration of financial need. Financial need is assessed using financial data provided by the student on the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) or, for international applicants, the International Student Financial Aid form and Certificate of Finances. The FAFSA form should be sent to the federal processor as soon after January 1 as possible.
To be eligible for federal student aid, applicants must not be in default of repayment of federal student loans or owe refunds on federal student grants. Awards of financial aid are made without reference to age, color, ethnic or national origin, gender, physical handicaps, marital status, race, or sexual orientation. International students, although not eligible for financial assistance from the federal government of the United States, may qualify for aid administered by Bard College.
Refund Policy No refunds of any fees are made in the event that a student withdraws from the program after registration, except as specified below. In no event is the deposit or housing payment refundable. In all cases, the student must submit to the Graduate Committee an official notice of intention to withdraw. The date of receipt of such a notice determines the amount of the refund. Students who officially withdraw before the first day of classes for the term in question are given a full refund, minus the nonrefundable deposit.
If official withdrawal from the program occurs in the first week of classes, 75 percent of tuition is refunded; within the second week, 60 percent; within the third or fourth week, 30 percent. After four weeks, no refunds are given. Fees for registration, student health insurance, and facilities are nonrefundable.
If a student who is receiving financial aid withdraws from the program, their award or loan is prorated. Institutional fellowships are reduced by the same percentage as indicated in the tuition refund schedule above. Federal Stafford Loans are calculated according to the federal refund policy on the amount of the loan to be returned to the lender. A student who is considering withdrawal may wish to confer with the Student Accounts Office and the Financial Aid Office concerning any anticipated refund and the amount of the federal Stafford Loan that the College must return to the lender. This amount has a direct bearing on the amount of refund, if any, that the College will provide the student.
No refund is made in cases of suspension or expulsion.