The Faculty Advising System
All students are assigned a faculty academic adviser, with whom they meet at strategic points during each semester. The faculty academic adviser helps the student design a plan of study that is suited to their academic interests, select classes, and find opportunities outside of the curriculum to explore their interests. The faculty advising relationship is an integral part of student and faculty life at the College, and is essential for students' academic success and persistence to graduation. The faculty adviser helps the student adjust to the demands of college work and college life. As a mentor to the student, the adviser engages the student in substantive conversation about their academic work on a regular basis.
Bard College Copyright Policy
Bard College Copyright and Fair Use Policy
Bard College is a liberal arts institution fully committed to the intellectual and creative endeavors of its faculty, staff, and students. As part of this commitment, Bard College recognizes the importance of balancing the use of copyrighted works for educational purposes with the need to protect such works in accordance with the applicable provisions of the law. This Copyright and Fair Use Policy (the “Policy”) is intended to provide instruction regarding the use of copyrighted works at Bard College.
The copyright law of the United States is contained in Title 17 of the United States Code and serves the purpose of promoting “the Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing for limited Times to Authors and Investors the exclusive Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries,” a mandate imposed on Congress by the United States Constitution. The Copyright Act of 1976, confers upon authors of copyrighted works the exclusive rights to do and authorize any of the following:
- To reproduce the copyrighted work;
- To prepare derivative works based on the copyrighted work;
- To distribute copies of the copyrighted work to the public by sale or other transfer of ownership;
- To perform the copyrighted work publicly; and
- To display copyrighted work publicly.
- Applicability of this Policy
- Overview of Copyright Protection
However, the following are examples of things not protected by copyright:
- Ideas, procedures, principles, methods, systems, discoveries, and devices;
- Titles, names, short phrases, slogans;
- Works that are “unfixed,” that is, not fixed in a tangible form of expression (for example, improvisational speeches or performances that have not been written or recorded);
- Information that is common property with no original authorship (calendars, height and weight charts, rulers).
- Fair Use
Whether use of a copyrighted work constitutes “fair use” is determined by the specific facts of such use. There are four factors that must be considered when analyzing whether the use of a work is permissible under the Fair Use Doctrine. No single factor is determinative, but rather, the factors must be considered together:
- The purpose and character of the use. For example, whether the use is commercial (weighing against a finding of fair use) or educational (weighing in favor of a finding of fair use).
- The nature of the copyrighted work being used. For example, whether the work being used is of a highly creative nature (weighing against a finding of fair use).
- The amount or substantiality of the portion of the work being used. For example, whether the entire copyrighted work being used (weighing against a finding of fair use) or just a small excerpt (weighing in favor of a finding of fair use).
- The effect of the use on the market for, or value of, the work. For example, whether the use of the work being examined as part of the fair use analysis would have an impact on the sales of that work (weighing against a finding of fair use).
All members of the Bard College Community must make a good faith effort to understand the basis of the Fair Use Doctrine and to take reasonable efforts to assess whether Fair Use applies to their anticipated use of a copyrighted work.
The Bard College Fair Use Checklist, attached as Appendix A, should be completed as a guide by members of the Bard College Community when making such a fair use analysis.
- Display/Performance of Films, Television Shows and Music in the Classroom and on Social Media
- Films and Television Shows
cannot be shown in the classroom if the copy being shown has been “ripped” from a source such as a DVD, even if the source was legally purchased. “Ripping” even legally purchased digital copies of films is a violation of the Digital Millenium Copyright Act (“DMCA”).
Copyrighted movies or television shows may not be shown outside of the classroom or for non-educational purposes without having obtained permission from the copyright owner. Please be advised that the terms of many streaming services, such as Netflix and Hulu, generally prohibit the showing of content in the classroom, subject to very limited exceptions.
Student clubs and groups that wish to show a film or television program must obtain permission from the copyright owner.
- Music
There may be songs available to you for use under the College’s agreement with ASCAP. Please contact Frank Corliss, Director, Bard College Conservatory of Music, at for more information.
- Social Media
Individuals permitted to post to Bard College owned and affiliated social media accounts should also not share or repost any postings that contain potentially copyrighted content.
- The TEACH Act and Online Learning
In an online classroom setting, the TEACH Act permits:
- The performance of nondramatic literary works or nondramatic musical works in their entirety (i.e., reading of books and poetry).
- The showing of limited and reasonable portions of other works (i.e., clips of a movie).
Moreover, any content used in the online classroom setting must:
- Be legally obtained;
- Be limited in access to the instructor and students enrolled in the course;
- Be displayed under the supervision of the course instructor as a regular aspect of instruction;
- Be accompanied by a notice that the materials are under copyright protection and may not be distributed; and
- Reasonable controls must be used to prevent dissemination and retention (i.e., streaming rather than allowing the download of a video).
Section 121 of the Copyright Act (the Chafee Amendment) permits certain authorized entities (nonprofit organizations or governmental agencies that have a primary mission of providing specialized services relating to training, education, or adaptive reading or information access needs of blind or other persons with disabilities) to reproduce and distribute published literary or musical works in accessible formats for use exclusively by print-disabled persons. While there have been questions about whether colleges qualify as authorized entities, educational institutions argue they qualify due to their obligations under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).
The Chafee Amendment does not apply to other types of accommodations (such as those to accommodate deaf persons) and thus, for all other instances of reproducing and distributing copyrighted materials for accessibility purposes (including the addition of captioning), the principles of “fair use” must be considered.
- Obtaining Copyright Permission
- Enforcement of this Policy
- Interpreting and Implementing Authority
Appendix A
Prepared by:
The Fair Use Checklist and variations on it have been widely used for many years to help educators, librarians, lawyers, and many other users of copyrighted works determine whether their activities are within the limits of fair use under U.S. copyright law (Section 107 of the U.S. Copyright Act). The four factors form the structure of this checklist. Congress and courts have offered some insight into the specific meaning of the factors, and those interpretations are reflected in the details of this form.
A proper use of this checklist should serve two purposes. First, it should help you to focus on factual circumstances that are important in your evaluation of fair use. The meaning and scope of fair use depends on the particular facts of a given situation, and changing one or more facts may alter the analysis. Second, the checklist can provide an important mechanism to document your decision-making process. Maintaining a record of your fair use analysis can be critical for establishing good faith; consider adding to the checklist the current date and notes about your project. Keep completed checklists on file for future reference.
As you use the checklist and apply it to your situations, you are likely to check more than one box in each column and even check boxes across columns. Some checked boxes will favor fair use and others may oppose fair use. A key issue is whether you are acting reasonably in checking any given box, with the ultimate question being whether the cumulative weight of the factors favors or turns you away from fair use. This is not an exercise in simply checking and counting boxes. Instead, you need to consider the relative persuasive strength of the circumstances and if the overall conditions lean most convincingly for or against fair use. Because you are most familiar with your project, you are probably best positioned to evaluate the facts and make the decision.
This checklist is provided as a tool to assist you when undertaking a fair use analysis. The four factors listed in the Copyright Statute are only guidelines for making a determination as to whether a use is fair. Each factor should be given careful consideration in analyzing any specific use. There is no magic formula; an arithmetic approach to the application of the four factors should not be used. Depending on the specific facts of a case, it is possible that even if three of the factors would tend to favor a fair use finding, the fourth factor may be the most important one in that particular case, leading to a conclusion that the use may not be considered fair.
Favoring Fair Use | Opposing Fair Use |
Favoring Fair Use | Opposing Fair Use |
Favoring Fair Use | Opposing Fair Use |
Favoring Fair Use | Opposing Fair Use |
The Checklist and the preceding introduction are licensed by a Creative Commons Attribution License with attribution to the original creators of the checklist Kenneth D. Crews (formerly of Columbia University) and Dwayne K. Buttler (University of Louisville). Creative Commons License.
Appendix B
Copyright Notification and Potential Penalties for Infringement
The Higher Education Opportunity Act (HEOA) requires Bard College to make an annual disclosure informing students that the illegal distribution of copyrighted materials may lead to civil and/or criminal penalties.
Bard College strictly prohibits the unauthorized distribution of copyrighted material. This includes illegal downloading and peer-to-peer file sharing. The Bard College Student Handbook and the Bard College Computing Policies prohibit students from using Bard College computing resources to act in violation of applicable copyright laws. Violations include:
- Using peer-to-peer applications that violate copyright laws; and
- Making unauthorized copies of copyrighted files or software or violating any software licensing agreements or copyright laws.
Civil Penalties for Violation of Federal Copyright Laws
Copyright infringement occurs when a work protected by copyright is used in violation of the owner’s exclusive rights under Section 106 of the Copyright Act (Title 17 of the United States Code). These include the unauthorized distribution and copying of a copyrighted work or downloading or uploading substantial parts of a copyrighted work without permission.
Copyright infringement may result in civil and criminal penalties. These include actual damages or statutory damages in an amount not less than $750 and not more than $30,000 per work infringed. If infringement is found to be “willful”, the award may be up to $150,000 per work infringed. An infringer may also be ordered to pay costs and attorneys’ fees at a court’s discretion. See Title 17, United States Code Sections 504 and 505 for further details.
Criminal penalties can be imposed in an amount of up to $250,000 per offense, and imprisonment of up to five years.
Preliminary Advising for New Students
During the two Matriculation Days that precede the start of fall term, first-year and transfer students meet with preliminary faculty advisers for group advising sessions, program information sessions, and for individual advising appointments. The faculty who serve as preliminary advisers also represent their programs during course registration on the second Matriculation Day.
First-year and transfer students are assigned preliminary faculty advisers on the basis of expressed academic interests and intended program of study. The registrar, with input from program chairs, makes the initial advising assignments.
Students can, at any point during their study at Bard, change advisers. They do this by completing a Change of Adviser form, available in the Registrar’s Office. This form requires the signature of the new faculty adviser. If you need assistance choosing a new adviser, contact faculty in your program or your dean in the Center for Student Life and Advising at x7454.
How to Prepare for a Meeting with Your Adviser
- Be timely and thoughtful. Notify your adviser if you have to reschedule your appointment.
- Be informed. Know important deadlines and dates.
- Be organized and bring the following:
- At registration time, a list of about 10 courses you are interested in
- List of questions
- Any relevant documents to support questions or topics of discussion (i.e. transcript, transfer credits, joint major form, etc.)
Academic Planning and Exploring Potential Majors
For a list of Moderation and graduation requirements for each program and concentration, see the Guide to Academic Programs and Concentrations.
For additional advice on selecting a major and how to connect your program of study to a future career, contact the Career Development Office.
Students are advised to read the the "Learning at Bard" section of the Student Handbook, which includes discussion of Plagiarism and Academic Dishonesty, Academic Requirements and Regulations.
Further Reading and Resources:
Senior Year Resources
Find the Senior Project guide and additional information about Senior year here. Thinking about life after Bard? Check out Bard Works.
Senior Project
All students at Bard are required to complete a Senior Project. The Senior Project is an original, individual, focused project growing out of the student's cumulative academic experiences. One course each semester of the student's final year is devoted to completing the Senior Project. In order to begin Senior Project, a student must have completed 96 credits, and must be moderated in the program. The Senior Project must be completed in two consecutive semesters.
Preparation for the Senior Project begins in the junior year. Students consult with advisers, and pursue course work, tutorials, and seminars directed toward selecting a topic, choosing a form of the project, and becoming competent in the analytical and research methods required by the topic and form. Students in some programs design a Major Conference during their junior year, which may take the form of a seminar, tutorial, studio work, or field of laboratory work. By the end of the junior year, students should finalize the selection of the Senior Project adviser and two other faculty members who will serve on the Senior Project review board.
Senior Project Completion
At the end of the senior year, four copies of the project must be submitted to the Office of the Dean of the College by 5 pm on the due date. The student is then responsible for distributing three of the copies to the board members. The fourth copy of the Project is filed in the Library's archives. Arts division students who are doing an installation or performance should submit a 1-page Senior Project abstract on the due date.
Permission to submit a Project later than the due date must be secured from the Faculty Executive Committee not later than one week prior to the due date, and must include the written support of the adviser and an explanation of the reasons for the request. Late submission of the Project without permission will result in a lowering of the grade.
Students receiving the grade of F and desiring to graduate from Bard will have to undertake an entirely new project. The due date for the submission of the new project will be no later than two years after the original due date of the first Project.
Moderation is the process by which all students must transition from the Lower College to the Upper College and establish their major in a program. Moderation is a crucial point in the individual student's career at Bard in which, with the help of a board of three faculty members, the student assesses his or her record and plans a future course of study.
Time of Moderation
The Moderation ordinarily takes place in the second semester of the sophomore year. Transfer students entering with the equivalent of two full years of credit should, if possible, moderate during the first semester of residence, but in no case later than the second. In order to postpone Moderation one semester, a student must obtain the written approval of his or her adviser. Postponing Moderation a second semester requires approval of the Faculty Executive Committee. For double majors, the second Moderation may occur in the second semester of the sophomore year or in either semester of the junior year. Students must be moderated before they can start a Senior Project.
All students must prepare two short papers for Moderation, the first assessing their curriculum, performance, and experience in the first two years, and the second identifying their goals and proposed study plan for the final two years. All students also submit a sample of work they have done in the program—for example, a long paper written for a course.
Students consult with their adviser to determine the process for scheduling the Moderation board and to find out about any special papers or other material that needs to be submitted along with the two short papers. Students must prepare four copies of the required papers and materials to be submitted to the registrar's office and the three board members by the Moderation deadline.
Moderation Board Decisions
Promotion admits the student to the Upper College. The board's report shall include an evaluation of the student's work and of performance during the Moderation, recommendations for the student's future program, and the anticipated date of graduation.
Deferral of promotion detains the student for a further semester in the Lower College in that, in the board's opinion, he or she has not yet clearly demonstrated grounds for promotion, but may be able to do so by the end of next semester. Deferred students attempt to re-moderate the following semester with, as far as possible, the same board in the same program. Only promotion or refusal is possible.
In rare instances, the board may decide not to moderate the student into the program. In such cases, the board will work closely with the student and the Dean of Studies Office to help the student find an alternative course of study that will enable them to enter the Upper College in a timely fashion.
Academic Support & Resources
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