Office of Alumni/ae Affairs
Anne Cox Chambers Alumni/ae Center Phone: 845-758-7089 E-mail: Website: All students who attended Bard College are automatically members of the Bard College Alumni/ae Association. The Alumni/ae Association is led by the Bard College Alumni/ae Association Board of Governors, whose mission is to strengthen the Bard community by informing alumni/ae about the ongoing life of the College and its alumni/ae, promoting interactions between all alumni/ae, and encouraging lifelong connection, support, and loyalty to the College. Alumni/ae Affairs works in conjunction with the Career Development Office and the Center for Civic Engagement to facilitate networking opportunities between students and alumni/ae through programs such as BardWorks and individual introduction, along with organizing and sponsoring alumni/ae returning for academic presentations, performances, and lectures.The office has a vibrant social media presence on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Twitter, and LinkedIn, and their website,, contains information on special events for alumni/ae (, an alumni/ae directory, and other alumni/ae and reunion information. The office also produces Bard’s alumni/ae magazine, the Bardian (, which is available on campus and is sent to all alumni/ae. Students who are interested in seeing news about alumni/ae should look at Bardian Newsmakers ( or the Triangle (, Bard’s monthly alumni/ae newsletter written by Jane Brien ’89, director of Alumni/ae Affairs.
Alumni/ae Affairs welcomes contact from students interested in connecting with alumni/ae working in their field of interest, as well as students interested in finding out more about the College’s history and the legacy of its alumni/ae. The office is located in the Anne Cox Chambers Alumni/ae Center, directly opposite the main entrance to the College. Students may call 845-758-7089 or email to make an appointment, or just stop by. |