Dean of Student Affairs Office
Center for Student Life & Advising, Sottery Hall, phone: 7454 E-mail: Website: The Dean of Student Affairs Office is concerned primarily with the personal, ethical, and intellectual growth of students and works to maintain the general welfare of both individual students and the campus community. The Dean of Student Affairs Office oversees BRAVE, Bertelsmann Campus Center and Student Activities, Counseling Services, Health Services, Residence Life, and Wellness. The office promotes an atmosphere wherein students can develop an idea of themselves as academics while addressing specific needs of the individual student and residential community.
Informed by the academic mission of the College, student services consciously takes care to foster the growth of the individual by helping and protecting the campus environment, and contributes to a student’s exploration of intellectual, artistic, and ethical interests through thematic programming, which reinforces the aim of the academic philosophy.
The Dean of Student Affairs Office serves as an information service and is a resource for addressing a variety of community or private concerns. The office tries to accommodate individual circumstances to ensure that all students are successful in their adjustment to college life.
The Assistant Deans of Students and the Assistant Deans of Studies work with students to help them acclimate and thrive socially and academically at the College. They oversee programmatic initiatives tailored to meet the varied needs of the different class levels, meet with students on an individual basis, and oversee programming throughout the year. They are the primary contacts for parents of undergraduates. |