Withdrawal from the College and Rematriculation
Students in good academic standing who find it necessary to withdraw from the College may apply for rematriculation. They must submit an application for rematriculation to the dean of students, stating the reasons for withdrawal and the activities engaged in while away from Bard. A student who leaves Bard for medical reasons must also submit a physician’s statement that he or she is ready to resume a full-time academic program.
Students in good academic standing who wish to withdraw for a stated period of time (one semester or one academic year) may maintain their status as degree candidates by filing in advance a leave of absence form approved by the dean of students. Such students may rematriculate simply by notifying the dean of students of their intention to return by the end of the semester immediately preceding the semester for which they intend to return.
A student dismissed for academic reasons may apply for readmission after one year’s absence from Bard by writing to the dean of studies. The student’s record at Bard and application for readmission are carefully reviewed; the student must have fulfilled requirements specified by the Faculty Executive Committee at the time of dismissal
After a student is not enrolled for four (4) consecutive semesters due to taking a leave of absence, they will be withdrawn from the College. Any student wishing to rematriculate after that time, should contact the Dean of Student Affairs Office at dosa@bard.edu. |